November 13 meeting, UT Dallas SPN.1, registration opens at 11:30 AM, talk begins at 12:00 PM

Title:       “BlackBerry QNX: Solving Autonomous Challenges in Defense Vehicles and Robotics
Speaker:  Rich DesMarais
November 13, 2024
Location: UTD Synergy Park North Building; 3000 Waterview, Richardson, TX
Directions: NE Corner Synergy Park Blvd and Steward Dr.
Lunch Cost:  see below.

Bio: Rich DesMarais is a seasoned Regional Sales Manager specializing in embedded Real-Time Operating Systems for Aerospace and Defense in the US as well as for General Embedded (all except Automotive) products in the Southwestern US. With a deep technical foundation in electronics design for Inertial Navigation, Satellites, ASICs, and FPGA firmware, Rich has successfully enabled customers across sectors—including Aviation, Medical, Industrial, Rail, and Energy—to build robust, safety-critical systems. His expertise in creating reliable and high-performance solutions aligns with the stringent demands of safety and mission-critical applications, making him a trusted partner in the embedded systems space.

Pre-registered and paid via the IEEE website:
IEEE Members $15.00
IEEE Life Members $10.00
Non-IEEE Members $20.00
UTD ECE students: $5.00

Pay in person and pre-registered but not yet paid:
IEEE Members $20.00
IEEE Life Members $15.00
Non-IEEE Members $25.00

Anyone not pre-registered will be charged the ‘Guest’ rate.

There is No charge for ‘No Lunch, just attending the talk’.

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