On 23 Feb 2024 University of North Carolina – Asheville Student Branch hosted the
annual Robot Face-Off on campus with Western Carolina University Student Branch in
preparation for the SouthEastCon 2024. Both teams created great robots to compete
in the IEEE Region 3 SouthEastCon 2024 Hardware Competition at the Westin
Peachtree Plaza in Atlanta, GA. March 21-24 2024. Friday evenings’ Face-Off gave the
teams a practice run against an opponent with each team making 3 runs through the
board which represents the Control Station. 14 people attended as students,
Instructors/Counselors and a small cheering crowd. WCU won the Face-Off event and
both teams will continue with preparations for SouthEastCon 2024.

Besides being timed, they also earned points for the robot starting autonomously, completing the run, delivering a variety of small and large packages, assembling those packages, and more. The team with the highest points will win.
- 918 is WCU’s 1st attempt (fail)
- 427 is WCU’s 2nd attempt (completed in 31 seconds) that won the Face-Off
- I did not get a video of WCU’s 3rd attempt
- 610 is UNCA’s 1st attempt (fail)
- 651 is UNCA’s 2nd attempt (completed in 46 seconds)
- 034 is UNCA’s 3rd attempt (fail)