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Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Current State of Physically Modeled Musical Instruments on Handheld Mobile Devices
This meeting is hosted/sponsored by IEEE SPS Chapter
Speaker :
Pat Scandalis
AMD Commons Theater, 991 Stewart Dr., Sunnyvale, CA (map or Google Maps)
6:30pm: Networking/Light Dinner
7:00pm: Announcements
7:05pm: Presentation
8:15pm: Adjourn
Free. Donation accepted for food.
Handheld mobile computing devices are now ubiquitous. These devices are powerful, connected and equipped with a variety of sensors. Their pervasiveness has created an opportunity to realize parametrically controlled, physically modeled, virtual musical instruments.
moForte Inc was founded to develop a line of sonic and musical applications for handheld devices. We developed "moForte Guitar" which is an application for mobile devices that models the guitar family of instruments and enables everyone to experience what its like to play these instruments.
We will provide a brief history of physically modeled musical instruments and the platforms that these models have been run on. We will also give an overview of what is currently possible on handheld mobile devices.
Pat Scandalis, CTO and acting CEO has worked for a number of Silicon Valley High Tech Companies. He has held lead engineering positions at National Semiconductor, Teradyne, Apple and Sun. He has spent the past 18 years working in Digital Media. He was an Audio DSP researcher at Stanford University's Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA). He co-founded and was the VP of engineering for Staccato Systems, a successful spinout of Stanford/CCRMA that was sold to Analog Devices in 2001. He has held VP positions at, Jarrah Systems and Liquid Digital Media. He most recently ran Liquid Digital Media, which developed and operated all online digital music e-commerce properties for Walmart. He holds a BSc in Physics from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and is currently a visiting scholar at CCRMA, Stanford University.

 * from-left: John Princen, Pat Scandalis
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