Ethics competition for March 6th:


9-10a est Ethics 101 by Dr. Jens Hannemann

10-10:15 est Break

10:15-10:45 Competition Kickoff, by Rachel Wilson

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Ethics competition for IEEE SoutheastCon 2021 will look a little different than in previous years. This competition will be held the weekend PRIOR to the main conference.
We are hosting an Ethics 101 open to anyone on Saturday, March 6th presented by a former member of the IEEE Ethics Board.
The registration and announcement detailing the virtual format is detailed at link below. I’m extending the deadline to register – 12:00 pm est on March 5th, with Sessions 1 & 2 on March 6th and the Q&A with judges on March 7th. Note this is the weekend BEFORE the main conference. So no conflicts with other competitions or conference events.

Please note all the meeting links and detailed instructions, time frame, etc. will be sent to the registrants on March 5th. 
Feel free to email directly for any competition questions/concerns.

Ethics Competition Registration

There are two registrations that students need to be aware of; conference registration and competition registration. All students competing in student competitions must register for both the conference and the competition. Information for both registrations are as follows:

  • Conference registration (i.e. IEEE SoutheastCon 2021 registration)
    • Registration URL:
    • Costs for students to register is $20 a student. All students competing on an Outreach Competition team must register for IEEE SoutheastCon.
    • Students must register for the conference before March 13th, 2021 if they are competing in the Student Presentation Competition.
    • Because SoutheastCon 2021 will be virtual, students should not expect any additional costs such as travel or hotel
  • Student Ethics Competition registration
  • There are no fees for students to register for the Ethics competition (aside from the costs for students to register for the conference)

Overarching Goal

The goal of this competition is to facilitate student growth in general ethics understanding and to encourage growth in ethical best practices in design, impact of technology in society.

The program this year will be broke up into three sessions:

Session 1: Ethics 101 Overview

Session 2: Preparation & Presentation

Session 3: Judges Review, Q&A

Session 1: Goal of Ethics 101 Overview is to open to all students, friends, professionals, etc. The goal of this session is to lay the foundations of what Ethics in Engineering means. This ranges from ethical issues in design to social responsibility.

Session 2: Preparation & Presentation: Kickoff will begin with an overview of expectations and competition format. Teams will choose their own ethical case and prepare a defense using the IEEE Code of Ethics. During this sessions, Teams will be randomly assigned and order for a 20-30 min Q&A session with the Judges. Teams will upload, share link to their presentation by a pre-determined deadline.

Session 3: Judges Review. During this time, the judges may have already previewed the presentation and will review this with the students. Judges may ask clarifying questions and give critical feedback to the team. 

Judging Criteria: Will be similar to previous Final Round Presentations in the past and accommodate points for originality, attendance during Session 1 and Session 2 web-ex sessions. Judges will not review their own teams.

Participants will receive a certificate that may be helpful for reporting PDU’s

Competition Criteria

  • 2-3 Member Student Member team
  • 1 Graduate Level or Professional Member to server on the judging panel (will receive participation certificate for CEU’s)
  • Teams must be able to post presentation (8-12 min) recording to youtube or social media channel
  • Team members must be present during their assigned Q&A Review with the judges
  • Teams will be graded upon a ruberic modified to accommodate the revised format to accommodate remote/Covid restrictions
  • Case topics may not include previous years including, but not limited to Boeing Max, Cobalt supply chain for Lithium Batteries, Cybersecurity of Medical Devices.

Awards: Depending upon the number of entries will determine an award structure. This may be overall winners or round winners. The format will be shared during Session #2 Kickoff:

Any questions should be directed to

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