IEEE Nebraska Section Bylaws
Nothing in these bylaws is to be construed as to be contrary to the IEEE Constitution, IEEE Bylaws, IEEE Policies, and the MGA Operations Manual.
Article I – Name
Section 1 – This organization shall be known as The Nebraska Section of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE). However, as the world’s largest technical professional organization, IEEE’s membership has long been composed of engineers, scientists, and allied professionals. These include computer scientists, software developers, information technology professionals, physicists, medical doctors, and many others, in addition to IEEE’s electrical and electronics engineering core. For this reason, the organization no longer goes by the full name, except on legal business documents, and is referred to simply as IEEE.
Section 2 – The territory of the Nebraska Section, as approved by the Member Geographic Activities (MGA) Board, includes the following Nebraska and Iowa counties (See Appendix B):
Adams, Arthur, Blaine, Buffalo, Boone, Brown, Burt, Butler, Cass, Chase, Cherry, Clay, Colfax, Cuming, Custer, Dawson, Dodge, Douglas, Dundy, Fillmore, Franklin, Frontier, Furnas, Gage, Garfield, Gosper, Grant, Greeley, Hall, Hamilton, Harlan, Hayes, Hitchcock, Hooker, Howard, Jefferson, Johnson, Kearney, Keith, Keya Paha, Lancaster, Lincoln, Logan, Loup, Perkins, Madison, McPherson, Merrick, Nance, Nemaha, Nuckolls, Otoe, Pawnee, Phelps, Platte, Polk, Red Willow, Richardson, Rock, Saline, Sarpy, Saunders, Seward, Sherman, Stanton, Thayer, Thomas, Valley, Washington, Webster, Wheeler, York.
Cass, Fremont, Harrison, Mills, Montgomery, Page, Pottawattamie, Shelby.
Article II – Officers
Section 1 – The elected Officers of the Section shall be Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and up to four Members-at-Large, all of whom shall hold office for one year. Terms of office will begin on January 1. Outgoing officers may continue until a successor is duly elected or appointed and takes office.
Section 2 – The management of the Section shall be by an Executive Committee (ExCom) consisting of the Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, up to four Members-at-Large, Chair Emeritus, Technical Chapter Chairs, Technical Chapter Vice Chairs, Affinity Group Chairs, and Committee Chairs. The Chair, who at the expiration of their elected term shall become Chair Emeritus, an ex-officio member of the Nebraska Section for the following term.
Section 3 – All Officer or Executive Committee vacancies occurring during the year shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term by a majority vote of the Section Executive Committee. In making such appointments, the Executive Committee normally shall follow the plan of progression indicated by Article III, Section 3 of these Bylaws; except that, in case of vacancy of the Chair Emeritus the appointee shall be the next available past chair in recency of service. All persons appointed to fill vacancies shall hold office until the next succeeding election.
Section 4 – The duties of the elected officers shall be as described in Appendix A of these bylaws.
Section 1 – On or before September 15, the Chair of the Section shall appoint a Nominating Committee of three or more members not then officers of the Section. Preference shall be given to appointing as Committee members the most recent Chair Emeritus who are still residing in the territory of the Section. The most recent Chair Emeritus normally shall be Chair of the Nominating Committee.
Section 2 – The Nominating Committee shall prepare a regular ticket consisting of Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and Members-at-Large of the Executive Committee to be submitted for approval by the Section ExCom.
Section 3 – The Nominating Committee’s actions shall be guided by the following:
a. The Nominee for the office of Chair, preferably, shall be the Section Vice-Chair.
b. The Nominee for the office of Vice-Chair, preferably, shall be the Section Secretary
c. The Nominee for the office of Secretary, preferably, shall be the Section Treasurer.
d. The Nominees for the office of Treasurer shall be chosen from among Section members who have served on the Executive Committee.
e. The Nominees for the offices of Members-at-Large shall be, preferably, chosen from among Section members who have been active in the Section’s activities.
f. The names of the candidates selected by the Nominating Committee shall be announced to the Section membership on or before October 1. Following this, a minimum of 28 days will be allowed for additional nominations by petition.
Section 4 – Nominations for any or all offices also may be made by petition under the following provisions:
a. Petitions bearing the personal signatures of at least 2 percent or 25 regular voting members of the Section, whichever is smaller, must be delivered to the Secretary not later than October 29.
b. The nominees covered by such petitions shall be included in the regular ballot and designated as being nominated by petition.
Elections shall be by secret ballot issued to membership electronically (the MGA recommends that the Sections utilize an IEEE electronic platform such vTools to support the election process). If there is only a single nominee for an office, Sections 9.4.G and 9.4.H of the MGA Operations Manual shall be followed to proceed with the election of the single nominee.
Section 1 – No later than November 1 of each year, the Secretary shall prepare and send out to each qualified voting member of the Section the voting ballot using vTools – Voting, The ballot shall be opened to voting November 1 through December 1 of each year. The ballot shall contain the names of all nominees duly proposed in accordance with these Bylaws
Section 2 – Only official ballots received by the Secretary not later than December 1 shall be counted. Ballots received via vTools are considered digitally signed by the vote casting member. Only active members in good standing can vote through the vTools Voting system.
Section 3 – A majority of the votes cast shall be necessary for election. In case of a tie in the votes for any office, it shall be resolved in favor of one of the candidates so tied by a majority of the votes cast by the members of the Executive Committee present at a meeting to be called as soon as feasible after the closing of the ballot but at least prior to the regular February Section meeting; a record of such vote shall be entered in the minutes of said meeting of the Executive Committee.
Section 4 – The names and duties of newly elected officers shall be made known to the membership following the election.
Article V – Committees
See appendix A for descriptions of committee roles and responsibilities.
Section 1 – Standing Committees of the Section shall include:
Professional Activities (PACE)
Membership Development
Public Relations
Awards & Recognition
Nominations & Appointments
Student Activities
Section 2 – The Section Chair, with the approval of the Section Executive Committee, shall appoint the Chairs of the Standing Committees and their terms will expire on December 31. The Chairs of these standing committees shall be current IEEE Nebraska Section Members in good standing.
Section 3 – Each Committee Chair will appoint his/her Committee members, with the approval of the Section Executive Committee, and their terms will expire on December 31. The Committee members of these standing committees shall be current IEEE Nebraska Section Members in good standing.
Section 4 – Additional committees may be authorized by vote of the Section Executive Committee with their Chairs to be appointed by the Section Chair.
Meetings of the Section ExCom ordinarily will be held monthly or shall be called by the Section Chair or by request of any three members of the Section ExCom. Meetings of the Section ExCom or any committee thereof can be held in-person, or by any means of telecommunication, or by a combination of the two methods, provided that the telecommunications equipment allows all persons participating in the meeting to hear each other at the same time.
Section 2 – QUORUM
A quorum shall be necessary to conduct the business of the Section. A majority of the Section ExCom or any committee thereof (for committee meetings) shall constitute a quorum. Quorum shall be determined at the beginning of the meeting by the presiding officer. Any ExCom or Committee voting member can request at the respective meetings to verify that a quorum is present at any point of time during the meeting. In the case that there is less than a quorum attending a meeting of ExCom or any committee thereof, informal discussions may be held, but no actions or votes may be taken.
Section 3 – MOTIONS
Any member of the ExCom or any committee thereof (for committee meetings) may make or second a motion.
Section 4 – VOTING
During in-person meetings, meetings that are held solely via telecommunications, and meetings that are held where members participate via a combination of in-person and telecommunications methods, approval of a motion by the ExCom or any committee thereof means an affirmative vote of a majority of respective members of the ExCom or any committee thereof participating in the meeting when the vote is taken, provided that the quorum is present.
Section 5 – EMAIL VOTING
The Section ExCom or any committee thereof may take action without a meeting, by email voting. An affirmative vote of a majority of all Section ExCom (or committee) members eligible to vote shall be required to approve a motion. The action item(s) shall be distributed to the Section ExCom (or committee) members for discussion along with background information of the item(s) at least one week before the discussion deadline. The voting deadline shall be at least one week after the discussion deadline.
The Section Chair or the Chair of any committee thereof shall have no vote on the respective meetings except if the vote is by secret ballot or unless the Chair’s vote can change the outcome of the vote.
Individuals holding more than one position on the Section ExCom or any committee thereof, shall be limited to one vote on each matter being considered by the Section ExCom or committee. As a result, the total number (used to calculate the majority) of the voting members of the Section ExCom or any committee thereof shall be the official number minus one.
The Nebraska Section shall follow the MGA Operations Manual and IEEE Financial Operations Manual regarding Section finances.
The Section Treasurer or Chair shall be authorized to draw funds. The Section Treasurer or Chair must approve all expenditures of Section funds not exceeding a Spending Limit of $1,000. All expenditures exceeding the Spending Limit shall be approved by the Section Executive Committee.
Section funds shall only be used for the normal operations of the Section as defined by the MGA Operations Manual.
The Section shall establish appropriate bank accounts for accounting of Section funds. Such accounts shall have signature cards with at least two volunteer signatures, one volunteer as the primary signatory and one additional volunteer as an alternate. The primary signatory shall be the Section Treasurer. The alternate signatory shall be the Section Chair. In addition, the IEEE Senior Director – Financial Services shall also be a signatory thereon (IEEE Policies, Section 11.3.A.3).
Accounts established in the name of IEEE must be reserved for the purpose for which they are established, without co-mingling of funds.
All Section bank accounts shall be placed within the IEEE Concentration Banking system.
Section 4 – The fiscal year of the Section shall be January 1 through December 31.
Article VIII – Technical Chapters
Technical Chapters are a subunit of IEEE Nebraska Section and are comprised of a minimum of twelve (12) IEEE Nebraska Section voting members who are members of the sponsoring society. Technical Chapter activities shall be conducted within the scope of the technical field of interest to the sponsoring society.
Section 1 –Technical Chapters will be managed by elected Officers of the Technical Chapter who shall be Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary (Optional), Treasurer (Optional) all of whom shall hold office for one year. Terms of office will begin on January 1. Outgoing officers may continue until a successor is duly elected or appointed and takes office.
Section 2 – All Officer vacancies occurring during the year shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term as per Article II, Section 3 of IEEE Nebraska Section Bylaws.
Section 3 – The duties of the elected officers shall be as described in Appendix A of these bylaws.
Technical Chapter Committees
Section 1 – IEEE Nebraska Section Technical Chapters can create committees with approval of the Technical Chapter Chair.
Section 2 – The Technical Chapter Chair, with the approval of the Technical Chapter officers, shall appoint the Chairs of the Committees and their terms will expire on December 31. The Chairs of these committees shall be current IEEE Nebraska Section Members in good standing.
Section 3 – Each Committee Chair will appoint Committee members, with the approval of the Technical Chapter officers, and their terms will expire on December 31. The Committee members of these committees shall be current IEEE Nebraska Section and sponsoring society members in good standing.
Technical Chapter Meetings
Meetings of the Technical Chapter ordinarily will be held monthly or shall be called by the Technical Chapter Chair or by request of any two members of the Technical Chapter officers. Meetings of the Technical Chapter or any committee thereof can be held in-person, or by any means of telecommunication, or by a combination of the two methods, provided that the telecommunications equipment allows all persons participating in the meeting to hear each other at the same time.
Section 2 – QUORUM
A quorum shall be necessary to conduct the business of the Technical Chapter. A majority of the Technical Chapter or any committee thereof (for Technical Chapter committee meetings) shall constitute a quorum. Quorum shall be determined at the beginning of the meeting by the presiding officer. Any Technical Chapter or committee thereof voting member can request at the respective meetings to verify that a quorum is present at any point of time during the meeting. In the case that there is less than a quorum attending a meeting of Technical Chapter or any committee thereof, informal discussions may be held, but no actions or votes may be taken.
Section 3 – MOTIONS
Any member of the Technical Chapter or any committee thereof (for Technical Chapter committee meetings) may make or second a motion.
Section 4 – VOTING
During in-person meetings, meetings that are held solely via telecommunications, and meetings that are held where members participate via a combination of in-person and telecommunications methods, approval of a motion by the Technical Chapter officers or any committee thereof means an affirmative vote of a majority of respective Technical Chapter officers and committee thereof voting members participating in the meeting when the vote is taken, provided that the quorum is present.
Section 5 – EMAIL VOTING
The Technical Chapter officers or any committee thereof may take action without a meeting, by email voting. An affirmative vote of a majority of all Technical Chapter officers (or committee thereof) members eligible to vote shall be required to approve a motion. The action item(s) shall be distributed to the Technical Chapter officers (or committee thereof) members for discussion along with background information of the item(s) at least one week before the discussion deadline. The voting deadline shall be at least one week after the discussion deadline.
The Technical Chapter Chair or the Chair of any committee thereof shall have no vote on the respective meetings except if the vote is by secret ballot or unless the Chair’s vote can change the outcome of the vote.
Technical Chapter officers or any committee thereof holding more than one position in the chapter or committee thereof, shall be limited to one vote on each matter being considered by the Technical Chapter or committee thereof. As a result, the total number (used to calculate the majority) of the voting members of the Technical Chapter or any committee thereof shall be the official number minus one.
Technical Chapter Finances
Technical Chapters of IEEE Nebraska Section shall follow the MGA Operations Manual and IEEE Financial Operations Manual regarding Technical Chapter finances.
The Technical Chapter Treasurer or Chair shall be authorized to draw funds. The Technical Chapter Treasurer or Chair must approve all expenditures of Technical Chapter funds not exceeding a Spending Limit of $1,000.
All expenditures exceeding the Spending Limit shall be approved by the Section Executive Committee.
Technical Chapter funds shall only be used for the normal operations of the Technical Chapter as defined by the MGA Operations Manual.
The Technical Chapter shall establish appropriate bank accounts for accounting of Technical Chapter funds. Such accounts shall have signature cards with at least two volunteer signatures, one volunteer as the primary signatory and one additional volunteer as an alternate. The primary signatory shall be the Technical Chapter Treasurer. The alternate signatory shall be the Technical Chapter Chair.
In addition, the Section Treasurer and the IEEE Senior Director – Financial Services shall also be signatories thereon (IEEE Policies, Section 11.3.A.3).
Accounts established in the name of IEEE must be reserved for the purpose for which they are established, without co-mingling of funds.
All Technical Chapter bank accounts shall be placed within the IEEE Concentration Banking system.
Section 4 – The fiscal year of the Technical Chapter shall be January 1 through December 31.
Article VIX – Affinity Groups
Affinity Groups are a subunit of IEEE Nebraska Section and are comprised of a minimum of six IEEE Nebraska Section voting members who are members of the sponsoring society. Affinity Group activities shall be conducted within the scope of the technical field of interest to the sponsoring society.
Section 1 – Affinity Groups will be managed by elected Officers of the Affinity Group who shall be Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary (Optional), Treasurer (Optional) all of whom shall hold office for one year. Terms of office will begin on January 1. Outgoing officers may continue until a successor is duly elected or appointed and takes office.
Section 2 – All Officer vacancies occurring during the year shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term as per Article II, Section 3 of IEEE Nebraska Section Bylaws.
Section 3 – The duties of the elected officers shall be as described in Appendix A of these bylaws.
Affinity Groups Committees
Section 1 – IEEE Nebraska Section Affinity Groups can create committees with approval of the Affinity Group Chair.
Section 2 – The Affinity Group Chair, with the approval of the Affinity Group officers, shall appoint the Chairs of the Committees and their terms will expire on December 31. The Chairs of these committees shall be current IEEE Nebraska Section Members in good standing.
Section 3 – Each Committee Chair will appoint Committee members, with the approval of the Affinity Group officers, and their terms will expire on December 31. The Committee members of these committees shall be current IEEE Nebraska Section and sponsoring society members in good standing.
Affinity Groups Meetings
Meetings of the Affinity Group ordinarily will be held monthly or shall be called by the Affinity Group Chair or by request of any two members of the Affinity Group officers. Meetings of the Affinity Group or any committee thereof can be held in-person, or by any means of telecommunication, or by a combination of the two methods, provided that the telecommunications equipment allows all persons participating in the meeting to hear each other at the same time.
Section 2 – QUORUM
A quorum shall be necessary to conduct the business of the Affinity Group. A majority of the Affinity Group or any committee thereof (for Affinity Group committee meetings) shall constitute a quorum. Quorum shall be determined at the beginning of the meeting by the presiding officer. Any Affinity Group or committee thereof voting member can request at the respective meetings to verify that a quorum is present at any point of time during the meeting. In the case that there is less than a quorum attending a meeting of Affinity Group or any committee thereof, informal discussions may be held, but no actions or votes may be taken.
Section 3 – MOTIONS
Any member of the Affinity Group or any committee thereof (for Affinity Group committee meetings) may make or second a motion.
Section 4 – VOTING
During in-person meetings, meetings that are held solely via telecommunications, and meetings that are held where members participate via a combination of in-person and telecommunications methods, approval of a motion by the Affinity Group officers or any committee thereof means an affirmative vote of a majority of respective Affinity Group officers and committee thereof voting members participating in the meeting when the vote is taken, provided that the quorum is present.
Section 5 – EMAIL VOTING
The Affinity Group officers, or any committee thereof may take action without a meeting, by email voting. An affirmative vote of majority of all Affinity Group officers (or committee thereof) members eligible to vote shall be required to approve a motion. The action item(s) shall be distributed to the Affinity Group officers (or committee thereof) members for discussion along with background information of the item(s) at least one week before the discussion deadline. The voting deadline shall be at least one week after the discussion deadline.
The Affinity Group Chair or the Chair of any committee thereof shall have no vote on the respective meetings except if the vote is by secret ballot or unless the Chair’s vote can change the outcome of the vote.
Affinity Group officers or any committee thereof holding more than one position in the chapter or committee thereof, shall be limited to one vote on each matter being considered by the Affinity Group or committee thereof. As a result, the total number (used to calculate the majority) of the voting members of the Affinity Group or any committee thereof shall be the official number minus one.
Affinity Group Finances
Affinity Groups of IEEE Nebraska Section shall follow the MGA Operations Manual and IEEE Financial Operations Manual regarding Affinity Group finances.
The Affinity Group Treasurer or Chair shall be authorized to draw funds. The Affinity Group Treasurer or Chair must approve all expenditures of Affinity Group funds not exceeding a Spending Limit of $1,000.
All expenditures exceeding the Spending Limit shall be approved by the Section Executive Committee.
Affinity Group funds shall only be used for the normal operations of the Affinity Group as defined by the MGA Operations Manual.
The Affinity Group shall establish appropriate bank accounts for accounting of Affinity Group funds. Such accounts shall have signature cards with at least two volunteer signatures, one volunteer as the primary signatory and one additional volunteer as an alternate. The primary signatory shall be the Affinity Group Treasurer. The alternate signatory shall be the Affinity Group Chair.
In addition, the Section Treasurer and the IEEE Senior Director – Financial Services shall also be signatories thereon (IEEE Policies, Section 11.3.A.3).
Accounts established in the name of IEEE must be reserved for the purpose for which they are established, without co-mingling of funds.
All Affinity Group bank accounts shall be placed within the IEEE Concentration Banking system.
Section 4 – The fiscal year of the Affinity Group shall be January 1 through December 31.
Article X – Amendments
Section 1 – Proposals for amendments to these bylaws may originate in the Section Executive Committee or by a petition signed by 25 or more voting members.
Section 2 – Amendments to or revocation of these bylaws shall be in accordance with the IEEE bylaws.
Roles & Responsibilities
Roles and Responsibilities for IEEE Sections are defined by Member and Geographic Activities (MGA). They are located at MGA’s Center for Leadership Excellence (CLE). The descriptions here are general overviews for each position. For a more detailed account of each position’s role and responsibilities, visit IEEE MGA Center for Leadership Excellence.
Section Chair
The Section Chair is the Chief Operating Officer of the Section. The Section Chair ensures all local units are in compliance with IEEE Policies and local regulations. The Section Chair manages the operations of the Section to ensure the best interests of the local members are being met. The Section Chair provides leadership, guidance to other Section volunteers and ensures that the Section activities are focused on increasing member engagement and satisfaction. The Section Chair represents the needs of Section members by providing feedback to Region Committee and/or IEEE organizational units.
Section Vice Chair
The Section Vice-Chair assists the Section Chair in managing the operations of the Section. In many Sections, the Section Vice-Chair is responsible for working with Section leadership, Chapter Chairs, Affinity Group Chairs and Student Branch Chairs to select topics for meetings and to develop programs to meet the needs of local members. At the request of the Section Chair or in the absence of the Section Chair, the Section Vice Chair shall chair meetings of the Section.
Section Treasurer
The Treasurer is a very important member of the Section leadership team and Section Executive
Committee. As the Chief Financial Officer and chair of the Section Finance Committee, the Treasurer will have the opportunity to interact with other officers of the Section, Chapters, Affinity Groups and Branches. The treasurer’s guidance will influence the overall direction of the Section and influence the completion of key section projects and initiatives. The Section is ultimately responsible for providing Section activities, approved initiatives, the funding of committees (standing and ad hoc) and the funding of the Chapters and Affinity Groups within the Section. The Section Treasurer can establish financial processes/policies which facilitate the activities of these subunits. It is the responsibility of the Section Treasurer to assure the processes and policies are executed properly and that IEEE funds are spent appropriately.
Section Secretary
The Section Secretary acts as the gateway between the Section members and the IEEE, having a
leadership role in bringing the needs of members to the Executive Committee. The Secretary is often the main Section point of contact for members and volunteers, because official information is disseminated by the Secretary. The Secretary also has accountability for and ownership of the records and correspondence of the Section including meeting records, reporting officer changes, and submitting reports of committee activities. The Secretary’s role is much more than record keeping – he/she is a steward of the Section’s history and future, bringing critical data to enable decision making by the Executive Committee and deliver real value to members that keeps the Section engaged, relevant and sustainable in the long term. The Section Secretary plays a key role in ensuring that the IEEE members within the Section are engaging in IEEE activities.
Members-at-Large participate in and contribute to Executive Committee meetings as well as perform duties as directed by the Section Chair. Members-at-Large are elected with voting privileges for all section matters, including Elections, and Bylaws changes.
Technical Chapter Chair
The Technical Chapter Chair is the leader of the Technical Chapter. The Technical Chapter Chair ensures the chapter is in compliance with IEEE Policies and local regulations. The Technical Chapter Chair manages the operations of the Technical Chapter to ensure the best interests of the local members are being met. The Technical Chapter Chair provides leadership, guidance to Technical Chapter volunteers and ensures that the Technical Chapter activities are focused on increasing member engagement and satisfaction. The Technical Chapter Chair represents the needs of Technical Chapter members by providing feedback to IEEE Nebraska Section Executive Committee.
Technical Chapter Vice Chair
The Technical Chapter Vice-Chair assists the Technical Chapter Chair in managing the operations of the Technical Chapter. In many Technical Chapters, the Technical Chapter Vice-Chair is responsible for working with Technical Chapter leadership to select topics for meetings and to develop programs to meet the needs of local members. At the request of the Technical Chapter Chair or in the absence of the Technical Chapter Chair, the Technical Chapter Vice Chair shall chair meetings of the Technical Chapter.
Technical Chapter Treasurer (Optional)
The treasurer’s guidance will influence the overall direction of the Technical Chapter and influence the completion of key Technical Chapter projects and initiatives. The Technical Chapter Treasurer is ultimately responsible for funding Technical Chapter activities, approved initiatives, and committees (standing and ad hoc). It is the responsibility of the Technical Chapter Treasurer to assure the financial processes and policies are executed properly and that Technical Chapter funds are spent appropriately.
Technical Chapter Secretary (Optional)
The Technical Chapter Secretary acts as the gateway between the Technical Chapter members and the Technical Chapter officers, having a leadership role in bringing the needs of members to the Technical Chapter officers. The Technical Chapter Secretary is often the main Technical Chapter point of contact for members and volunteers, because official information is disseminated by the Technical Chapter Secretary. The Technical Chapter Secretary also has accountability for and ownership of the records and correspondence of the Technical Chapter including meeting records and submitting reports of Technical Chapter activities. The Technical Chapter Secretary’s role is much more than record keeping – he/she is a steward of the Technical Chapter’s history and future, bringing critical data to enable decision making by the Technical Chapter officers and deliver real value to members that keeps the Technical Chapter engaged, relevant and sustainable in the long term. The Technical Chapter Secretary plays a key role in ensuring that Technical Chapter members are engaging in Technical Chapter activities.
Affinity Group Chair
The Affinity Group Chair is the leader of the Affinity Group. The Affinity Group Chair ensures the chapter is in compliance with IEEE Policies and local regulations. The Affinity Group Chair manages the operations of the Affinity Group to ensure the best interests of the local members are being met. The Affinity Group Chair provides leadership, guidance to Affinity Group volunteers and ensures that the Affinity Group activities are focused on increasing member engagement and satisfaction. The Affinity Group Chair represents the needs of Affinity Group members by providing feedback to IEEE Nebraska Section Executive Committee.
Affinity Group Vice Chair
The Affinity Group Vice-Chair assists the Affinity Group Chair in managing the operations of the Affinity Group. In many Affinity Group, the Affinity Group Vice-Chair is responsible for working with Affinity Group leadership to select topics for meetings and to develop programs to meet the needs of local members. At the request of the Affinity Group Chair or in the absence of the Affinity Group Chair, the Affinity Group Vice Chair shall chair meetings of the Affinity Group.
Affinity Group Treasurer (Optional)
The treasurer’s guidance will influence the overall direction of the Affinity Group and influence the completion of key Affinity Group projects and initiatives. The Affinity Group Treasurer is ultimately responsible for funding Affinity Group activities, approved initiatives, and committees (standing and ad hoc). It is the responsibility of the Affinity Group Treasurer to assure the financial processes and policies are executed properly and that Affinity Group funds are spent appropriately.
Affinity Group Secretary (Optional)
The Affinity Group Secretary acts as the gateway between the Affinity Group members and the Affinity Group officers, having a leadership role in bringing the needs of members to the Affinity Group officers. The Affinity Group Secretary is often the main Affinity Group point of contact for members and volunteers, because official information is disseminated by the Affinity Group Secretary. The Affinity Group Secretary also has accountability for and ownership of the records and correspondence of the Affinity Group including meeting records and submitting reports of Affinity Group activities. The Affinity Group Secretary’s role is much more than record keeping – he/she is a steward of the Affinity Group history and future, bringing critical data to enable decision making by the Affinity Group officers and deliver real value to members that keeps the Affinity Group engaged, relevant and sustainable in the long term. The Affinity Group Secretary plays a key role in ensuring that Affinity Group members are engaging in Affinity Group activities.
Membership Development Chair
The Membership Development Chair oversees the Membership Development Committee and is responsible for appointing its members. As the Membership Development Chair, you have the greatest opportunity to influence the development, engagement and growth of your Section by understanding your members’ needs and then working with the rest of the Section, Chapter, Affinity Groups and Student Branch Executive Committees to develop/deliver key programs based on those needs. This will help to retain, engage and grow your members in order to outperform previous achievements and to also inspire new and potential members about the extraordinary benefits that IEEE provides.
Professional Activities Chair (PACE)
The Professional Activities Chair oversees the Professional Activities Committee and is responsible for appointing its members. The Professional Activities Chair works to understand the IEEE organization and know the professional issues of concern to IEEE and those of the Section membership. A key role to the Professional Activities Chair is to communicate items of professional interest to your membership at Executive Committee meetings, Technical Chapter meetings, Student Branch meetings, and Affinity Group meetings. You will develop, coordinate, and present professional programs in support of Section goals and objectives.
Student Activities Chair (SSAC)
The Student Activities Chair oversees the Student Activities Committee and is responsible for appointing its members. As Section Student Activities Chair it is your responsibility to act as the interface between Student Branches and your Section. We encourage you to work collaboratively with your Section Student Representative (SSR) to achieve your goals. As Section Student Activities Chair you are a member of the Section Executive Committee (ExCom). You report to the Section Chair. The Student Activities Committee is usually abbreviated SAC and the Student Activities Committee Chair as SAC Chair. The following text will use the term SAC Chair to refer to Student Activities Committee Chair.
Student Representative (SSR)
As the Section Student Representative (SSR) for your Section, you are responsible for
coordinating and encouraging activities of interest to all IEEE student organizations (Branches
and Branch Chapters) that report to your Section. You will work closely with your Student
Branch and its sub-unit Chair and other leaders in your Section in carrying out these activities.
There may be multiple Student Branches and branch sub-units reporting to your Section.
Educational Activities Chair
The Educational Activities Chair oversees the Educational Activities Committee and is responsible for appointing its members. IEEE Educational Activities volunteers and staff are responsible for coordinating the educational activities of the IEEE by developing educational programs to ensure (1) The technological literacy of pre-university students, (2) the continuous maintenance and improvement of engineering education programs through active participation in accreditation activities, and (3) the development of continuing education products and services that serve the professional development and lifelong learning needs of electro-technology professionals worldwide.
The Section Educational Activities Chair assists in these efforts by coordinating local educational activities programs for IEEE members and developing educational programs to encourage the technological literacy of pre-university students.
Industry Relations Chair
The Industry Relations Chair oversees the Industry Relations Committee and is responsible for appointing its members. As the Industry Relations Chair, you are responsible to your Section Chair for organizing, coordinating, and leading Industry Relations within your Section. It is important that you maintain close communications with other members of your Section Executive Committee and that you collaborate with them to ensure maximum effectiveness of your Section’s programs and activities. The Section Industry Activities Chair assists the Section Chair, Section Executive Committee, Section Chapters, Affinity Groups and Section members in coordinating activities of the Section associated with interacting with external organizations (businesses and other volunteer organizations) for the purpose of improving relationships between them and IEEE, including your IEEE Section.
Public Relations Chair
The Public Relations Chair oversees all section public relation activities. The Public Relations Chair also chairs the Public Relations Committee and is responsible for appointing its members.
The Public Relations Committee consists of Newsletter Editor, Electronic Communications Coordinator, Information Management Coordinator, vTools Coordinator, Web Master and anyone else deemed necessary by the Public Relations Chair. The Public Relations Chair ensures all recorded Section and Committee activities are in compliance with copyright laws.
Newsletter Editor
The Newsletter Editor gathers content (Letter from Chairs, Announcements, newly published IEEE articles, etc.) for the IEEE Nebraska Section Newsletter. The Newsletter Editor can appoint any IEEE Nebraska Section member to assist with the gathering of newsletter content. The Newsletter Editor creates the newsletter in a digital format to be disseminated to IEEE Nebraska Section members through IEEE vTools eNotice to ensure compliance with Privacy Act regulations.
Information Management Coordinator
Manages IEEE Nebraska social media content. Cooperates with IEEE Nebraska newsletter editor, particularly in electronic newsletter production and publication. Publicizes IEEE Section and subunit activities.
Web Master
Manages IEEE Nebraska website. Cooperates with IEEE Nebraska newsletter editor in publication of newsletter to website. Publicizes IEEE Nebraska and subunit activities on the Section website.
Electronic Communications Coordinator
Provides support and advice to IEEE Nebraska and subunits thereof on matters relating to
electronic communications. Establishes and maintains IEEE Nebraska ListServe email list. Cooperates with IEEE Nebraska newsletter editor in publication of newsletter. Assist the IEEE Nebraska ExCom and subunits thereof in setting up and managing WebEx meetings. Responsible for coordinating virtual meetings, recording Technical Chapter events, and cataloging them on the IEEE Nebraska Section website. Works with the with the IEEE Nebraska ExCom to generate correspondence to the membership with IEEE vTools.
vTools Coordinator
Responsible for training IEEE Nebraska ExCom on IEEE vTools tools.
Awards & Recognition Chair (ARC)
The Awards and Recognition Chair oversees the Awards and Recognition Committee and is responsible for appointing its members. The Section Awards and Recognition Committee (ARC) Chair, also referred to as Awards Chair, is typically an experienced volunteer leader in the Section who is appointed by the Section Chair and approved by the Section Executive Committee (ExCom). You are a member of the Section Committee and may be a member of the Section ExCom. You are responsible for your Section’s awards and recognition programs. Awards and recognition of members of your Section and its organizational units for their professional, technical, and service achievements is an important motivational tool. It is a key to volunteer recruitment and retention and increases the visibility in the community.
Nominations and Appointments Chair
The Nominations & Appointments Chair oversees the Nominations & Appointments Committee and is responsible for appointing its members. This position will focus on identifying candidates for a slate of officers for key leadership positions in your Section. The scope of your work will be explicitly defined by your Section Chair and your Section ExCom. For example, most N&A Chairs are charged with the responsibility of defining a core set of officers for the Section along with Chapter Chairs. This would include the following positions:
• Section Chair
• Section Vice Chair
• Section Secretary
• Section Treasurer
• Section Members at Large
• Power & Energy Technical Chapter Chair
• Power & Energy Technical Chapter Vice Chair
• Industry Applications Technical Chapter Chair
• Industry Applications Technical Chapter Vice Chair
• Computer Technical Chapter Chair
• Computer Technical Chapter Vice Chair
• Communications Technical Chapter Chair
• Communications Technical Chapter Vice Chair
• Young Professionals Affinity Group Chair
• Young Professionals Affinity Group Vice Chair
Revision History |
Revision Date |
Revised By |
Revision Description |
02-18-21 |
Nick McIntosh Mike Hasenkamp |
Drafted IEEE Nebraska Section Bylaws. |