IEEE Dallas CVT Chapter

Meetings & Other Key Information

CVT’s March 2025 meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 18, from 11:30am to 1:00pm at the UTD Synergy Park North Building on the UTD campus.  Adam (Jax) Lotia, manager of Amdoc’s cutting-edge Experience Lab for Telecom, will give a presentation on “How Amdocs is Revolutionizing the Connected Vehicle Space”.  To join us, please click here.

CVT’s February 2025 meeting was held on Tuesday, February 18, from 11:30am to 1:00pm at the UTD Synergy Park North Building on the UTD campus.  Dr. Justin Ruths, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Systems Engineering, UT Dallas, presented an update on the ongoing Autonomous Vehicle research at UTD.

CVT’s January 2025 meeting was held on Tuesday, January 21, from Noon to 1:00 pm at the Richardson IQ Headquarters, 1302 E. Collins Blvd, Richardson.  Professor Andrea Fumagalli presented the work that is underway at the Richardson IQ as part of $42 Million funding under the Chips Act for the Acceleration of Compatibility and Commercialization for Open RAN Deployments (ACCoRD) project.  There was also a tour of the current facility.

CVT’s December meeting was a Social on Thursday, December 19, 2024, from 4:00 to 6:15 pm.  The Social was held at HEXA Co-Working, 2100 N Greenville Avenue in Richardson, TX.  Light food and drinks were provided for our attendees, with no charge to attend.  There was not a formal talk, although our CVT Chair led some discussions on the chapter and other related topics.  Plenty of time to socialize and share your thoughts with our board.

CVT’s November meeting was held on Wednesday, November 13, 2024.  Rich DesMarais gave a talk on this topic: BlackBerry QNX: Solving Autonomous Challenges in Defense Vehicles and Robotics.  Rich is a seasoned Regional Sales Manager specializing in embedded Real-Time Operating Systems for Aerospace and Defense in the US as well as for General Embedded (all except Automotive) products in the Southwestern US. With a deep technical foundation in electronics design for Inertial Navigation, Satellites, ASICs, and FPGA firmware, Rich has successfully enabled customers across sectors—including Aviation, Medical, Industrial, Rail, and Energy—to build robust, safety-critical systems. His expertise in creating reliable and high-performance solutions aligns with the stringent demands of safety and mission-critical applications, making him a trusted partner in the embedded systems space.

CVT’s October meeting was on Tuesday, October 15, 2024.  Vikram Kaul, Senior Vice President, TenXer Labs, was our presenter and the topic was “Cloud-based Remote Labs for Faster Design Cycles”.  Vikram is an Executive Level Business Leader with deep expertise within the high-tech industry. He has over three decades of US and international experience covering Semiconductor, Saas, Cloud, Data & Ai solutions, P&L Management, establishing new territories, defining product strategy, and forming long-term partnerships. He currently serves as advisor to several leading companies in the Semiconductor services, Isothermal Energy solutions, Advanced Data Services & Ai-driven product platform markets.

CVT’s September meeting was held on Tuesday, September 17, 2024.  IEEE Senior Member and CVT Board Member Andrew Silver presented this topic: “Transforming Texas IP Law, Patents for the Individual and Small Businesses”.  Large corporations often have the means to hire dedicated patent resources and employ patent attorneys to define and protect their intellectual property.  However small entities, startups and individual inventors of modest means often don’t have the same financial resources at their disposal.  In this discussion, Mr. Silver discussed his experience in developing and filing, protecting and licensing intellectual property including patents and trademarks at large enterprises, small companies and as a private entrepreneur.  As part of the discussion Mr. Silver discussed the 2018 Supreme Court of Texas ruling “In re Silver” in which the privilege between a patent agent and their client has been recognized.  Andrew Silver is an experienced Chief Technology Officer, Chief Information Security Officer, entrepreneur and inventor in mobile communications, vehicular and information technology. He is the founder of multiple startup companies and author of over 100 patents.  Mr. Silver is an IEEE Senior member, CVT Board member and holds an MBA and B.Eng in Electrical Engineering from McGill University in Montreal, Canada.

CVT’s April 2024 meeting was held on April 16, 2024.  Aria Nosratinia, an Erik Jonsson Distinguished Professor and associate head of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the University of Texas at Dallas, spoke on “Coherence Diversity: a new source of gains in wireless networks”.

CVT’s March 2024 meeting was held on March 19, 2024.  Larry Horner, a Senior Life member of IEEE, the IEEE CVT chair, and a Senior Solution Architect and Principal Engineer at Intel, presented on this topic:  “Intel Advancing 5 Nodes in 4 Years; Today There Is More to a CPU Than Just Cores”.

CVT’s February 2024 meeting was held on February 19, 2024.  Dr. Ali C. Began, Professor of Computer Science, Ozyegin University and IEEE Distinguished Lecturer, presented the following topic: Unifying Real-time Communications and Content Delivery with Media-Over-QUIC Transport.

CVT’s December 2023 meeting was held on December 12, 2023.  Samsung offered our society members the opportunity to tour their Plano, TX, Innovation Center.

CVT’s October meeting was held on Tuesday, Oct. 31, 2023; lunch starting at 11:30am, presentation at 12pm, at UTD SPN 1 building, 3000 Waterview, Richardson, TX 75080.  The Blackberry QNX team presented “Unlocking the Software Defined Vehicle for Defense Innovation”. Rich DesMarais and Stephen Olsen presented for BlackBerry.  DesMarais is BlackBerry’s Regional Sales Manager for embedded products which are used to solve real-world issues in Medical, Industrial, Aerospace, Defense and Transportation solutions.  Stephen Olsen is BlackBerry’s Embedded Systems Expert for Automotive, Medical, Industrial, Aerospace and Defense, Safety, Security and the Internet of Things. Click here for more details.

CVT’s September meeting was held on Tuesday, Sep. 19, 2023; lunch starting at 11:30am, presentation at 12pm, at UTD SPN 1 building, 3000 Waterview, Richardson, TX 75080.  Song Fu, Site Director, NSF eCAT Center and Director, Vehicle and Edge Computing Laboratory – UNT gave a brief introduction of eCAT: The Center for Electric, Connected and Autonomous Technologies for Mobility (eCAT).  Click here for more details.

CVT’s May meeting was held on May 23, 2023, and consisted of a tour of the Toyota Motor North America Headquarters in Plano with a presentation and exhibit of the new Toyota bZ4X EV by John Spielman, Technical Training Analyst for Toyota.  Click here for more details.

CVT’s April meeting was held on Tuesday, Apr. 18, 2023; lunch starting at 11:30am, presentation at 12pm, at UTD SPN 1 building, 3000 Waterview, Richardson, TX 75080. Dr. Kurt Tutschku from the Blekinge Institute of Technology was our speaker.  His topic was “Toward Networking for Intelligent Realities (Metaverse)”.  Click here for more details.

CVT’s March meeting was held on Tuesday, Mar. 21, 2023; lunch starting at 11:30am, presentation at 12pm, at UTD SPN 1 building, 3000 Waterview, Richardson, TX 75080. Peter DeNagy from Skyworld ATC was our speaker.  His topic was “Update on Building of Skyworld ATC (Advanced Technology Center)”.  Click here for more details.

CVT’s February meeting was held on Tuesday, Feb. 21, 2023; lunch starting at 11:30am, presentation at 12pm, at UTD SPN 1 building, 3000 Waterview, Richardson, TX 75080. Bill James from JPods LLC was our speaker.  His topic was “JPods: Building the Physical Internet® in DFW”.  Click here for more details.

CVT’s January meeting was held on Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2023; lunch starting at 11:30am, presentation at 12pm, at UTD SPN 1 building, 3000 Waterview, Richardson, TX 75080. CVT’s chair and Intel Telecom specialist, Larry Horner, was our speaker.  His topic was “Features of the newly announced Intel 4th generation Xeon-SP CPU”. Click here for more details.

For several months, many CVT members have been reporting they are not receiving CVT’s monthly emails. This results from recent enhancements to spam filters by major email services. The solution is to whitelist CVT’s emails: 1); and 2) .If you need help, please contact

Upcoming Meeting Dates

CVT meetings are planned on the third Tuesday of each month, excluding June – August summer months. Upcoming meeting dates are listed below.

Our 2024/25 meetings are going to be held on:

September 17, 2024 – Andrew Silver, “Transforming Texas IP law, patents for the individual and small businesses”– see more below
October 15, 2024 – WIP Madhan Krishnaswamy, Tenxerlabs
November 19, 2024 – TBD UTD 5G integration and innovation lab – Chips Act program
December 17, 2024 – TBD – do we have this meeting
January 21, 2025 – TBD
February 18, 2025 – TBD
March 18, 2025 – TBD
April 15, 2025 – TBD
May 20, 2025 – TBD

Who We Are

IEEE is the largest technical professional organization for engineers dedicated to advancing technology for all of us. As a global organization, IEEE fosters the connection between engineering professionals to use technology and academic excellence to change the world for the better. In alignment with the global IEEE organization, the IEEE chapter of Communications and Vehicular Technology (CVT) in the Dallas-Fort Worth area explores the engineering principles and technology foundations behind telecommunications, information technologies, and vehicular technologies.  The CVT mission is to encourage engineers and others to advance their professional and educational interests through exploring research and technology advancements via open-forum discussions around communication and vehicular topics in a learning environment.

CVT hosts a monthly technical luncheon once a month (Sept. to May) in order to bring together technologists, managers and entrepreneurs which have a desire to continue professional learning, training and investment for the future generation of engineers. Speakers are invited as thought leaders and experts in their field for a one-hour technical presentation on a topic that relates to CVT.  Topics have ranged from the deployment of 5G, smart battery technology for connected cars, sensor technology for an IoT network and the 911 priority etc. The chapter meets every 3rd Tuesday of the month from September to May.  The technical lunch is open to members and non-IEEE members.