Announcing the 2024 Region 4 Award Recipients

Announcing the 2024 IEEE Region 4 Award Recipients
The 2024 IEEE Region 4 award winners have been selected!
From left to right, M Butt, A Chin, J Walz, S Lasassmeh, J Trevathan, N Minuta, P Hamari
M. Majid Butt received the Outstanding Professional Award with citation, “In recognition of exemplary contributions to the field of wireless communications and networks”
Dr. Alvin Chin received the Outstanding Service Award with citation, “For outstanding leadership and initiative in forming new Local Groups and conference sponsorships to benefit members throughout the Region”
John Walz received the Industry Engagement Award with citation, “In recognition of sustained contributions to the IEC including new initiatives that created significant synergies between IEEE and Region 4 industries”
Suha Lasassmeh received the Women in Engineering Award with citation, “For advancing WIE goals through impactful service, mentorship, and advocacy, inspiring young women in engineering and promoting women in the profession”
Jonathan Trevathan, Ph.D. received the Young Professional Achievement Award with citation, “In recognition of creating an innovative streaming solution for IEEE events and initiating unique activities to engage young professionals in the community”
Nathnael Minuta received the Outstanding Student Award with citation, “In recognition of exemplary academic achievement, student leadership, and dedication to community service”
Dr. Puteri S. Megat Hamari received the Student Branch Counselor Award with citation, “For dedication, vision, and mentorship advancing both service to the community and IEEE’s goals”
Organization awards were also selected.
The Calumet Section received the Outstanding Section Award for medium sized sections with citation, “For exemplary leadership and service to their members.”
The Cedar Rapids Section WIE Affinity Group received the Outstanding Affinity Group Award with citation, “In recognition of social, professional, and technical events to further the professional development of their members”
The Milwaukee Section EMC Chapter received the Outstanding Chapter Award with citation, “For sustained leadership and contributions to the EMC Society bringing engagement and education throughout the Region”
The Minnesota State University Student Branch received the Outstanding Student Branch Award with citation, “For exceptional commitment to advancing technology through impactful events, student-led initiatives, and community outreach programs”
Membership Growth Awards were received by Central Illinois (large), Nebraska (medium), and Iowa-Illinois (small) Sections in recognition of exceeding 2024 membership growth goals.
Membership Retention Awards were selected. The awards go to Central Iowa (small), Nebraska (medium), and Central Indiana (large) Sections in recognition of attaining the highest membership retention in 2024.
Congratulations to all Individual and Organization award recipients!
The Region 4 Awards and Recognition program is designed to encourage, recognize, and reward excellence in promoting the interests of IEEE as reflected in the operations of the Region and its Operating Unit activities.
Each award has a unique mission and criteria—and offers the opportunity to honor distinguished colleagues. For more information see the Region 4 Awards and Recognition web site at:
Steve Kerchberger
Chair, Region 4 Awards and Recognition Committee