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Microwave GaN based Field Effect Transistors

Unique properties of GaN/AlN/InN and related semiconductors make them superior for high-power applications. Device physics and device design of GaN-based FETs are different from those for more conventional GaAs and InGaAs based transistors. In GaN/InN/AlN transistors, strain control and polarization effects are very important, and a new epitaxial technique (called MEMO-CVD), a novel strain energy band engineering (SEBE) approach, and quantum well designs have been developed to control strain, polarization, and non-ideal effects. Also, a very large sheet electron density at heterointerfaces in the GaN-based FET channels allows for a novel and unique insulated gate heterostructure design that has many advantages over more conventional heterostructure FETs. Special field plate designs can dramatically increase the breakdown voltage. As a result, high current values in GaN-based microwave field effect transistors can be combined with very high breakdown voltages, and these devices have potential of replacing traditional GaAs and InGaAs based microwave field effect transistors.

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Last modified: 02/03/07