IEEE Atlanta Section Report to Region 3: 16-Oct-2004 The IEEE Atlanta Section covers all of northern Georgia and includes 3500 to 4500 current members, depending on how/when we count them (the larger value includes more than 800 student members). 2004 Officers: * Chair: Bill Marshall email: chair * Vice Chair: Wei Zhao email: vice-chair * Treasurer: Randy Young email: treasurer * Secretary: Miroslav Begovic email: secretary All above e-mail are Notes: * 2004 is the Centennial Anniversary of the Atlanta Section, which was commemorated by two history-focused banquets this year (2nd one was this week, 12-Oct). * Atlanta Section was recently appointed to Board of Directors for the 'Marietta Aeronautical Museum & Education Center', which represents a ahuge potential IR/PR/K-12 outreach opportunity for IEEE. * Section hosted two 'employment assistance "networking" meetings' this year. Non-technical, professional development will be a priority for 2005, letting the society chapters focus on technical development. * K-12 Outreach Program is on 'low simmer', currently relying on individual activities. This is a hard task. Museum & Education Center offers a new outreach conduit. Chapter Status: * GOLD: the section has a newly charted GOLD chapter that has met once this year and is planning a second event this fall. * PE Soc: very active & healthy; 6 meetings so far this year * IA Soc: very active & healthy; 5 meetings so far this year * PEL Soc: rejuvenated in 2004; 2 meetings so far this year * CAS/SSC Jt-Soc: rejuvenated in 2004; 2 meetings so far this year * Comp. Soc: historically very active & healthy but down in 2004; still expect 2+ meetings this year * AES/GRS Jt-Soc: historically active & healthy but down in 2004; still expect 2+ meetings this year * AP/MTT Jt-Soc: historically active & healthy; 2004 status unclear * IM/EMC Jt-Soc: rejuvenated in 2003; expect 2+ meetings this year * SP/Com Jt-Soc: rejuvenated in 2003; 2004 status unclear * CMPT Soc: chapter has been active but has not been reporting it; new chair selected; expect 2+ reported meetings this year * VT Soc: new officers appointed by section to rejuvenate this fall; unsure of expected meeting count this year * ED/LEO Jt-Soc: new chair tagged by LEO Soc to rejuvenate chapter in 2004, but section found out only by accident ("RAB-TAB" corrdination still a problem); unsure of expected meeting count this year * EM Soc: inactive, but a section priority for Nov & Dec of this year; unsure of eventual status Sincerely, Bill Marshall 2004 Chair, IEEE Atlanta Section email: chair --