IEEE Technical Activities is the area of IEEE dedicated to the development and nurturing of various technical communities focused around particular technology challenges or cutting edge subject areas. 
 These communities take the form of the following:


IEEE Societies

IEEE has 38 technical Societies that provide benefits to members within specialized fields of interest. Society memberships enable you stay current within your chosen technology profession, keep in touch with your peers, and invest in your career.

Technical Communities

Technical Communities pull together technologists with an interest in a hot multi-disciplinary or emerging topic area to enable increased connection and awareness of developments.

IEEE Technical Councils

Technical Councils are groups of Societies working together in broad areas of technology. Councils sponsor activities which benefit individuals in all of the member Societies.

Volunteer Opportunities

As an IEEE volunteer, you can take pride in participating in activities that interest you, while expanding your knowledge of IEEE, gaining valuable management and leadership skills, and connecting with others in your profession.