Week of Events
IEEE ExCom Meeting
Kickoff meeting for ExCom. Tentative Agenda: Introductions Financial reporting for 2024- Bob PSD for 2025 Region 5 Congress and Student Competitions in in Wichita, Kansas, March 28-30. Process for approving sponsoring requests from members New Initiatives Others ( please send other agenda items.) Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/463516
Oklahoma Engineering Fair — IEEE Sponsored Event
Oklahoma Engineering Fair Science Museum of Oklahoma 2020 Remington Pl, Oklahoma City, OK Martin Luther King and north of NE 50th Street Wednesday, February 19th, 8:30 AM to Noon Design & build an electric motor powered by a dry cell battery that rotates at the highest possible RPM with no-load. Details & Rules: (https://oef.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/2024Electrical-Motor-Contest.pdf) NEEDS: We need four (4) IEEE members to help with: registration, set-up, contest execution, and collection of results. One may attend the entire 3.5 hours or, hopefully, at least 2+ hours. The set-up and kickoff are the most critical times (8:30 - 10:00). Please quickly contact one of the below: Bob Scolli ([email protected]) Dan Morehead ([email protected]) Bill Wylie ([email protected]) Bldg: Oklahoma Science Museum, 2020 Remington Place, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States
Executive Meeting
Executive Meeting
Executive Committee meeting Agenda: Gather Discuss Eat Leave Austins, Harmony Location, Fort Collins, Colorado, United States
6th Annual Bridges to Tomorrow Event: Connecting the Technical AI Experience with Non-Technical Boundaries for AI
6th Annual Bridges to Tomorrow Event: Connecting the Technical AI Experience with Non-Technical Boundaries for AI
Join us for our sixth annual gathering of Women in STEM! Artificial Intelligence is integral to our daily lives, from how we interact with our health care providers, to our social media, to how our grocery stores are provisioned. Engineers will be upskilling to address the responsibilities and risks of including AI in our designs and solutions. DU Women in STEM, #wie5280, Rocky Mountain SWE, Rocky Mountain WICT and the Colorado Chapter of WiCyS invite you to virtually join our annual Bridges to Tomorrow Event: Connecting the Technical AI Experience with Non-Technical Boundaries for AI. The Technical Talk special guest Tanya Janca, aka SheHacksPurple, the best-selling author of 'Alice and Bob Learn Secure Coding', 'Alice and Bob Learn Application Security’ and the ‘AppSec Antics’ card game; will address Artificial Risks: AI, Games, and Threat Modelling. The Panel guests will explore the critical social, ethical, legal, economic and policy considerations that influence the development, deployment and societal integration of AI. Thank you to our sponsor Xcel Energy Co-sponsored by: DU Alumni Women in STEM/SWE/WICT/WiCyS Speaker(s): Tanya Janca, Dean Boyd, Agenda: 5:30 pm Virtual Meeting Starts Special guest Tanya Janca, aka SheHacksPurple, the best-selling author of 'Alice and Bob Learn Secure Coding', 'Alice and Bob Learn Application Security’ and the ‘AppSec Antics’ card game; will address Artificial Risks: AI, Games, and Threat Modelling. 6:00 pm Break 6:20 pm Ice Breaker and Welcome 6:30 pm Panel Discussion Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/466795
Careers in Technology Spring Series 2025 – Alvin Chin, PhD – 18 February 8pm EST / 7 pm CST
Careers in Technology Spring Series 2025 – Alvin Chin, PhD – 18 February 8pm EST / 7 pm CST
[] Dr Chin is currently a Research Scientist at Discovery Partners Institute, part of the University of Illinois System. He is working on research in mobile social networking, IoT, responsible AI, human-centered AI, and data science. His research interests are in data science, machine learning, IoT, big data, social networking, HCI, ubiquitous computing, web and AI. Note: PDH / CEU is not being offered for the Spring 2025 sessions. Speaker(s): Dr. Alvin Chin, PhD Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/456323
IEEE Denver ExCom February 2025 Meeting (In Person and Webex)
IEEE Denver ExCom February 2025 Meeting (In Person and Webex)
In Person attendance at McNeil Hall Building, Colorado School of Mines. Address: 1400 Maple St, Golden, CO 80401 in Room McNeil Hall, 315 Parking: Parking is free and information will be shared to registrants on the same day morning. Event will be happening in the same building as the parking garage and can be accessed using the elevator to go to floor L3. Remote attendance via WebEx call-in: Denver Excom Meeting Hosted by IEEE Denver Section https://ieeemeetings.webex.com/ieeemeetings/j.php?MTID=m4fa1461a887d1a94fd52de51e94aa369 3rd Tuesday 6:00 PM | 2 hours 30 minutes | (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada) Occurs the third Tuesday of every month effective 1/21/2025 from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM, (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada) Meeting number: 596 761 562 Password: huVJgx2N7b7 Join by video system Dial [email protected] You can also dial and enter your meeting number. Join by phone +1-415-655-0002 United States Toll 1-855-282-6330 United States Toll Free Access code: 596 761 562 Agenda: - Meals and Socializing 6-6:30pm - Roll Call, Introductions, and Verification of a Quorum - Additions to the Agenda - Officer Reports - Student/ Affinity Group / Chapter Updates - Committee Reports - Old Business - Other Items & New Business - Adjourn Room: 315, Bldg: McNeil Hall , 1400 Maple St, Golden, Colorado, United States, 80401, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/466960
IEEE Kansas City ExCom Feb 2025 Meeting
IEEE Kansas City ExCom Feb 2025 Meeting
February 2025 Executive Committee Meeting for the Kansas City Section of IEEE (R50019) Agenda: - Call to Order - Old Business - New Business - Computer Society Chapter Updates - Next Meeting - Adjournment Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/462234
OKC Section Engineering Fair – Motor Contest Reminder for Volunteers
OKC Section Engineering Fair – Motor Contest Reminder for Volunteers
This will be the Annual Oklahoma Engineering Fair held at the Science Museum Oklahoma on Wednesday, February 19, 2025. This year's Engineering Fair is sponsored by the IEEE OKC Section Life Members and other local Societies via the Oklahoma Engineering Foundation. The Fair opens at 8:00 AM and ends about 3:00 PM. Parents and University Students who want to attend our Electrical Motor Contest Competition or any competitions are welcome. The Electric Motor Competition is normally held on the 2nd floor, check for location at the entrance. If your company would like to financially support our Electric Motor competition let us know and we can post your Logo on the IEEE OKC Section website and the Electric Motor competition site. IEEE Motor Contest supporters can volunteer by registering with Daniel Morehead <[email protected]> so he will know who will attend to possibly schedule 2-hour sessions per person. Three people are required to run the competition. Prizes and Distribution - The Oklahoma Engineering Fair is open to middle and high school students attending, public, private, parochial, or home-schooled children in Oklahoma. Contest winners will be announced at the Engineering Fair and the Engineering-Fair Band Web Site. Volunteers can support this competition or any of the following competitions. Again we encourage parents and IEEE members to come and view these competitions. Competitions: - Louisa Douglas McCune Animals and Engineering Essay - Software Engineering Extravaganza "coding Movie Magic" American Fidelity Corporation is providing support. - Eiffel Tower - - Electric Motor - - Rubber Band Powered Vehicle - - Wacky Wonder Works - - Bridge Building - - Drone Zone - - Ping Pong Launcher - OEF Engineering Fair organizational contact Phone Number is 405 528-1435. One can also join the "Band" website. At the OEF Registration Page, one can read all the exciting details: https://oef.org/oklahoma-engineering-fair/. Co-sponsored by: Dan Moorehead Agenda: Setup competition Area 7:30 AM Open Competition 8:00 AM Close Competition 2:00 PM Bldg: Science Museum Oklahoma, 2020 Remington Pl, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States, 73111
February LSS TEMS/IES Meeting
February LSS TEMS/IES Meeting
Please make sure to register, especially if you are a non-SwRI employee so we may give your name to the front gate guards. You may bring a lunch to the Archives or pick up food at the SwRI Slick Cafe. Speaker(s): Nils Smith Room: internal address: 229 Avenue D, Bldg: SwRI Archives (Building 51_, Southwest Research Institute, 6220 Culebra Road, San Antonio, Texas, United States, 78238
Resume and Screen Interview workshop
Resume and Screen Interview workshop
Looking to sharpen up your resume and interview skills for the upcoming UNT career fair? Join us for our Resume and Screen Interview workshop to learn the dos and don'ts of creating a resume and tricks to make your first impression stand out! 3940 N Elm St, Denton, TX 76207, Denton, Texas, United States
CIR & CIS: Launch Vehicle Control System Analysis: Bridging the Gap between Academia and Industry
CIR & CIS: Launch Vehicle Control System Analysis: Bridging the Gap between Academia and Industry
Abstract: This presentation explores the essential skills and knowledge needed by control system engineers in the space launch industry, focusing on the gap between academic theory and practical industry applications. While graduates learn key concepts like linear and nonlinear systems, root-locus methods, and Matlab-based analysis, professionals in the field must go further by mastering Nichols plots, designing control schemes for multiple-input systems, and performing complex analyses in languages like Fortran. This talk aims to prepare future engineers by highlighting these advanced skills, ensuring they are well-equipped to contribute to the evolving demands of the space launch sector. Attendees will learn how to apply their academic foundations to real-world challenges and innovate within the industry. Speaker(s): Mr. William Burgoyne, Room: W375, Bldg: Brown Hall, 1523 Illinois St, Golden, Colorado, United States, 80401
Join us for a night of trivia at Landlocked Ales! Trivia starts at 7 PM but we will be around starting at 6:30 PM to grab tables and mingle. IEEE will be providing food from Sauvage Food Truck (Cajun cuisine)! 3225 S. Wadsworth Blvd, Lakewood, Colorado, United States, 80227
Semiconductor 1/f noise, a bother or a danger?
Semiconductor 1/f noise, a bother or a danger?
Presenting: Scary Property of Increasing in voltage per root Hertz for every reduction by 100 of frequency, "with no limit". Co-sponsored by: T. Scott Atkinson IEEE Speaker(s): John, Agenda: 11:00 am - Set up meeting 11:30 am - Networking/Open Meeting/Introductions/Order Lunch 12:00 PM - Lunch 12:15 PM - Presentation 1:00 PM - End of meeting Room: Private Room, La Fonda, Alamo Heights, 8633 Crownhill, San Antonio, Texas, United States
Reclamation Day
Reclamation Day
(file:///C:/Users/elsen/Downloads/Add%20a%20heading.pdf) Reclamation Day is the beginning of what is to be a regular discussion board where students can ask about future events, initiatives and the role IEEE in their lives academic students and future industry leaders. The event hosted will have food and beverages to attract the students to relax and open their minds to the possibility of the change brought through EE/STEM/ and electronic majors, we vie for public input and emphasis the need to fill the Officer roles with future prospect with student volunteers. Vicariously we also seek to inform our members of the direct benefits in the IEEE as official members and how those experiences can be attributed in events, campaigns and trips to electronic related industries. Campaigns are also a corner stone of this event as the final note of the event we seek to unveil Catbox Inc. a non profit organization that was headlined by a senior member of the CS Emilee Herrington whom after graduating contracted the local chapter of IEEE to solve a local issue with the feline population, this event is very much inclined to bring together the aspect of social networking and humanitarian purposes which could later be fitted into the prospect of a headlining initiative which can be implemented independently of industry. Join us in highlighting the need to bring about change through the progress of discussion and technological breakthroughs! Co-sponsored by: Office Of Student Life/ Jabia Chowdhury Speaker(s): Jabia Chowdhury, Charli Escamilla Agenda: Member Recruitment, Event Promotion, Partnerships with other engineering groups not relegated to ME or CBET, Information, Intergration and Open Discussion, and Project Highlights. Room: TEXAR Room, Bldg: University Center, 7101 University Ave., Texarkana, Texas, United States, 75501
IEEE New Orleans Section, South Lake Life Member Meeting
IEEE New Orleans Section, South Lake Life Member Meeting
IEEE New Orleans Section, South Lake Life Member monthly meeting at 4141 Louisiana Hamburger and Seafood Restaurant Co-sponsored by: Thomas E. Slack, Jr., Chair North Lake Life Member Affinity Group Agenda: February 20, 2025 12:00PM Social meeting and lunch ordering 12:30PM Luncheon social 1:00PM Meeting opens with introduction of attendees 1:10PM Old Business: Richard Miller Proposed Technical Meeting February 20, 2025, Frances Grosz Present on "A Selective and Somewhat Personal History of the Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC, Digital) and its computers New business: If available Francis Gros Will update us on what is happening in IEEE HQ 2:00PM Motion to adjourn Bldg: Hamburger and Seafood Restaurant, 4141 St. Charles Ave , New Orleans, Louisiana, United States, 70115
How to Build A Computer
How to Build A Computer
Learn about the components within a PC that are needed to assemble a computer Room: 1.202, Bldg: Applied Engineering Technology, 1 UTSA Circle, San Antonio, Texas, United States, 78249
IEEE Wichita WCES Banquet
IEEE Wichita WCES Banquet
Wichita Council of Engineering Societies February 20, 2025 Annual Banquet at the Marriott East 9100 East Corporate Hills Drive Wichita, KS 67207 IEEE Wichita Section plans to purchase a group table/ticket for professional and student members. The event will be held Thursday, February 20, 2025, from 05:30 PM to 10:30 PM registration is required (http://www.wichitaengineers.net/banquet.html) (http://www.wichitaengineers.net/documents/2025%20Brochure.pdf) Dinner information: Oven roasted pork loin or Vegetarian Alternative Speaker: - Speaker: Honorable Rachael Pickering Topic: “Artificial Intelligence: A Look Back to See Its Future” IEEE members have two ways to register 1: Group member or 2: Individual member. All individuals must register Group IEEE member's registration No cost to an IEEE professional plus 1 Student member Student member with guest $45.00 Individual IEEE member registration information (non-group) Must register and purchase ticket(s) on the WCES site. Cost $45 (+fee); reservations must be received before Feb 17, 2025 Buy Tickets at (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/wces-2025-banquet-tickets-1011254287797?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=ebdsshcopyurl) (Select See Details) Note: Walk in’s $55.00 per person at the door Reimbursement for (non-group) Active IEEE Wichita Section Members IEEE members After ticket purchase on the WCES site, please register on this IEEE event site page so we have a pre-event headcount for reimbursements. Professional Members plus one (2 IEEE reimbursement for 2/$45 is $45 per ticket or $90 for a maximum of 2 tickets). Student Members (1 reimbursement only for 1/$45 is $45 for 1 ticket). Ticketed Guests are welcome but no reimbursement. IEEE reimbursements will be given at the event (bring a receipt and IEEE 2024 membership card). Contact: [email protected] for any questions Co-sponsored by: IEEE Wichita Section and WECS Wichita Kansas Agenda: Mini-Fare Dinner, Speaker, Awards Marriot Hotel, 9100 East Corporate Hills Drive, Wichita, Kansas, United States, 67207
A Selective and Somewhat Personal History of the Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC, Digital) and its Computers
A Selective and Somewhat Personal History of the Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC, Digital) and its Computers
IEEE New Orleans Section and Communication Society Professional Meeting Co-sponsored by: IEEE New Orleans Section - Communication Society Speaker(s): Francis, Agenda: 6:00 pm cst- 1800 hr. cst Open bar social 7:00 pm cst - 1900 hr. cst Dinner 8:00 pm cst - 2000 hr. cst A Selective and Somewhat Personal History of the Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC, Digital) and its computers presentation 9:00 pm cst - 2100 hr. cst Adjourn Bldg: Drago's Seafood Restaurant, 3232 North Arnoult Road, Metairie, Louisiana, United States, 70002
IEEE CTS LMAG-CTCN 02.20.25 meeting: Potential Effects of Economic Policy in 2025
IEEE CTS LMAG-CTCN 02.20.25 meeting: Potential Effects of Economic Policy in 2025
The talk will first present baseline trends for key indicators on the current economy, including budget and financial conditions. It will then discuss potential economic effects of possible policies of the new Trump administration. Speaker(s): Lee Price, Agenda: 6:00 to 6:05 PM - Open for participants to enter and network. 6:05 to 6:10 PM - IEEE LM and CTCN Business meeting and speaker introduction. 6:10 to 7:30 PM - Formal Program and Q&A. Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/463015
Killed by a Traffic Engineer
Killed by a Traffic Engineer
A presentation by Author Wes Marshall who has generated international acclaim for his book, "Killed by A Traffic Engineer" . As reviewed by Susan Handy, Professor, U of California, Davis "A blistering critique of the disconnect between what transportation engineers do and what the research tells us about traffic safety. This book is a wake-up call for all of Us." https://www.planetizen.com/features/130964-book-review-killed-traffic-engineer Speaker(s): Wes, Agenda: 7:00 pm Doors Open 7:15 PM Welcome- Kris Waage 7:25 Did Ja Hear 7:40 pm Main Presentation- Wes Marshall, PhD. PE Room: Cleveland Room, DeskChair Workspace, 201 E. 4th Street, Loveland, Colorado, United States, 80537, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/463559
Government Relations Committee
Government Relations Committee
Planning meeting for 2025 Texas State Legislative Visit Day Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/462792
Open-Source IEEE (OSIEEE): A Pilot within R5
Open-Source IEEE (OSIEEE): A Pilot within R5
Region 5 has been pushing to better understand its members, which has led to a handful of pilot programs within the Region. These programs are changing the way the Leadership in R5 approaches their members and aiding them in their efforts to evolve strategic investments across the Region. These changes have been enabled by a plethora of open-source tools, IEEE public data sets, and a collection of inquisitive minds. So, it is with great pride that we announce the beginning of a group within R5 called the Open-Source IEEE (or OSIEEE)! If you are interested in the goals and tasks we have at hand, please join this inaugural meeting. Together, we are capable of not just rising to the stars, but going beyond. Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/468291
Engineers in Real Life – 2025
Engineers in Real Life – 2025
Engineers from a range of industries and specialties will be at the University of Houston Clear Lake to show K-12 students the types of work they do and the careers available. No registration needed for students. Engineers who wish to participate must notify organizers by February 14th at 6pm. For more information: www.EngineersIRL.org Room: Atrium, Bldg: Bayou Building, 2700 Bay Area Blvd, University of Houston - Clear Lake, Houston, Texas, United States, 77059