Sections Congress 2023

IEEE Sections Congress, the triennial flagship event hosted by MGA, brings together volunteer leaders from every member country to share ideas and solutions.
Volunteer leaders from around the world met in the Shaw Centre, Ottawa, Canada from 11-13 August 2023, to exchange ideas and learn about the products and programs IEEE offers to members in their local areas.
Thank you for joining Sections Congress 2023 in Ottawa, Canada. We are pleased to share with you key takeaways from this year’s Congress!
- 1,096 of attendees
- 303 sections represented
- 95 countries represented
- 97 speakers, 101 topics
You can find this year's presentations on the CLE.
Sections Congress 2023 Keynote Speakers

Ashley Noseworthy
CEO and founder of Edgewise

Laurence Blandford
Vice-President Strategy Consulting
Climate Change and
About Sections Congress 2023
Ready to attend the Sections Congress 2023?
Have a glimpse at all the places and activities you can try out within Ottawa!
Program Tracks
Empowering Volunteer Engagement
Enriching Member Experience
Achieving Future Sustainability
Our Diamond Sponsors

Top 3 Recommendations
#9 Provide continuing incentives to volunteers: IEEE needs to provide more incentives to increase the number of volunteers. These incentives would contribute to recognizing volunteers’ value and time investment. Incentive examples: IEEE to send letters to employers recognizing their employees' service to the profession, IEEE to provide free membership for the years of volunteer service, IEEE to provide a plaque stating the IEEE years of service, IEEE Badge for LinkedIn profile, IEEE to provide a swag bag with IEEE items.
#29 Continuous Education in the IEEE professional field: Partner with other professional organizations for continuing education. This could include training and courses that lead to credentials such as digital badges, certificates and professional development units or hours. Collaboration with others can promote the IEEE brand and expand the influence of IEEE among professional organizations and their members. Integration and awareness with larger organizations will also serve to benefit IEEE members as credentials receive wider recognition.
#10 Provide support, education, and processes for working with Student Chapters & building relationships with Sections: The exact relationship between student branches, faculty advisors, and sections is unclear. This has led to some student branches that use the IEEE name but have no official affiliation with the IEEE. Furthermore, the path to officially tie these student branches to the IEEE and local sections is unclear.
A Message from President Rahman

I hope everyone had a successful and enjoyable time at IEEE Sections Congress 2023, which aims to bring together Section leadership from all 10 Regions to network, learn, and collectively shape the future of IEEE.
This year’s theme, “Enabling Leaders to Build a Sustainable Future” recognizes the global crisis of climate change, as well as IEEE’s commitment to helping alleviate the effects through pragmatic, accessible technical solutions for sustainability, and providing engineers and technologists with a neutral space for discussion and action. I believe IEEE’s impact starts at the local level, beginning with building awareness of the multitude of resources that membership provides. With more than 340 sections around the world, local engineers, technologists, and computer scientists can deliver technology solutions for their unique communities.
Linked in this communication is a deck on IEEE Climate Change Engagement Opportunities, which includes information on how IEEE is addressing climate change, as well as technology solutions available from IEEE, and can serve as a blueprint for members’ action plan. I encourage you to share this information widely with local members and your colleagues. Thank you again for your dedication to IEEE and your commitment to advancing our mission, both locally and around the world.
Saifur Rahman
2023 IEEE President and CEO
A Message from the Foundation

The IEEE Foundation and our Program Partners would like to thank all of the Sections Congress 2023 attendees who had the opportunity to celebrate with us at the Foundation's 50th Anniversary Pavilion. It was a tremendous opportunity to celebrate with all of you, especially given the fact it takes ALL OF US to make the donor-supported programs a success. If you missed visiting the Pavilion and would like to learn more about the Foundation and the Programs represented, please visit our Sections Congress Resource page: Sections Congress 2023
Our Sponsors
Thank you to all our Sections Congress Sponsors!
Diamond Sponsors

Platinum Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors

Event Sponsors

See you at the next IEEE Sections Congress in 2026!