Paper Submissions
Please follow the required IEEE template available in the link below to write both types of papers (regular papers and two-page extended abstracts [posters]). The submissions must not have any name or affiliations of the authors to facilitate double blinded unbiased reviews. The author names and affiliations must be included in the camera-ready final version of the paper. The two-page extended abstracts for posters must be exactly two pages long with the template. The regular papers can be 4-8 pages long. All figures and tables must be clearly legible to facilitate the review process. The EDAS system automatically checks the papers for plagiarism and plagiarism of any kind (including re-submitting your own previously published work) is not acceptable.
Students who want to participate in Eta Kappa Nu (IEEE-HKN) competition must submit a regular paper
with the student as the first author. This paper if accepted can be presented virtually or in-person. The
Eta Kappa Nu competition must not be confused with the student presentation competition. These
regular papers with the Eta Kappa Nu will be treated like any other full paper submission and the
accepted camera-ready paper will be published with IEEE Explore. Students participating in this
competition can also submit a one page abstract to the paper presentation competition. That one-page
abstract will not be published and students participating in the student paper competition will have to
present in-person at the competition. In summary, these are two separate competitions, and one should
not be confused with the other.
PowerPoint Template with Preferred Presentation Slides
(Note: Please download the PowerPoint template files once clicking on the link.)