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Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Signal Processing Applications: Expanding our World, Bringing Us Closer - A Historical Perspective
Dr. John Treichler, IEEE Fellow, Raytheon
1 AMD Place, Sunnyvale, CA 94088 (Commons Bldg - map or Google Maps)
6:30pm: Networking/Light Dinner
7:00pm: Announcements
7:05pm: Presentation
8:15pm: Adjourn
Free. Donation accepted for food.
Many amazing pieces of technology have come out of Silicon Valley over the past 60 years. To some it may appear that they arrived into the marketplace full-blown and complete, but in fact almost all of them had their roots in an application for which there was no reasonable or affordable solution at the time. This presentation explores the evolutional path followed by most of them, from very expensive, barely-working Hero experiment to reliable low cost commercial product. This is illustrated with examples that started with national defense needs, and then, with the introduction of ever improving semiconductors and digital signal processing (DSP), have turned into common place commercial products. From these examples a pattern becomes clear which can be reasonable expected to extend well into the future.
John Treichler received his BA and MEE degrees from Rice University, Houston, TX in 1970 and his PhDEE from Stanford in 1977. He served as a line officer aboard destroyers in the US Navy from 1970 to 1974. In 1977 he joined ARGOSystems in Sunnyvale CA and then helped found Applied Signal Technology, Inc. in 1984 after serving for a year as an Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering at Cornell University.
Applied Signal Technology, now a mission area within the Space and Airborne Systems (SAS) business unit of Raytheon, Inc, designs and builds advanced signal processing equipment used by the United States government and its allies for foreign intelligence collection.
He is currently the president of the Raytheon Applied Signal Technology business unit. He was elected a Fellow in the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) in 1991 and was awarded the IEEE Signal Processing Society’s Technical Achievement Award in 2000. He recently completed a three-year tour as the IEEE Signal Processing Society’s Vice President for Membership and Awards.
Video of Presentation

* from-left: John Treichler, Radhakrishna Giduthuri
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