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Thursday, March 05, 2015
Perceptual Audio Coding: An Overview of Basic Principles and Current Standards
This meeting is hosted/sponsored by IEEE SPS Chapter and co-sponsored by IEEE WIE & ComSoc Chapter
Speaker :
Dr. Marina Bosi
Consulting Professor, Stanford University
AMD Commons Theater, 991 Stewart Dr., Sunnyvale, CA (map or Google Maps)
6:30pm: Networking/Light Dinner
7:00pm: Announcements
7:05pm: Presentation
8:15pm: Adjourn
Free. Donation accepted for food.
Who would have guessed twenty years ago that teenagers and everybody else would be clamoring for devices with MP3/AAC (MPEG Layer III/MPEG Advanced Audio Coding) perceptual audio coders that fit into their pockets? As perceptual audio coders become more and more part of our daily lives, residing within DVDs, mobile devices, broad/webcasting, electronic distribution of music, etc., a natural question to ask is: what made this possible and where is this going? This talk, presented by one of the developers who helped advance the field of perceptual audio coding, will provide a tutorial on the technology employed in perceptual audio coding and a brief overview of past and current standard development.
Marina Bosi has been actively involved for many years in the development of standards for audio coding, video coding, and digital content management, having contributed to the work of ANSI, ATSC, DVD Forum, DVB, ISO/IEC MPEG, SDMI, and SMPTE. Dr. Bosi holds several patents and publications in the field and is author of the acclaimed textbook "Introduction to Digital Audio Coding and Standards" (Kluwer/Springer December 2002) translated into Chinese and Korean. A senior member of IEEE, her recognitions include the AES Fellowship award for her contributions to audio and video standards development, twice the AES Board of Governors award for chairing the first international conference on high quality audio coding and the AES Convention, the ISO/IEC award for being the Editor of ISO/IEC 13818-7, Advanced Audio Coding.
Dr. Bosi is currently Consulting Professor in the Music Department at Stanford University and a Founding Director (together with Leonardo Chiariglione, MPEG Chair) of the Digital Media Project, a non-profit organization that promotes successful development, deployment, and use of Digital Media.
Dr. Bosi, a past-President of the Audio Engineering Society (AES), was part of the research team at Dolby Laboratories working on AC-2 and AC-3 ( Dolby Digital) technology where she also led the MPEG-2 AAC development, and she was Chief Technology Officer of MPEG LA, an industry leader in the use of patent pools to create a "one-stop shop" for licensing essential patents required of multimedia technologies. She received a doctorate in Physics from the University of Florence, Italy.

 * from-left: Radhakrishna Giduthuri, Marina Bosi
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