Gift of Reading : December 2005
From December 3-14,2005 one IEEE volunteer (David Fong and his
children) sorted about two thousand of book and packaged them into various
boxes for distribution. We were able to work together with WIE.
See additional info and photos for this
Gift of Reading : December 2004
From December 4-10,2003 six IEEE volunteers (Charlie Neuhauser, Chris
Silbert, Issac Leung, David Fong, Sherry Woo, sorted thousands of books and
packaged them into various boxes for distribution. This year was
Charlie's first year. He had some good ideas to improve the
productivity : use bar code system to easily identify the grade and age
range for each book.
See additional info and photos for this
Gift of Reading
: December 2003
On December 9,2003 three IEEE volunteers (Lee Colby, David Fong, and
Linda Fong sorted thousands of books and packaged them into various boxes
for distribution.
See additional info and photos for this
Botball : April 5, 2003
To be filled in with information and photos from Terry Grant
Santa Clara Valley Science Fair : March 2003
To be filled in with information and photos from Keith Gudger or Ken
Milpitas High School Engineering Academy : February 11,2003
Program to matchup engineering-oriented
students with mentors
Lego Robotics at SJSU : January 23, 2003
To be filled in with information and photos from Terry Grant
Gift of Reading Program : Dec 10,2002
On December 10,2002 four IEEE volunteers (Daisy Cheng, Joy Angunsri,
David and Linda Fong) sorted thousands of books and packaged them into
various boxes for distribution to various elementary,middle and high
schools in the Santa Clara Valley area.
See addtional info and photos for Gift
of Reading
Science Fair: sciencepalooza
On March 3, 2002, over 700 students
participated at the second annual sciencepalooza! along with San Jose Mayor
Ron Gonzales, former Mayor Susan Hammer, and the CEOs of Synopsys, Inc. and
Kinetics, Inc. In addition, several IEEE volunteers participated in
the judging.
ISEF 2001 Complete list of winners for
Special Awards that
included IEEE
Government and
Industry Awards
Intel ISEF Grand
May 8-9,2001
ISEF 2001 Photos by Keith Gudger
May 8-9,2001 ISEF 2001 Evaluations of
IEEE Prize Winners
April 2001 ISEF 2001 Announcement for
April 4,2001 The Tech Challenge with
elementary,middle school and high school students challenged to climb a
veritical ten foot wall with carpet layer.
December 22,2000
There were over seventy teams from various elementary,middle and junior
high schools participating in the Dec. 3,2000 event at SJSU Event
Center. The
atmosphere was electric with crowds of US First and Lego Officials,
parents, grandparents, students, and students siblings all bringing the
excitement of their creative work over the past few weeks.
The local IEEE Santa Clara Valley Section sponsored the registration fees
for two teams from August Boeger Jr High School in East
San Jose. The teams fared well but did not place in the
top three. One of the top teams claimed that the usage of a block module
oriented software better prepared their teams for the rigors of programming


October 23,2000 Robotics Symposium
October 16,2000 Synopsys Sponsors Science
October 23,2000
Robotics Symposium sponsored by US First and coordinated by an IEEE
volunteer who specializes in robotics: Terry Grant
to be held at The TECH Museum .
8:30-9:00a.m. coffee
9:00-9:05 Welcome - Jeneva Westendorf
9:05-9:35 USFirst - Alan Federman/NASA
9:35-10:15 KISS Institute of Practical Robotics - David Miller
10:15-10:20 Independence High School Video - Jack Aiello
10:20-10:30 Tennyson High School Robotics Curriculum - Becky
10:30-10:45 The Tech Museum @ The Tech Challenge - Jennifer
10:45-11:55 High School Exhibits/discussions/sharing
11:55 - Closing - Superintendent of the East Side -
Joe Coto
Noon - Tour the Robotics Exhibit
Carlos St. under the Library/Convention Center
for $5.00
MUSEUM ENTRY - Please enter the museum through the Park Ave. group
entrance. Your entry is free for the Symposium
LUNCH - IS ON YOUR OWN! Cafe Primavera is the restaurant in
the museum. Cost: $5.95 -$8.95
ROBOTICS EXHIBIT - There will be an opportunity to see the
Tech's Exhibit after the symposium.
There will be free admission for the first 100 students to attend,
"first come first serve". For every adult who escorts 8 students
there will be free admission to the exhibit!
SCHOOL EXHIBITS - If your school would like to share what you're doing
with Robotics please let me know and we'll set up a table for your
display! There will be a 1 hour block of time for sharing and meeting
with other schools and for signing up for future competitions.
October 16,2000
Synopsys, the company that specializes in logic synthesis tools has
committed millions in support of the sciences in Santa Clara Valley
for middle school and high schools. It is called the Synopsys Silicon
Valley Science and Technology Championships. They are directly
funding science projects for middle schools and high schools, as long as
the teacher gets several students interested and signs up on their
website. As usual there are specific timelines that have to be met.
You can support this program by visiting your local middle school or
high school and getting the science teachers to buy into this
program. The teachers also receive a small stipend for their
efforts. The program also specifically targets East San Jose to
encourage the minorities and lower income communities to participate and
become a part of this Silicon Valley
David Fong