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Thursday, May 07, 2015
Scale-space Processing for Light Field Cameras
This meeting is hosted/sponsored by IEEE SPS Chapter and co-sponsored by IEEE WIE
Speaker :
Dr. Ivana Tosic
Senior Research Scientist
Ricoh Innovations, Corp.
AMD Commons C-6/7/8, 991 Stewart Dr., Sunnyvale, CA (map or Google Maps)
6:30pm: Networking/Light Dinner
7:00pm: Announcements
7:05pm: Presentation
8:15pm: Adjourn
Free. Donation accepted for food.
Recent development of hand-held plenoptic cameras has brought light field acquisition into a range of consumer, industrial, biomedical and medical 3D imaging applications. As light fields record both spatial and angular information of light, their high dimensional structure is notably different from traditional 2D images. Because of this, many established image processing and computer vision algorithms become suboptimal and we have to revisit fundamental signal processing approaches and adapt them to light fields.
I will show how scale-space analysis, one of the most widely applied frameworks in computer vision today, can be extended to the case of light fields. This new theory involves the construction of Light field scale-and-depth (Lisad) spaces, which are parametrized both in terms of scale of objects recorded by a light field and in terms of objects' depth. Such scale-invariant 3D analysis of light fields opens the door to novel computer vision algorithms for plenoptic cameras, out of which I will present two: dense depth estimation and 3D keypoint detection.
Ivana Tosic received a Ph.D. degree in computer and communication sciences from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Switzerland in 2009, and a Dipl.Ing. degree in telecommunications from the University of Nis, Serbia in 2003. From 2009 to 2011, she was a postdoctoral researcher at the Redwood Center for Theoretical Neuroscience, University of California at Berkeley, where she studied computational mechanisms of depth perception from binocular vision. Since 2011, Dr. Tosic has been a member of research staff at Ricoh Innovations, Corp., Menlo Park, California, working in the computational optics and visual processing group. Her research interests lie in the intersection of image processing and computational neuroscience domains and include binocular vision, image and 3-D scene representation, depth perception, representation and coding of the plenoptic function, and computational photography.
Reference Papers
"3D keypoint detection by light field scale-depth space analysis"
I Tosic, K Berkner; Image Processing (ICIP), 2014 IEEE International Conference on, 1927-1931
"Light Field Scale-Depth Space Transform for Dense Depth Estimation"
I Tosic, K Berkner; Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), 2014 IEEE
"In Vivo Middle Ear Imaging with a Light Field Otoscope"
N Bedard, I Tosic, L Meng, A Hoberman, J Kovacevic, K Berkner; Bio-Optics: Design and Application, BW3A. 3
"Light Field Otoscope"
N Bedard, I Tosic, L Meng, K Berkner; Imaging Systems and Applications, IM3C. 6

 * from-left: Pavel Tcherniaev, Radhakrishna Giduthuri, Ivana Tosic, John Princen, Iole Moccagatta
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