Young Professional
WE are delighted to have you join our vibrant community of engineers, professionals, and innovators. As a member of the IEEE Pikes Peak Section, you will have access to a wealth of resources, networking opportunities, and professional development activities designed to enhance your career and expand your knowledge.
Our section is dedicated to fostering collaboration, promoting technical innovation, and supporting the professional growth of our members. We encourage you to actively participate in our events, contribute to our initiatives, and connect with fellow members.
Welcome aboard, and we look forward to seeing you thrive within our community!
Note: You can click on the images below leading you to the CONTACT US page!
The IEEE Pikes Peak Section serves IEEE student members and professionals in the Pikes Peak region, offering resources for career development, networking, and industry engagement. It provides access to technical and professional information through conferences, workshops, and local meetings. The section supports various student branches and promotes involvement in a number of IEEE activities, offering awards and recognition for contributions. Members benefit from continuing education opportunities and access to a global network of peers.
The IEEE Pikes Peak Section is one of 26 sections and with over 90 student branches as part of Region 5. Globally, IEEE has 10 Regions where Regions 1-6 are found in the United States. In Region 5, we have more than 23,000 higher grade members (Senior Member and Fellow) and over 3600 student members.
In the IEEE Pikes Peak Section, we have over 650 members and currently 4 student branches within the Colorado Springs and Pueblo area.

Some background music to pump it up with regards to STEM/STEAM activities.
Click for Calendar of YP Events
2024 IEEE Education Week | IEEE Pikes Peak Section
In the slide show below, you can click on one of the Women-in-Engineering (WIE) banners below which will go directly to the registration form if interested.
Select the tab of interest to see the latest 10 items of reported events.
Reported MeetingsDon’t Forget to REFRESH THE BROWSER if you don’t see 2 (TWO) IMAGES below
Important: On the image below, please click on the blue check mark or purple + sign to receive more information, such as learning about the activities and success stories at the IEEE Pikes Peak Section.
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Below is a suggested and draft outline as part of onboarding of new Section members and to learn about the current and past activities, such as professional, technical and community outreach. The outline can be used as a reference point for either virtual or in-person meetings such that it provides background information and familiarity of Section activities for the presenter when engaging with the audience. Should take about an hour when reviewing the material and familiarize where the contents are located in the website.
For example, you’ll find many technical activities in various webpages in our website since we have connections in collaborating with sections in Region 5 as well as other sections outside of Region 5.
Another example is for younger members to develop their non-technical or leadership skills. Here, Young Professionals and student members volunteers can get involve or start your STEM events. There are plenty of examples of past and affordable STEM events/ideas to help get you started in STEM activities to develop your professional skills while encouraging k-12 students to enter engineering (see Opportunities Tab not only for STEM ideas but also for leadership opportunities). We can help you with needed resources by submitting a short one-page proposal for budgeting purposes.
If you have any comments to improve this web page in helping new and current members, please contact Dileep Rai (Young Professional) at or Dr. John Santiago at
If interested or you need more information about upcoming events or activities, you can contact the following Young Professionals in our section:
- For more information on Young Professional activities, please contact our Young Professional Coordinator, Dr. Priyank Kashyap at
- For student activities, please contact our Student Activities coordinator, Bailey Heyman at
- For member development, please contact, Abigail Teron at
- For Computer Society activities, please contact Senthil Mehalingam,
- For Magnetic Society activities, please contact Dr. Dmitro Bozhko,
- For Power and Energy Society activities, please contact Dr. Tarek Masaud,
Welcome and Introduction (10 minutes)
- Overview (Solutionists) of IEEE Pikes Peak Section (6-minute video of achievements Jan 2019 – Sep 2022, slides from 16 Feb 2023)
- Mission and vision of the section
- Introduction to key officers and members.
Section Resources and Tools (15 minutes)
- Overview of available resources (awards, branding – logos, ppt templates, budget, etc.)
- Introduction to vTools for meeting management and member engagement
- Accessing section website for updates (past and upcoming meetings at Home or News) and resources
Membership Benefits and Engagement (15 minutes)
- Benefits of IEEE membership (you can go to the home page and prompt a talking human avatar found at lower right by cutting and pasting this question “Please elaborate on the benefits of becoming an IEEE member?”).
- Above engagement introduces interactivity with new members or audience. This in turn, can let the presenter elaborate or address questions from the audience while showing advance business applications using AI technologies, like how to enhance student engagement in education as an example.
- Opportunities for professional development (CEUs/PDHs, free courses, free journals)
- Industry engagement, community outreach and networking opportunities (see upcoming events)
Administrative Processes (10 minutes)
- Admin Page
- Overview of bylaws and governance
- Process for expense reports and budgeting (Section Meeting Notes)
- Importance of surveys and feedback
Q&A and Next Steps (10 minutes)
- Open floor for questions
- How to get involved in student branches, events, and committees
- Next steps and follow-up actions
- Thank participants for joining
- Provide contact information for further support
Leadership Opportunities
Young Professional Development | 2014 Leadership Excellence Series Section
This is a series of six videos developed by IEEE Young Professionals that covers the follow:
- Leadership Excellence – Part 1
- Leadership Excellence Part 2: Teamwork Mastery
- Leadership Excellence Part 3: Leading World Class Organizations
- Leadership Excellence Part 4: Working With Difficult People
- Leadership Excellence Part 5: Effective Negotiation & Collaboration
- Leadership Excellence Part 6: Power Networking – In-Person and Online
Job Description of Officer Positions
If interested in the Section/Chapter/Affinity Groups and other officer positions for the future, please the email the person on this contact us page.
Other volunteer opportunities are: Social Media, Newsletter
STEM Opportunities for Community Outreach
If interested in STEM activities, below are some past ideas to expand on
- Future City Colorado
- National Museum of WWII Aviation
- Student Activities
- Student-Videos, Student Projects & STEM Demos
- H5P Learning Demos
Industry and Community Outreach
For those who have navigated through the website and are familiar with its contents, you can use the website content as a briefing tool to talk when visiting with industry, small businesses, community events (like Chamber of Commerce), job fairs or k-12 schools either face-to-face or virtual meetings.
- Industry and Small Business Outreach
- Community Outreach
- Global Outreach
- IEEE Student Branch Outreach – Colorado State University, Pueblo (CSU- P), Colorado Technical University (CTU), University of Colorado, Colorado Springs (UCCS), United States Air Force Academy (USAFA)
AI Education
- $29 Courses in IEEE Learning Network (ILN)
- 2024 IEEE Education Week (YPs speakers: Dr. Kashyap Priyank, Dileep Rai, Gil Orcilla)
- A.I. Classroom Use: Example Innovation for k-12 to learn about AI
NEWS: AI Use in Classroom at Longmont, CO
- Free AI Tutorials/Content on YouTube

To provide examples and increase public awareness of the engineering impact on society, please visit Greatest Engineering Achievements of the Twentieth Century (
TryEngineering supports STEM activities. Below are some ideas:
Squishy-Circuits | IEEE Pikes Peak Section
- Fostering the Next Generation of Technology Innovators – TryEngineering
- TRYEngineering 2024 [2 – 3] (
- IEEE Receives Grant to Develop Lesson Plans On Semiconductors – IEEE Spectrum
STEM Grants – Powered by IEEE
- The IEEE TryEngineering STEM Grant Program offers financial support to IEEE members engaged in STEM outreach for pre-university students. Grants are available in three tiers: Introductory Level (up to $500), Share Level ($501–$1,000), and Inspire Level ($1,001–$2,000). The program is supported by various IEEE societies, including the Computer Society, Communications Society, Oceanic Engineering Society, Women in Engineering, and Signal Processing Society, each contributing funds for initiatives aligned with their fields. Applications are currently open, with a deadline of January 3, 2025.
Sample Prompts
Here are sample topics:
- In terms of technical leadership in IEEE, tell me about
- Self-leadership,
- Team leadership, and
- Organizational leadership
- Writing a better resume for me
- Write me a cover letter and prepare me for a job interview
- Why is the Kern Entrepreneurial Engineeering Network (KEEN) provides a competitive edge for engineering graduates and young professionals?
For more sample prompts: please go here.
Don’t Forget to REFRESH THE BROWSER if you don’t see 3 (THREE) IMAGES below…
Mindmap (or SiteMap) of the IEEE Pikes Peak Section Website
Click on blue check mark found on the image to find more information.
IMPORTANT: If you do not see an image below after the heading, please REFRESH the page with the browser button OR press the reuse icon found below on the lower right.
The blue cloud in the middle says “Market” reminding us as one of thel skills in developing an entrepreneurial mindset by investigating market trends to foster innovation and technology for humanity, as well as encouraging members to join IEEE.
John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success from a SKILLSET+ MINDSET (entrepreneurial, self-leadership and team leadership) perspective
.John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success
Email Welcoming and Onboarding Sequence
Important: On the image below, please click on the blue check mark or purple + sign to receive more information, such as learning about the activities and success stories at the IEEE Pikes Peak Section.
Note: If you do not see an image below after the heading, please REFRESH the page with the browser button OR press the reuse icon found below on the lower right.
KEEN stands for Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering Networks (KEEN). It’s a movement, consisting of over 60 or more universities/colleges to revolutionize the teaching of teaching with an entrepreneurial mindset to work in tandem with the technical skillset. If curious, please visit for more information.
A Series of Short Videos on the Entrepreneurial Mindset
Some background and intro music while your audience is waiting.
- Press play button below
- Go to link to pump up the STEM/STEAM activities: Student Activities | IEEE Pikes Peak Section
Don’t Forget to REFRESH THE BROWSER if you don’t see 8 (EIGHT) IMAGES below…
The initial set of videos below are from Dr. John Santiago serving as examples and experiments where AI can be used to assist in video content creation. One AI app was used to take a static headshot image and convert it into a talking photo. Another AI app was used to stitch together a series of videos with user intervention to replace or change the video or image scene.
The first set of videos are elevator pitches of 1-3 minutes in explaining why students or Young Professionals should join IEEE. You can just view the first 3-5 videos to get an idea. In addition, Dr Santiago did a couple of videos just for fun, but you can skip those since they are slightly different from the previous ones. Another app was trained to clone his voice to narrate the video.
The introduction of the entrepreneurial mindset and KEEN framework begins at video 12.
These initial set of videos can be used when visiting IEEE Student Branches or k-12, high school senior students, or high school counselors.
You can use these videos as examples to develop your own elevator pitches.
AI Experiments on Elevators Pitches and Other Topics
Important: On the images below after each heading, please click on the ‘blue or purpole check mark’ to find out more information, such as learning about the activities and success stories at the IEEE Pikes Peak Section.
Note: If you do not see an image below after the heading, please REFRESH the page with the browser button OR press the reuse icon found below on the lower right.
Why Join IEEE And What Is Your Return of Investment Of Your Membership?
An Example Of Strategic Thinking To Becoming A Technical Leader
Educational And Leadership Opportunities In Building Your Career
What Is Your Own Definition And Mindset Of Leadership?
Dayl-IEEE TIPS (or Daily TIPS)
Interactive Book on Selected Webinars
Engineering Insiders
Here’s their YouTube Playlists: Engineering Insiders – YouTube