06-Mar-2025 21:20:57 ET
Upload Document


To provide the Sponsor/Ballot Designee with alternate mechanisms or uploading the ballot document during the ballot process.


The Sponsor/Ballot Designee will select one of two possible mechanisms for uploading ballot documents during the ballot process, as outlined below.

  1. During the Pre-invite, Invitation, and Preballot Stages. The Sponsor or Ballot Designee will go directly to the "Replace Draft for Balloting" link on the myBallot (Management) home page and follow the on-screen instructions when the draft only is ready for upload. (No other documents may be uploaded -- if other documents are needed, the Sponsor/Ballot Designee will contact the IEEE-SA Staff Liaison).

    - Choose "Replace Draft for Balloting" from the Sponsor/Ballot Designee (Management) home page.

    - Use the drop down box to select the project and click OK.

    - On the next screen, enter the draft # in the designated field.

    - Click Browse to locate the file for upload from your PC.

    - Click on "Upload Draft."

    - This is the draft that the ballot group will be reviewing. Your IEEE-SA Staff Liaison will review the upload to ensure that it fulfills the editorial requirements.

  2. During "Initiate Sponsor Ballot." When the pre-ballot stage has concluded and the ballot is ready to open, the Sponsor/Ballot Designee will upload the document [draft and any other document(s)] directly through the "Initiate Sponsor Ballot" screen.

    - Choose "Sponsor Ballot" from the myBallot (Management) home page.

    - The invitation must be in the "preballot" stage (which means that the invitation is closed) to upload the document here. Check the invitations' stage in the "View Invitation Summary" screen.

    - It is suggested that Sponsors/Ballot Designees send documents to IEEE SA Staff (via the upload process) as soon as documents are ready for balloting. Note that staff will need a few days to review the document before the ballot opens.