IEEE Canaveral Section Report, October, 2004 Chair Leon Migdalski Vice Chair Charles Chapman Secretary Linda Gardner Treasurer Wayne Rendla AESS/COMP Chair Charles Chapman AESS Vice-Chair Karen Beauchamp COMP Vice-Chair Bahman Motlagh Past Chair Kathy Rinehart We are continuing our efforts to develop the Life Member Chapter that is a joint venture with the Melbourne Section. There are about 175 LM's in our Sections. We have been fairly inactive recently because of the summer break and 3 hurricanes. We did hold several Executive Planning meetings. 2004 Meetings: 1/29/2004 Title: Bumper 8, the Story Behind the First Launch from Cape Canaveral. Speaker: Mr. Stanley (Stan) Starr. Attendance 13 2/20/2004 Title: Engineers week Banquet Sponsor by the Canaveral Council of Technical Societies. Attendance 12 3/17/2004 Title: Lecture on the development the Broadband Wireless Metropolitan Area Network. Speaker: IEEE Distinguished Lecturer Dr. Roger B. Marks. A joint meeting with the IEEE Melbourne Section. Attendance 34 4/8/2004 Title: Why Wilbur and Orville? Speaker; Dr. Tom D. Crough. A joint meeting with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASME. Attendance 18 Proposed Meetings: June - Sept. Summer break and hurricanes !. Oct. ? We are working on a tour of the electromechanical workings of a cruise ship. Nov. ? A possible joint meeting with the Melbourne Section. Dec. ? Holiday Social. Web Email sec.canaveral ( Home 321-267-1008 Leon Migdalski, Chair IEEE Canaveral Section