IEEE Region 3 Professional Activities Information

The Professional Activities Committee (PAC) shall assist the region in planning, organizing, implementing, and monitoring professional activities. It shall also encourage Sections to include professional activities in their programs and coordinate Region 3 professional activities with those of IEEE-USA.


  1. The PAC Chair shall be a member and shall also serve as Regional Professional Activities Coordinator in relation to IEEE-USA and serve as the Region 3 Representative to the IEEE-USA Professional Activities Committee. In addition, this individual shall be a corresponding member of the Region 3 SSC.
  2. The past PAC Chair shall be a member.
  3. The Employment and Career Services Coordinator shall be a member. This individual shall also serve as the Region 3 Representative to the IEEE-USA Employment and Career Services Committee.
  4. The Government Activities Coordinator shall be a member. This individual shall also serve as the Region 3 Representative to the IEEE-USA Government Activities Committee to monitor developments in state capitals within the region that could affect the careers of IEEE members and/or the public interest in areas affected by engineering.
  5. The Student Professional Awareness Coordinator shall be a member. This personal is recommended by the SAC Chair with the concurrence of the PA chair and the Region Director. This individual shall also serve as the Region 3 Representative to the IEEE-USA Student Professional Awareness Committee (SPAC).
  6. One past Region 3 Delegate/Director shall be a Mentor.


The Professional Activities Committee shall:

  1. Encourage and support the sections in ensuring the professional growth of the members at all levels in Region 3.
  2. Work with others in the Region 3 ExCom to encourage, develop, and nurture programs that stimulate interest in science, technology, engineering, and math of pre-college students and encourage their later participation in the IEEE.
  3. Submit the Professional Development Financial Report as required by IEEE-USA (In conjunction with the Treasurer).
  4. Coordinate the work to optimize the effectiveness of the professional activity interface with Region 3 federal, state and local government entities.
  5. Encourage student branches to hold events to promote professional awareness.


The calendar for the high-level activities of the Professional Activities Committee is online (even year) and (odd year).

Region 3 Professional Activities Committee:

Professional Activities Committee Chair — Sharlene Brown

Past PAC Chair — David Fillion

Employment & Career Services (USA-ECSC) — David Fillion

Student Professional Awareness Coordinator — Bailey Ulferts Heyman

Government Activities Coordinator (USA-GAC) — Lee Stogner

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