IEEE Region 3 Finance Information

The Finance Committee (FC) shall assist in the preparation of the Region 3 annual budget and periodically monitor the financial health of Region 3.


  1. The Region 3 Treasurer is the Chair of the Finance Committee.
  2. The Region 3 Delegate/Director shall be a member.
  3. The immediate past Region 3 Delegate/Director shall be a member. If unable to serve, the Region 3 Delegate/Director shall appoint a past Region 3 Delegate/Director.
  4. The Region 3 Delegate/Director-Elect shall be a member.
  5. The Region 3 Secretary shall be a member.
  6. The Chair of the Region 3 Conference Committee shall be a member.


The Finance Committee shall:

  1. Operate in accordance with the MGA policies and Region 3 Bylaws, Article IV: Finances.
  2. Assist the Region 3 Treasurer in preparation of the annual budget.
  3. Monitor Region 3 financial performance against budget.
  4. Develop short and long-range financial projections and plans.
  5. Assist Region 3 organizational units in financial matters.
  6. Assist the Region 3 Conference Committee in the evaluation of conference budgets.


The calendar for the high-level activities of the Treasurer and Finance Committee is online (even year) and (odd year). The committee will generally create a more detailed calendar for internal use.

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