To: Region 3 ExCom From: Pat Donohoe, Region 3 Educational Activities Chair Subject: Educational Activities Committee Report Date: 1 October 2004 The Region 3 Educational Activities Committee (EAC) continues to solicit representatives from the Sections within Region 3. The goal is to have Educational Acticities representatives from as many Sections as possible. The Region 3 EAC currently has representation from the Mississippi, Alabama, Huntsville, Palm Beach and Virginia Mountain Sections. Anyone who might be interested in being a part of this committee should contact Pat Donohoe. The Educational Activities Committee is currently soliciting nominations for the 2004 IEEE Region 3 Employer Professional Development Award. The deadline for nominations is December 1, 2004. The purpose of this award is to recognize organizations in Region 3 which employ IEEE members for outstanding contributions by the organization to employee continuing education and professional development as evidenced by their quality, comprehensiveness, innovation, or impact. Please see the following link for more information on the award.