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CSI is a searchable news website covering topical issues on cybersecurity and intelligence, targeting senior general managers and specialists across the corporate & institutional sectors (mostly financial services, IT, security, government and policing). News content is free to view. Registered users have the option to pay a subscription for access to additional premium content. There is also a Directory listing 6,000+ Cybersecurity related Service Providers which is accessible to all users.
European Union - portal
Catalysing and accelerating the energy transition. EIT InnoEnergy brings people and resources together, catalysing and accelerating the energy transition. New ideas, products and solutions that make a real difference, and new businesses and people to deliver them to market. Operating at the centre of the energy transition, we build connections worldwide, bringing together innovators and industry, entrepreneurs and investors, graduates and employers.
SEP is the largest non-governmental scientific and technical organization in Poland that is active in the field of social and public utility. It was founded in 1919 by engineers - representatives of the electrotechnical industry. It is a voluntary association of electricians of all specialties and persons whose professional activity is connected with electric power in a broad sense, as well as legal entities interested in the profession. We are a member of EUREL.
EUNIS is the European University Information Systems organization. It was formed in 1993 and registered as a non-profit organization in Paris, France in 1998. EUNIS brings together those who are responsible for the management, development and the policy for Information Technology in Higher Education in Europe. The objective of EUNIS is to contribute to the development of high quality information systems.
Poznan University of Technology - Faculty of Automatic Control, Robotics and Electrical Engineering - Institute of Automatic Control and Robotics is to conduct research in the field of control, robotics and signal processing, and to offer a didactic program that is largely inspired by this research.
AGH University of Krakow - Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering
Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences - Commission on Geoinformatics - The Geoinformatics Commission, which was established in 1998, addresses ways of collecting, storing, analysing, and presenting data related to the space-time of the Earth with the aid of appropriate information technology. This involves information about the Earth itself and about the objects, phenomena, and processes occurring on and below the Earth's surface.
Polish Academy of Sciences - The Polish Academy of Sciences (PAS) is a major state-funded institution of higher education and research in Poland. It consists of three main pillars: a body of elected members, a network of research institutes (including some of the top scientific centers in the country), and also a set of committees focused on specific disciplines and problem issues.
IEEE Life Members are technology influencers, pioneers, and valuable partners – sharing over one million years of experience with the next generation of innovators.
University of Zielona Góra - Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Econometrics
NASK is a National Research Institute whose mission is to develop and implement solutions which facilitate the development of information and communication networks in Poland, in addition to improving their effectiveness and security. We carry out research and development projects as well as projects aimed at improving the security of Polish civilian cyberspace.
Digital Poland Project Center, a government agency, is building a digital and citizen-friendly Poland. Reduces bureaucracy. It supports e-services in administration, finances the construction of infrastructure and educates Poles in the latest technologies. It ensures that there are no digitally excluded people, regardless of age, skills and place of residence. CPPC's vision is Poland as a fully digital country: with free access to modern IT solutions for every citizen.
The Polish Artificial Intelligence Society was founded on 27 November 2009. It has been a member of ECCAI since 18 August 2010. The goal of the Polish Artificial Intelligence Society is to promote and support scientific, educational and cultural activities with regard to popularization, development, application of theories, methods and tools of artificial intelligence and other areas of computer science and to disseminate their achievements among the general public.
European Association for Artificial Intelligence - EurAI. An international association with scientific and educational objectives called European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence (ECCAI) is hereby established.”. In a General Assembly celebrated in 2015 the name was changed to the “EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION FOR AI (EurAI)”. This Association is governed by the Belgian law of 25 October 1919, modified by the law of 6 December 1954.
Poland IEEE LM80033 LMAG at Poland Section IEEE - Poland local website
Marek Bialkowski received his M.Eng.Sc degree (1974) in applied mathematics and his Ph.D. (1979) in telecommunications from the Warsaw University of Technology, and a Doctor of Engineering (2000) in computer science and electrical engineering from the University of Queensland. In 1977, Professor Bialkowski joined the Institute of Radioelectronics, Warsaw University of Technology, where he became an Assistant Professor in 1979. Marek joined UQ in 1982 as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow.
Computing in Poland
prof. dr hab. inż. Andrzej Filipkowski - Specjalności: układy elektroniczne
prof. zw. dr inż. czł. rzecz. PAN Adam Smoliński - Specjalności: radioelektronika, radiotechnika