Awards and Recognition

The 2025 Region 4 Awards nomination window will open on April 7, 2025. Nominations must be submitted before Monday, November 3.

The IEEE Region 4 Awards and Recognition program is designed to promote, recognize, and reward excellence in furthering the objectives of IEEE as reflected in the operations of Region 4 and Region 4 Operating Unit activities (Sections, Chapters, Affinity Groups, Student Branches, and Student Branch Chapters).  The awards are administered by Region 4’s Awards and Recognition Committee.

The Regional Awards & Recognition Committee carries out those activities associated with the process of Region 4 Awards. The Committee pursues the development of new awards recognizing activities of outstanding worth and merit with Region 4. It assists the Regional Director in coordinating any awards activities within Region 4 as appropriate. The Committee supports the IEEE Awards and Recognition Committees in developing awards and developing Region 4 nominations for IEEE Awards.

Download the Region 4 Awards and Recognition Document

This document provides step by step instructions to assist members with the nomination process. The document includes award descriptions, eligibility requirements, instructions on how to submit a nomination, a sample nomination and example letters of recommendation. Members may direct questions to the Awards Chair noted at the bottom of the page.

Nine individual awards and seven organizational awards are offered annually by Region 4. Consistent with the IEEE Code of Ethics, individual award nominees and recipients must uphold the highest standards of integrity, responsible behavior, and ethical conduct in professional activities. Please refer to the Region 4 Awards and Recognition Document for important details on each award.

Individual Awards

  • Jack Sherman Outstanding Member Award
  • Outstanding Professional Award
  • Outstanding Student Award
  • Young Professional Achievement Award
  • Women in Engineering Award
  • Student Branch Counselor Award
  • Diversity and Inclusion Award
  • Industry Engagement Award
  • Outstanding Service Award

To nominate an individual for an award click on this link to be taken to the Individual Award Nomination form.

Note that the Jack Sherman Outstanding Member Award and the Outstanding Professional Award each require two letters of recommendation. Click on this link to be taken to the Letter of Recommendation form.

Organization Awards

  • Employer Professional Development Award
  • Membership Growth Section Award. (One award each for large, medium, and small Sections).
  • Membership Retention Section Award. (One award each for large, medium, and small Sections).
  • Outstanding Affinity Group Award
  • Outstanding Chapter Award
  • Outstanding Section Award. (One award each for large, medium, and small Sections).
  • Outstanding Student Branch Award

To nominate an organization for an award click on this link to be taken to the Organization Award Nomination form.

Awards and Recognition Committee Members

Awards and Recognition Committee Chair

Steve Kerchberger