IEEE Region 3 RSAC Report Fall 2004 Bruce L. Walcott, RSAC Patricia Davis, RSR This report is an update to the RSAC report submitted in Summer of 2004. It outlines the progress made in the following areas: - Membership - First-Ever Fall Leadership Retreat - SPAC/SPAVes - Southeastcon 2005 - Student Activities Update Membership ========== While student membership numbers are measured at the end of the year to determine the rebates that the branches are entitled to, it is possible to determine the number of student members as of October, 2004. Region 3 has 4432 student members. This figure is up by 5.725 % since October 2003 and up a whopping 12.3 % since the October of 2001--despite an increase in student dues over the period. First-Ever Fall Leadership Retreat (in lieu of SLTWs) ====================================== At the student branch chair workshop held at Southeastcon 2004 in Greensboro, North Carolina, the students were asked if one single, centrally-located SLTW would be preferable to the 4-5 SLTWs currently conducted in the Fall. The overwhelming response was for a single, SLTW. The student branch at Georgia Tech agreed to host this "Leadership Retreat". The first-ever Student Leadership Membership Retreat was held this past weekend (Oct. 8-10th) at the Hilton Atlanta Northeast. The agenda is attached to the end of this report. The theme of the Retreat was "EE - Enthuse and Empower" as IEEE Student Leaders discovered the organization, resources, and ideas from other schools for planning an effective year. Logistically, the student branch officers were required to find a means of transportation to the event. SAC provided one quad room and food for the weekend for the first 15 schools to register. The following 15 schools did register for the Retreat with the schools marked with an asterisk attending: Southern Indiana University UT - Martin University of Miami South Carolina State University Hampton University* Georgia Tech (host)* Univ. of South Carolina* The Citadel* Univ. of Memphis* GTCC* Auburn University* Florida International University* UAH* Univ. of Kentucky* Chattahoochee Tech Many of these schools--while active in the Hardware Competition--had never attended an IEEE student leadership training event of any kind and benefited immensely from the information about the organization and the various sponsored activities. Over 40 were in attendance with special guests including Mirelle White of IEEE FAP, Joey Duvall (SPAA/SPC), Trish Davis (Region 3 RSR), and Bill Harrison (Region 3 Director). While some of the material from the SLTWs was covered during the weekend, the event was far more student driven including best practices sessions and a mini-officer retreats. Ms. Joey Duvall and Sri Narasimhan of Georgia Tech led an SPAC/SPAVe workshop. Special thanks go Cody Planteen and Sri Narasimhan of Georgia Tech, Joey Duvall, Mirelle White, and Bill Harrison for their support and participation in the Retreat. Candid, unrehearsed pictures from the Retreat can be found at: Results of the Retreat Assessment Survey Scoring Responses Excellent - 4 Good - 3 Average - 2 Poor - 1 Before the Retreat Questions 1. Before the Retreat, how would you characterize your general knowledge of the IEEE organization? (Score 1.83) 2. Before the Retreat, how would you characterize your awareness of the your IEEE student officer responsibilities? (Score 1.94) 3. Before the Retreat, how would you characterize your awareness of the benefits of joining IEEE? (Score 2.39) 4. Before the Retreat, what was the likelihood of your student branch putting on an SPAC/SPAVE? (Score 1.72) 5. Before the Retreat, what was the likelihood of your student branch submitting the 3 necessary reports to IEEE? (Score 2.29) Average score before the retreat - 2.03 After the Retreat Questions 6. After the Retreat, how would you characterize your general knowledge of the IEEE organization? (Score 3.5) 7. After the Retreat, how would you characterize your awareness of the your IEEE student officer responsibilities? (Score 3.5) 8. After the Retreat, how would you characterize your awareness of the benefits of joining IEEE? (Score 3.61) 9. After the Retreat, what is the likelihood of your student branch putting on an SPAC/SPAVE? (Score 3.06) 10. After the Retreat, what is the likelihood of your student branch submitting the 3 necessary reports to IEEE? (Score 3.72) Average score after the retreat - 3.48 Effectiveness Questions 11. How effective was the mini-officer retreat workshop where you met fellow officers from other schools? (Score 3.72) 12. How effective was the membership workshop where you convinced Dave to join the IEEE? (Score 3.22) 13. How effective was the membership workshop where you convinced Dave to join the IEEE? (Score 3.24) 14. How effective was the "Best Practices" sessions where you learned about model student branches? (Score 3.39) 15. What is the likelihood of your student branch implementing any of the fundraising ideas discussed? (Score 3.72) 16. The average reading on the "Fun-O-Meter" during the Retreat was (i.e., how much fun did you have)? (Score 3.29) 17. Your overall impression of the Retreat was (Score 3.94) Average Effectiveness Score - 3.5 Clearly, the event was a tremendous success. It is hoped that the Retreat will continue next Fall with an even larger level of participation. The real proof will be in the number of plans and reports submitted by the schools who were present. SPACs/SPAVes ============= Part of the Retreat was an SPAC/SPAVe planning workshop. Currently, there is one firm commitment on behalf of Georgia Tech to conduct an SPAC in the Spring of 2005. The theme of Georgia Tech's SPAC will be "Entrepreneurship". USF has also expressed interest in doing an SPAC as they did last year. According to the survey, many of the other schools present at the retreat stated there is a good chance they will put on an SPAC in the spring semester. In terms of SPAVes, one project was identified at the retreat based upon GATech's level of automation and seamless transistion from year-to-year. Georgia Tech will plan to submit an SPAVe to develop an "starter kit" for schools without the resources to develop automated scheduling and calendar tools. This project will start in December and be ready for roll-out by Southeastcon. Southeastcon 2005 - Student Activities Update ================================== RSAC encourages the Region 3 EXCOMM and Sections to visit the Southeastcon 2005 student activities page at the URL below: One cannot help but be impressed by the effort put forth by Eric Ackerman and his Southeastcon 2005 committee in organizing the events for this year's Southeastcon to be held April 6-8 in Ft. Lauderdale. Over 30 schools have registered for the Hardware (Robot) contest. Even 2 schools have signed-up for the Web Contest at this early date! Also, the pre-college challenge started in Greensboro will be continued at Southeastcon 2005 as well as some improvements to the social awards program. In my 18 years of being involved with Student Activities at Southeastcon, this is the earliest I can remember this level of detail being available to the students. Good work, Eric, and condolences to you and the Ackerman family on your recent loss. ===========================APPENDIX=========================== 2004 IEEE Region 3 Student Leaders Fall Retreat October 8-10th Atlanta Northeast Hilton SCHEDULE: Friday, October 8th - Whispers Room 7 - 9 p.m. Reception (Optional - some students will be traveling) Saturday, October 9th - Cobb/DeKalb Room 8:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast - Registration/Name Tags 9:00 a.m. Welcome/Introductions/Ice Breaking Exercise 9:30 a.m. Overview of IEEE and Officer Positions 10:00 a.m. Officers Breakout/Retreat Group 10:45 a.m. Break 11:00 a.m. Membership/Fundraising Workshop 12:00 noon Lunch - Catered 1:00 p.m. Student Branch Best Practices - GA Tech 1:30 p.m. Other Student Organizations - Best Practices 2:00 p.m. SPAC/SPAVe and Student Activities Workshop - Joey Duvall 3:00 p.m. Break 3:15 p.m. Calendar Planning/Plan submission 4:00 p.m. Southeastcon/Awards Workshop 5:00 p.m. Break 7:00 p.m. Dinner at Dave and Busters (optional) Sunday, October 10th 8:30 a.m. Breakfast at IHOP 10-noon Tour of Georgia Tech/Recreation (optional) noon Adjourn - Return Home