2022 5th International Conference on Advanced Systems and Emergent Technologies (IC_ASET)
The 4th International Conference on Advanced Systems and Emergent Technologies (IC_ASET’2020) builds on the success of IC_ASET’2019, IC_ASET’2018, and IC_ASET’2017. It aims to bring together researchers, academics, and practitioners to share scientific and technological advances and to provide broad coverage of foundational research in the multidisciplinary field of Electrical Engineering and related Emergent Technologies. Students and junior researchers are especially welcome to share their latest research and application contributions and address new challenges in the field. With an anticipated 150 participants, the event will also provide an excellent opportunity for regional and more broadly international networking.
The International Conference IC_ASET’2020 is organized by the ASET Association, (Association des Spécialistes Electriciens de Tunisie) which is the Tunisian National Member Organization (NMO) of IFAC and will be held in Hammamet–Tunisia, from December 15 to 18, 2020.
This event will feature presentations by researchers and experts from the international community, including keynote lectures, invited sessions, posters, and tutorials. It covers a wide spectrum of topics, connected with the electrical engineering domains and new technology developments, ranging from theory to practice, in terms of methodology, design, implementation, testing tools and use cases.
Topics include but are not limited to the following:
• Automatic Control Systems
• Communication Engineering
• Embedded Systems
• Robotics and Automation
• Manufacturing Engineering
• Power Electronics and Power Systems
• Signal and Image Processing
• Artificial Intelligence and IoT
INVITED SESSION: Materials for Electrical Engineering
- Nabila DHAHBI, Carthage University
- Mohammed El Amine SLAMA, Cardiff University
SPECIAL SESSION: “COVID-19” Related Research applications
- Mohamed Ali HAMDI, Carthage University
- Mustapha HAMDI, Carthage University
Invited session proposals in the above and other areas are also solicited and have to be submitted by sending email to Prof. Abdessattar Ben Amor (abdessattar.benamor@yahoo.fr). Proposals will be then reviewed by the committee.
Ahmed Rubaai, Fellow IEEE
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department Howard University, Washington, DC, USA
Charles Joubert,
Professor, Dept. GEII- IUT Lyon1 Director of Electrical Energy Department
Claude Bernard University (University Lyon 1) AMPERE Lab France
Director General of the “ANPR”
Director of the Laboratory of Extremophile Plants (LPE) at CBBC
Graduate Diploma from the Higher School of Teaching of Tunis, 1980
Owner of 03 patents
Call For Papers
5th International Conference on Advanced Systems and Emergent Technologies
March 22-25, 2020, Mehari Hotel Hammamet-Tunisia
On behalf of the entire 2022 Local Committee, we would like to invite you to Hammamet-Tunisia, for the « 5th International Conference on Advanced Systems and Emergent Technologies » (IC_ASET’2022) to be held March 22-25, 2022. The purpose of the IC_ASET Conference is to bring together researchers, engineers, educators, manufacturers, practitioners, students, and customers from all over the world to share and discuss advances and developments in electrical engineering research and applications. The IC_ASET Executive and Local Committees take great pride in providing a high-quality conference while keeping registration and participation costs reasonable. The IC_ASET also sponsors several social activities during the conference. Please check out our Conference website for more information:
After the successes of the previous editions of IC_ASET in 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020, we are now organizing the 5th IC_ASET on March 22-25, 2022 to continue promoting and disseminating the knowledge concerning advances and developments in electrical engineering and emerging technologies. It is therefore aimed at assisting researchers, scientists, students, manufacturers, companies, communities, agencies, associations and societies to keep abreast on new developments in their specialist fields. The success of the IC_ASET conference is built upon high quality papers, personal recognition, mentoring, and social networking.
It is also an opportunity for researchers working on specific topics to improve their work by organizing special sessions as part of the conference. Invited sessions in other areas are solicited and emailed to Prof. Abdessattar Ben Amor at: abdessattar.benamor@yahoo.fr, to be considered by the Technical Committee.
– All submitted papers MUST be written in English.
– Submissions MUST be original, unpublished, and not submitted simultaneously for publication elsewhere.
– Submissions will be peer-reviewed for originality, technical quality and presentation.
– Each paper should have at least 4 pages but not more than 6 pages.
– The final version of the paper must be prepared in IEEE template.
Registration is open and well underway. From one of the most beautiful cities in the world, Hammamet-Tunisia astonishing by Nature, we welcome you to the 2022 IC_ASET Conference and hope you discover as we have – there’s no place like Hammamet. Please feel free to forward this call for papers to your students and colleagues whom may be interested in participating. We look forward to seeing you here.
The coverage of the Conference includes the following areas, but not limited to:
- Automatic Control Systems
- Communication Engineering
- Embedded Systems and IoT
- Robotics and Automation
- Manufacturing Engineering
- Power Electronics and Power Systems
- Signal and Image Processing
- Artificial Intelligence
- Materials for Electrical Engineering (Confirmed)
Proposed by: Prof. Nabila DHAHBI, University of Carthage
We anticipate this Invited session will provide current innovative issues in electrical science and technology, and of interest to experts, engineers, students and newcomers in the field.
Invited session proposals in the above and other areas are also solicited and have to be submitted by sending email to Prof. Abdessattar Ben Amor (abdessattar.benamor@yahoo.fr). Proposals will be then reviewed by the committee.
For further details about the event, please contact the following:
- IC_ASET’2022 General Chair: Prof. Abdessattar BEN AMOR, <abdessattar.benamor@yahoo.fr>
- IC_ASET’2022 IPC Chair: Prof. Ahmed RUBAAI, <arubaai@howard.edu>
Honorary Co-Chairs
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General Chair
- BEN AMOR Abdessattar, IEEE Senior Member, Vice President IEEE Tunisia Section Control, Systems Chapter, LISI-Lab, National Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology, Carthage University, Tunisia.
General Co-Chair
- RUBAAI Ahmed, IEEE Fellow, Chair, Manufacturing Systems Development and Applications, Department, IEEE Industry Applications Society. Motion Control and Drives Laboratory. Howard University, USA.
Program Committee
- BENHADJ BRAIEK Naceur, (CHAIR) IEEE Senior Member, Director of LSA Lab , Tunis olytechnic Institute, University of Carthage, Tunisia.
- B Chitti Babu, IEEE Senior Member, Indian of Information Technology, India.
- SAADANE Rachid, EHTP Casablanca, Morocco.
- TERRISSA Labib Sadek, FSESNV, University of Biskra, Algeria.
- EL AMRAOUI Adnen, FSA, University of Artois France
Industriel Partners
- National Instruments (NI)
- MCKINSEY-Electronics
Publication Chairs
- ELLOUMI Salwa, IEEE Senior Member, LSA Lab-Carthage University, Tunisia.
- NEJIM Samir, IEEE Senior Member, ACMR Lab-Naval Academy, Tunisia.
- GRITLI Hassène, RISC Lab, ENIT-University of Tunis El Manar.
- Nabila Dhahbi, MMA Lab, INSAT-University of Carthage.
Conference Treasurer
- BACHA Faouzi, LISI-Lab, ASET Association Treasurer.
Advisory Board
- SAMAD Tariq (CHAIR) Senior Fellow and Honeywell/W.R. Sweatt Chair in Technology Management, Technological Leadership Institute ,University of Minnesota ,USA
- BEN ATTIA Houda, IEEE Senior member, (LES-ENIT)
- BOUANI Faouzi, IEEE Senior Member (ACS-ENIT)
- CHAABANE Mohamed, (ENIS)
- CHELALI Fatma Zohra, IEEE Algeria Section Secretary (USTHB DZ)
- DERBEL Nabil, IEEE Senior Member, (ENIS)
- EL AMRAOUI Lilia, (RUMSS-ENICarthage)
- KAMMOUN Habib M., IEEE Senior member, (REGIM-ENIS)
- KAMOUN Bilal, (MS2A-TN)
- LADACI Samir (ENP Cons. DZ)
- MAMI Abdelkader, (LAPER-FST)
- NEJIM Samir, IEEE Senior Member, (ACMR-Naval Academy)
- TOUNSI Mohamed, (FIBUS Engineering-Managing Partner)
Scentific Committee
- ABDELKRIM Afef, Tunisia
- ABDELKRIM Mohamed Naceur, Tunisia
- ABED Mourad, France
- ACHOUR AbdelYazid, Algeria
- AHMEDALI Sofiane, France
- ALFIDI Mohammed, Morocco
- ALOUI Kamel, Tunisia
- AMAIRI Messaoud, Tunisia
- AMIRI Hamid, Tunisia
- AMRAOUI Mounir, Morocco
- AMRI Walid, Tunisia
- ARTIBA Abdelhakim, France
- AYAZ Yasar, Pakistan
- B Chitti Babu, India
- BACHA Faouzi, Tunisia
- BAHI Tahar, Algeria
- BARTOSZEWICZ Andrzej, Poland
- BASORI Ahmad, S. Arabia
- Bel Hadj Ali Naoui Saloua, Tunisia
- BELLAAJ Najiba, Tunisia
- BEN ABDENNOUR Ridha, Tunisia
- BEN ACHOUR Zohra, Tunisia
- BEN AHMED Samir, Tunisia
- BEN AMAR Chokri, Tunisia
- BEN AMOR Abdessattar, Tunisia
- BEN ATTIA Houda, Tunisia
- BEN BRAIEK Ezzeddine, Tunisia
- BEN SAAD Kamel, Tunisia
- BEN SAOUD Slim, Tunisie
- BENKOUDA Siham, Algeria
- BENMOUSSA Samir, Algéria
- BENREJEB Mohamed, Tunisia
- BESBES Mongi, Tunisia
- BOUALLEGUE Ridha, Tunisia
- BOUANI Faouzi, Tunisia
- BOUHLEL Med Salim, Tunisia
- BOULILA Atef, Tunisia
- BOULKROUNE Abdesselem, Algeria
- BOULOUIRD Mohamed, Morocco
- BOZED Kenz Amhmed, Libya
- CAMPOS Eduardo, Mexico
- CHAABANE Mohamed, Tunisia
- CHAARI Abdelkader, Tunisia
- CHADLI Mohammed, France
- CHAIBI Hasna, Morocco
- CHEBBI Souad, Tunisie
- CHELALI Zohra, Algeria
- CHEMACHEMA Mohamed, Algeria
- CHEN Yousu, USA
- CHERIF Adnen Ben Mohamed, Tunisia
- CHERIF Sami, Tunisia
- CHERKAOUI Mohamed, Morocco
- DAHBI Mounir, Morocco
- DALLAGI Habib, Tunisia
- DAMMN Gilney, France
- DARIF Anouar, Morocco
- DARMOUL Saber, Morocco
- DEFOORT Michael, France
- DERBEL Nabil, Tunisia
- DIAS Jorge, UAE
- DINH Thach N., France
- DJEMAI Mohamed, France
- DJEZIRI Mohand, France
- DRIDI Najoua, Tunisia
- EL AMRAOUI Lilia, Tunisia
- EL FERAH Imed Riadh, Tunisia
- EL HAFID Yassine, Morocco
- EL RHARRAS Abdessamade, Morocco
- ELLOUMI Salwa, Tunisia
- FALEK Leila Algeria
- FALZON Frederic, France
- FONTE Aicha, USA
- FORTAKI Tarek, Algeria
- GASMI Moncef, Tunisia
- GHANES Malek, France
- GHARSALLAH Ali, Tunisia
- GHORBEL Faouzi, Tunisia
- GONÇALO Martins, Portugal
- GRITLI Hassène, Enit
- GUECHI El-Hadi, Algérie
- GUINKO Ferdinand, Burkina Faso
- HAGGEGE Joseph, Tunisia
- HAJRI GABOUJ Sonia, Tunisia
- HASSANI Messaoud, Tunisia
- HASSASNEH Ahmad, Palestine
- HIDRI Adel, Saudi Arabia
- IBNKAHLA Mohamed, Canada
- IBNYAICH Saida, Morocco
- IDBOUFKER Noureddine, Morocco
- IFTEKHAR Lamia, Bangladesh
- ILINCA Adrian, Canada
- ILLOUI Rachid, Algeria
- JBARI Atman, Morocco
- JEMAI Abderrazak, Tunisia
- JEMEI Samir, France
- JING Xingjian, Hong kong
- KADI Moncef, France
- KAMMOUN Bilal, Tunisia
- KAMMOUN Habib M., Tunisia
- KARA Redouane, Algeria
- KELAIAIA Ridha, Algeria
- KETATA Raouf, Tunisia
- KHALGUI Mohamed, China
- KHAN Zeashan, Pakistan
- KHECHIDA Sihem, Algeria
- KHEDROUCHE Djamel, Algeria
- KHRAIEF Nahla, Tunisia
- KOUADRIA Nasreddine, Algeria
- KUMAR Neelesh, India
- LACHOURI Abderrezak, Algeria
- LADACI Samir, Algeria
- LAKHOUA Najeh Tunisia
- LALEG Meriem, Saudia Arabia
- LAYEB Safa, Tunisia
- LAZRAG Hilmi, Morocco
- LEE Kwang, USA
- LI Yong, China
- LUO Cai, China
- M’SAHLI Faouzi, Tunisia
- MACHTA Naoufel, Tunisia
- MAGYAR Attila, Hungary
- MAIZATE Abderrahim, Morocco
- MALTI Rachid, Algeria
- MAMI Abdelkader, Tunisia
- MANAMANNI Noureddine, Algeria
- MEHDARY Adil, Morocco
- MEKHALDI Abdelaouahab, Algeria
- METATLA Abderrezak, Algeria
- MIMOUNI Faouzi, Tunisia
- MOUSS Hayet, Algeria
- NACEUR Sabeur Mohamed, Tunisia
- NAIT ALI Amine, France
- NDOYE Ibrahima, Saudia Arabia
- NEJIM Samir, Tunisia
- NOURI Khaled, Tunisia
- OM PARKASH Malik, Canada
- OUCHTATI Salim, Algérie
- OUNI Kais, Tunisia
- OUQOUR Ahmed, Morocco
- OUSLIM Mohamed, Algeria
- PORTUGAL David, Portugal
- PULEVA Teofana, Bulgaria
- RAISSI Tarek, France
- REZEG Khaled, Algérie
- RIAH Zouheir, France
- RUZSANYIL Tamas, Hungary
- SAADANE Rachid, Morocco
- SAFI Said, Morocco
- SALEM Abdallah, Tunisia
- SAMAD Tariq, USA
- SAYADI Mounir, Tunisia
- SOUDANI Dhaou, Tunisia
- SOUISSI boularbah, Algeria
- SOULAIMAN Basel, France
- TALEB Nasreddine, Algeria
- TERRISSA Labib, Algeria
- VARNIER Christophe, France
- XINGJIAN Jing, China
- YAACOUB Zaineb, Tunisia
- YAKOUB Slim, Tunisie
- YAQUB Raziq, USA
- YOUSSEF Bilal, Lebanon
- YUE Dong, China
- ZAYTOON Janan, France
- ZEMOUCHE Ali, France
- ZEMOURI Ryad, France
- ZENNIR Youcef, Algeria
- ZEREK Amer Ragab, Libya
- ERHOUNI Noureddine, France
- ZHAO Dongya, China
- ZISSIS Georges, France
- ZOGHLAMI Nesrine, France
Publicity and Public Relation Committee
- Abderrahim MAIZATE, (EST Casa. MA).
- Attila MAGYAR (HU).
- Khaled NOURI, (LSA. TN).
- Nahla KHRAIEF (RISC Lab. TN).
- T. Ferdinand GUINKO (BF)
Organizing committee
DALLAGI Habib, Prof. Tunisia (CHAIR)
- AMRI Walid, PhD- LISI Lab Tunisia
- DALLAGI Habib, Prof. Tunisia
- DHAHBI Nabila, Prof. INSAT-Tunisia
- BELHAJ Asma, Dr. ENICarthage
- FEZAIi Nadia, Dr. LISI Lab Tunisia
- OUCHTATI Salim, Prof. Skikda-Algeria
- SALEM Abdallah, Dr. MES-Tunisia
- SLIMENI Feten, Dr. Ministère de Défense Nationale
- DELLEJI Tijeni, Dr. Military Research Center
Previous Editions
2017 : https://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=21100827812&tip=sid&clean=0
2018 : https://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=21100868545&tip=sid&clean=0
2019 : https://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=21100934615&tip=sid&clean=0
IEEE Xplore 2017-2018-2019 and 2020 proceedings:
The conference will be held on March 22-25, 2022, at “Mehari Hammamet Hotel” 5* Hammamet-Tunisia.
All questions about submissions should be emailed to:
- Abdessattar BEN AMOR, abdessattar.benamor@yahoo.fr, GSM: +216 98626369.
- Salwa ELLOUMI, salwa.elloumi@gmail.com, GSM: +216 98 510 281
- Hassène Gritli, grhass@yahoo.fr, GSM: +216 98 510 281
- Habib DALLAGI, habib.dallagi@ept.rnu.tn, GSM: +216 98 537492
Technical Sponsors
IEEE Industry Applications Society, IEEE Power Electronics Society, IEEE Tunisia Section, IEEE Algeria Section, IEEE Tunisia Power and Energy Systems Chapter, IEEE Tunisia Power Electronics Chapter, IEEE Tunisia Industry Applications Chapter, IEEE Tunisia Robotics and Automation Chapter.
Financial Sponsors
ASET Association
IEEE Tunisia Control Systems Chapter
Plenary Sessions
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Ali Zemouche, PhD automatic control |
Title: Some Simple But Useful Contributions To Nonlinear
Observer Design
Abstract: In this talk I will address the problem of observer design for nonlinear systems satisfying some nonlinear properties. It is mainly devoted to Linear Matrix Inequality (LMI) based methods and their use to improve observer design for a large class of nonlinear systems. I will speak about LMI relaxation techniques and show why we are motivated to do that. I will show the advantages and the limits of the LMI-based techniques, and how to exploit such advantages, and how to overcome such limits. This will be shown particularly through some simple examples for which LMI approaches cannot work. Hence some guidelines to overcome this limitation will be briefly presented.
A second part of the talk will be dedicated to simple and useful contributions to high-gain observer design, where some techniques to improve performances of the standard high gain observer will be presented. I will show how to use LMIs to reduce the values of the high gain. We will also demonstrate that system state augmentation can allow improving performances of high-gain observer. Finally, prospects will be provided to deal with some new directions on nonlinear observer design by exploiting hybrid estimation architectures and learning-based techniques from Artificial Intelligence based algorithms.
To summarize, this talk will address the following items:
- An introduction to nonlinear observer design: motivation and preliminaries
- LMI-based techniques and feasibility improvements: advantages and limits of LMIs
- Solutions to overcome the limitations: hybrid architectures, and so on
- Simple and useful contributions to high-gain observer
- New directions in nonlinear estimation: some guidelines to improve more the algorithms.
Ali Zemouche received the B.S. degree in mathematics from the Département des Sciences Exactes de Oued-Aissi, University Mouloud Mammeri, Tizi- Ouzou, Algeria, in 2000, the M.S. degree in mathematics, with specialization in operations research, combinatory, and optimization, from the Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, Grenoble, France, in 2002, the M.S. degree in mathematics, with specialization in applied analysis and modeling, from the University Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens, France, in 2003. He received the Ph.D. degree in automatic control from the University Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France, in 2007, where he did his post-doctoral study in 2008. Dr. Zemouche joined, as Associate Professor, the Centre de Recherche en Automatique de Nancy at Université de Lorraine, since September 2008. He held an academic position at Inria – Saclay (EPI DISCO) from September 2016 to August 2017. His research activities include nonlinear systems, state observers, observer-based control, time-delay systems, robust control, learning-based methods, and application to real-world models. Dr. Zemouche is currently associate editor in leading international journals: SIAM Journal of Control and Optimization, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Automatica – IFAC Journal, European Journal of Control, and IEEE Systems Journal. He is also a member of the Conference Editorial Board of IEEE Control Systems Society since 2013, where he manages a set of papers submitted to IEEE-CDC and IEEE-ACC conferences. He is involved in IFAC Technical Committee TC2.3 (Non-Linear Control Systems).
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Helen Karatza, Professor Emeritus |
Title: Fault-Tolerant Scheduling In Large Scale Real-Time
Distributed Systems
Abstract: One of the key challenges in large scale distributed systems is the effective management of the distributed resources for the incoming workload. Distributed systems are often real-time as they are used for serving delay-sensitive applications. It is important to employ appropriate resource allocation and scheduling techniques in order to meeting deadlines and offer QoS to the users. On the other hand, applications are becoming more and more complex and computationally intensive consisting of multiple tasks. In such real-time systems, it is often more desirable for an application to meet its deadline by producing an approximate—but still of acceptable quality—result, rather than producing a precise result late.
Cloud computing, as a large scale distributed computing paradigm, has been widely used for the deployment of complex computationally demanding and delay-sensitive applications. However, mechanisms to resolve other issues such as fault tolerance are necessary. As the adoption of cloud computing continues to gain momentum, the arising challenges of fault-tolerant scheduling policies for parallel applications on such platforms need to be addressed. Therefore, fault tolerance is one of the most crucial aspects of scheduling in clouds.
Helen Karatza (Senior member, IEEE, ACM, SCS) is a Professor Emeritus in the Department of Informatics at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. Dr. Karatza’s research interests include Cloud, Fog and Mist Computing, Energy Efficiency, Fault Tolerance, Resource Allocation and Scheduling and Real-time Distributed Systems.
Dr. Karatza has authored or co-authored over 240 technical papers and book chapters including six papers that earned best paper awards at international conferences. She served as an elected member of the Board of Directors at Large of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International. She served as Chair and Keynote Speaker in International Conferences.
Dr. Karatza is the Editor-in-Chief of the Elsevier Journal “Simulation Modeling Practice and Theory”, an Editor of “Future Generation Computer Systems” of Elsevier, and an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Services Computing. She was Editor-in-Chief of “Simulation Transactions of The Society for Modeling and Simulation International”, Associate Editor of “ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation” and Senior Associate Editor of the “Journal of Systems and Software” of Elsevier. She served as Guest Editor of Special Issues in International Journals. More info about her activities/publications can be found in: https://users.auth.gr/karatza/
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Issouf Fofana, Electro-mechanical engineer |
Title: Trends In Power Transformer Diagnostic Techniques
Abstract:Power transformers are vital in energy delivering and distributing. Their reliability is a significant guarantee for safe and stable operation of any power grid. Any power transformer outage has a dramatic financial consequence not only for utilities but also for interconnected customers. It is therefore of utmost importance to detect incipient failure to avoid catastrophic blackouts. The Achilles’ heel of these important machines is their insulation system, made of oil and cellulosic paper. Since the service reliability of these machines largely depends upon the condition of their internal insulation system, number of methods were developed/improved to understand and monitor their degradation. During the last decades, ways to prevent electrical outages, extend their life expectancy and improve preventive maintenance procedures have become increasingly important. Varieties of electrical and physicochemical diagnostic techniques were developed so far for insulation condition monitoring of power transformers. This lecture presents a comprehensive review of transformers’ insulation condition assessment including both challenges and outlook circa 2021.
Issouf Fofana: Research Chair on the Aging of Power Network Infrastructure (ViAHT), Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 555 Boulevard de l’université G7H 2B1, Chicoutimi, QC, Canada
I. Fofana obtained his electro-mechanical engineering degree in 1991 from the University .Felix Houphouët-Boigny (Côte d’Ivoire), and his master’s and doctoral degrees from École Centrale de Lyon, France, in 1993 and 1996, respectively. He was a postdoctoral researcher in Lyon in 1997 and was at the Schering Institute of High-Voltage Engineering Techniques (Leibniz University of Hanover, Germany) from 1998 to 2000. He was a Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung from November 1997 to August 1999. He joined the Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (UQAC), Quebec, Canada as an Associate Researcher in 2000, and he is now a professor there. Prof. Fofana has held the Canada Research Chair, tier 2, of insulating liquids and mixed dielectrics for electrotechnology (ISOLIME) from 2005 to 2015. Actually, he is leading the Research Chair on the Aging of Power Network Infrastructure (ViAHT). At UQAC, he is also director of both the MODELE laboratory and the International Research Centre on Atmospheric Icing and Power Network Engineering (CenGivre). He is the chair of the IEEE DEIS Technical Committee on Dielectric Liquids. Prof Fofana was elected IET Fellow in 2018, ranked in the top 2% of the world’s most cited scientists by Stanford University (USA) and elected IEEE Jidan Chen Award in 2021. He is also member of few work groups (CIGRE and ASTM) international scientific committee member of few IEEE conferences (CEIDP, ICDL, ICHVE, CATCON, etc.), associate editor of few top tier journals (IET GTD, Energies, etc.) and has authored/co-authored over 300 scientific publications including three book chapters, one textbook, edited three books and holds three patents.
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Raziq Yaqub, Ph.D. in Wireless Communication |
Title:How And Why The Ransom Attack On Industrial Control System Of Us Gas Pipeline Was Successful
Abstract:Recently Colonial Pipeline, an American oil pipeline system that originates in Houston, Texas, and carries gasoline and jet fuel mainly to the Southeastern United States, suffered a ransomware cyberattack. The attack triggered the failure of control automation equipment managing the pipeline.
Distributed Control System (DCS) is the extensively used automation control system in the oil and gas industry, and communication systems play a key role as they provide connectivity among the components of distributed control systems. These components demand a high level of cybersecurity for the communication channels. This talk focuses on how the ransom attack leads to the failure of the control automation system in the US Gas Pipeline.
The talk is divided into three sections. Section 1 provides an insight on how security evolved into cybersecurity, and why cybersecurity is such a big concern for DCS. Section 2 introduces a DCS used in the oil and gas industry, and section 3 explains the how’s and why’s of the ransom attack.
The talk will provide food for thought to the students and researchers on how to explore innovative techniques and conduct Cyber Security related research. It will also be beneficial for government policymakers, industry leaders, decision-makers, and corporate researchers.
Dr. Raziq Yaqub an Associate Professor in the EE&CS Department, Alabama A&M University, USA, earned a Ph.D. in Wireless Communication from Keio University, Japan, and an MBA in Marketing from Fairleigh Dickenson University, New Jersey, USA. He is an inventor of technologies in Cybersecurity of Financial Technologies, Wireless Communications, Smart Grid, and Connected Electric Vehicles. He has 34 issued patents, and is a recipient of “Inventor of the Year Award-2014” from the Inventors Hall of Fame, New Jersey. He received an award of “Excellence in Scholarship and Research 2019” from the President of his university, an award of “Innovator Young Faculty” and an award of “Outstanding Engineering Educator” from the Dean of his college, “Outstanding Engineer 2020” award from IEEE region-3, and Professional of the Year 2021 Award from Huntsville Association of Technical Societies.
He remained an Executive Director of Toshiba America Research, New Jersey, to lead 4G/LTE, Department head of NIKSUN University, Princeton, New Jersey, to lead Cybersecurity, and Director of Global R&D of Tecvox, Huntsville, AL, USA, to lead wireless charger and media hubs for the automotive industry. He also remained Sr. Consultant to the State of New Jersey to secure an $87M grant, a spokesperson of Department of Homeland Security in 3GPP”, an invited Researcher in NASA Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio, and an inventor for Wells Fargo, USA.
He also remained Chairman, and contributor in standards organizations such as 3GPP, IEEE, WiMAX, MWIF, OMA, Lead Member for ABET accreditation, Chairman Academic Standards Committee, Chair IEEE Membership Development, Evaluator for technical papers, Ph.D. theses, patents, and grant proposals, Vice Chairman of IEEE Southeast Conference 2019, organizer of numerous international conferences, Invited/Keynote speaker, Panel Moderator/Resource Person in international events. He is a Senior Member of IEEE. He communicates in English, Japanese, Hindi, and Urdu, and has 25 years of experience in the industry, government, and academia.
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Philippe Fournier-Viger, Ph.D. computer science |
Title: Algorithms To Discover Interesting Patterns To Improve The Design Of Intelligent Systems
Abstract:Today, intelligent systems play an important role in various domains such as for factory automation, education, the management of telecommunication networks and medical care. To build intelligent systems, high-quality data is generally required. Moreover, these systems can also yield large amounts of data such usage logs, alarm logs, images, videos, and data collected from sensors, and data received from other systems. Due to the large volumes of data, managing the data generated by intelligent systems to gain insights and improve these systems is thus a key challenge. It is also desirable to be able to extract information or models from data that are easily understandable by humans.
Based on these objectives, this talk will discuss the use of data mining algorithms for discovering interesting and useful patterns in symbolic data generated from intelligent systems. The talk will first briefly review early study on designing algorithms for identifying frequent patterns can be used for instance to identify frequent alarms or faults in telecommunication networks. Then, an overview of recent challenges and advances will be presented to identify other types of interesting patterns in more complex data. Topics that will be discussed include high utility patterns, locally interesting patterns, and periodic patterns. Lastly, the SPMF open-source software will be mentioned and opportunities related to the combination of pattern mining algorithms with traditional artificial intelligence techniques for intelligent systems will be discussed.
Philippe Fournier-Viger is distinguished professor at the Shenzhen University (China). He obtained his Ph.D at University of Quebec in Montreal (Canada) in 2010. After working as post-doctoral researcher at National Cheng Kung University, and being a faculty member at University of Moncton, he came to China in 2015 and became full professor at the Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen). There, he received a title of national talent from the National Science Foundation of China. His interests are data mining, algorithm design, pattern mining, sequence mining, big data, and applications. He has published more than 340 research papers related to data mining, intelligent systems and applications, which have received more than 8500 citations (H-Index 46). He is associate editor-in-chief of the Applied Intelligence journal (SCI, Q1) and editor-in-chief of Data Science and Pattern Recognition. He is the founder of the popular SPMF data mining library, offering more than 200 algorithms for analyzing data, cited in more than 1,000 research papers. He is a co-founder of the UDML, MLiSE and PMDB series of workshops held at the ICDM, PKDD, KDD and DASFAA conferences.
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Walid M’Chirgui , Enseignant Chercheur à IPEIB Université de Carthage |
Title:Le rôle de la Programmation Neurolinguistique pour le
développement d’une Recherche Scientifique créative
Abstract:Le monde de la Recherche Scientifique est certes un monde passionnant, mais qui peut être aussi associé à plusieurs défis :
Comment bien communiquer ? Comment augmenter l’efficacité du travail ? Comment éviter les conflits ? Comment faire pour qu’un encadreur soit une source d’inspiration et non pas une source de stress ? Toutes ces questions s’inscrivent aujourd’hui dans le domaine du développement personnel qui représente un atout majeur pour le développement des compétences des chercheurs. En effet, la PNL (Programmation Neurolinguistique) joue un rôle déterminant pour éliminer les croyances limitantes, les mauvaises habitudes, les blocages psychiques, et installer des croyances aidantes, des bonnes habitudes et une bonne confiance en soi. Le but de cette conférence est de mettre en valeur quelques techniques utilisées en PNL permettant aux chercheurs et aux encadreurs de mieux communiquer afin d’installer un bon environnement permettant une recherche efficace et créative.
Important dates
- Submission of invited session proposals: October 11, 2021
- Submission of full draft papers: (October 04)
(November 14), December 13, 2021 - Acceptance notification: From December 28, 2021
- Submission of full papers: January 31, 2022
- Early registration: January 31, 2022
- Conference dates: March 22-25, 2022
Paper submissions and reviews for IC_ASET’2022 will be handled through the Easy Chair conference management system. Please submit your contributions Paper Submission Site: Easy Chair – IC_ASET 2022.
If you haven’t an EasyChair account yet, you’ll be asked to create one before you can access the submission page.
Manuscript length: 6 pages maximum, including figures, tables & references. This is a strict limit for initial submission. During final submission of accepted papers, authors may purchase extra pages if they find it necessary to address the concerns of the reviewers. |
Single blind reviewing: IC_ASET 2022 follows a single-blind review process. Authors are required to include their names and affiliations in their papers as illustrated in the sample templates. Templates (Microsoft Word and LaTeX) can be found at the following link:
As the page indicates, IEEE has recently revised their LaTeX templates. If you had previously downloaded these templates please revisit this site to access the latest version. |
IEEE Ethical Requirements for AuthorsThe IEEE requires that all authors wishing to present a paper declare that:
The program committee chairs retain the right to eliminate any papers in violation of these requirements and to exclude the authors of such papers from future ASET community activities. PLAGIARISM TEST REQUIREMENTSSince IC_ASET will be submitted to IEEE Xplore which policy requires all IEEE content to be screened for possible plagiarism, IC_ASET’2022 has access to the CrossCheck database and has scanned all submitted papers. Read more about the CrossCheck initiative to prevent scholarly and professional plagiarism at: http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/crosscheckmain.html#sect5 and http://www.crossref.org/crosscheck.html Similarity scores and scan reports are generated by an external provider and not by the conference. Please check the on-line report to understand how the similarity score was determined and which sections of your paper may need changes. Note that to be submitted to IEEE Xplore, the overall similarity rate of a paper should not exceed 30 percent, and the similarity rate to a single source should not exceed 10 percent. The score and report are provided to assist you in revising your manuscript, if necessary. The conference will not be able to provide you a score or a report for the revised manuscript. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REVISING MANUSCRIPT
Camera ready
Please follow these instructions to prepare and submit your Camera-ready paper to IC_ASET’2022
Step 1 Revise your paper: Similarity, plagiarism and self-plagiarism
Since IC_ASET will be submitted to IEEE Xplore which policy requires all IEEE content to be screened for possible plagiarism, IC_ASET 2022 has access to the CrossCheck database and has scanned all submitted papers.
Read more about the CrossCheck initiative to prevent scholarly and professional plagiarism at
and http://www.crossref.org/crosscheck.html
Similarity scores and scan reports are generated by an external provider and not by the conference. Please check the online report to understand how the similarity score was determined and which sections of your paper may need changes. Note that to be submitted to IEEE Xplore, the overall similarity rate of a paper should not exceed 30 percent, and the similarity rate to a single source should not exceed 10 percent. The score and report are provided to assist you in revising your manuscript, if necessary. The conference will not be able to provide you with a score or a report for the revised manuscript.
You have to remove, replace, rewrite, redraw the content (text, figures, tables) if any, from already published sources. (See your similarity report sent with reviews)
Nothing is to be done on reference section. Anyhow, full sentences or paragraphs highlighted in the plagiarism report is to be removed or rewritten using new sentences.
Step 2: Paper Formatting
* Paper submissions should be complete manuscripts.
Note: The standard page limit for each paper is 6 pages.
*Papers MUST NOT be with the copyright notice on the bottom of the first page of your source document (XXX-X-XXXX-XXXX-X/XX/$XX.00 ©20XX IEEE).
* Pages MUST NOT be numbered.
* The title and the author list of an accepted paper can only be changed, in the final manuscript, upon approval from the IC_ASET’2022 Chairs.
* Papers must be in the IEEE proceedings two-column format (A4 size). Please use this link for:
Word template: A4 (DOC, 56 KB) Updated Jan 2019
LateX template: Template (ZIP, 700 KB) Updated October 2019
* Papers with formatting that does not exactly follow the template will not be accepted by IEEE Xplore and cannot be published.
Step 3: IEEE Xplore-compliant Paper Approval
HOWTO (pdf)
Final Papers for IC_ASET’2022 must be IEEE Xplore-compliant. For this aim, we have set up a PDF eXpress page (https://ieee-pdf-express.org/) for you to upload your paper for approval.
If the paper conforms to all guidelines, you will receive an email with a watermarked PDF back from PDF eXpressPlus (You can download it from PDF eXpress ) .
If you have not used PDF eXpress before, you will need to create an account first.
You will also need the IC_ASET’2022 conference ID « 53395X « for IEEE PDF eXpress.
Use IEEE PDF eXpress to check if your PDF file is Xplore-compliant, OR, else, you can use this site to convert your source files into an IEEE Xplore-compliant PDF file (e.g., for LaTeX users, create a zip file that includes dvi and your eps figure files all together, and then upload the zip file for the system to convert into a compliant PDF file; for MSWord users, upload the Word file and let it convert and return a compliant PDF.
Step 4: Paper upload
After the above steps have been completed, please upload a copy of the PDF you get from PDF eXpress to Easychair.
Step 5: Sign the IEEE Copyright
IEEE requires that an author of every published paper signs a copyright agreement. To sign the agreement via EasyChair, you should :
(1) log in to EasyChair;
(2) click on « Alerts » in the main menu;
(3) click on « IEEE copyright agreement for your paper
Registration Fees
IC_ASET’2022 is currently planned as a Face-to-Face conference (in person event). However, depending on the global health situation, it can be hybrid or totally online.
Each accepted paper requires one full registration.
- Paper accepted by the Technical Program Committee, will be published in the conference proceedings.
- Paper accepted by the Technical Program Committee but not presented (on line/in person) will be NOT Submitted to IEEE Xplore.
- All who wish to attend the conference must register
Please note that
- Registration Payment should be made in Euros in the form of bank transfer or order Form (all costs at transmitter’s charge).
- For the Author presenting more than one paper in the first position (Principal Author), the registration fee for the second paper is limited to 200 Euros.
- There will be an option for ONLINE participation (with 50% reduced registration fee), for anyone who cannot or chooses not to travel.
- After you make payment by bank transfer, please send a copy of the bank receipt to: mrdssrst@yahoo.fr
Registration fees includes
- accommodation at Mehary Hammamet Hotel for 3 nights,
- admission to all plenary sessions,
- admission to all sessions and,
- electronic proceedings.
- Social Event
The following rates apply to IEEE members with valid memberships and also to non-IEEE members. Each registration is valid for one person only. All who wish to attend the conference must register.
Until January 31, 2022 Early |
From February 1st, 2022 Late |
Full Registration Non IEEE Member |
€ 400 |
€ 450 |
Full Registration IEEE Member |
€ 380 |
€ 420 |
Industrial and professional |
€ 800 |
€ 850 |
Student Non IEEE Member (without paper) |
€ 200 |
€ 220 |
Student IEEE Member (without paper) |
€ 180 Accommodation only |
€ 200 |
Registration Payment should be made in Euros in the form of bank transfer or order Form (all costs at transmitter’s charge).
For the Author presenting more than one paper in the first position (Principal Author), the registration fee for the second paper is limited to 200 Euros.
There will be an option for ONLINE participation (with 50% reduced registration fee), for anyone who cannot or chooses not to travel.
After you make payment by bank transfer, please send a copy of the bank receipt to: mrdssrst@yahoo.fr
Until January 31, 2022 Early |
From February 1st, 2022 Late |
Full Registration Non IEEE Member |
650 TND |
680 TND |
Full Registration IEEE Member |
620 TND |
650 TND |
Industrial and professional |
800 TND |
850 TND |
Student Non IEEE Member (without paper) |
380 TND |
380 TND |
Student IEEE Member (without paper) |
350 TND Accommodation only |
350 TND |
Registration Payment should be made in Tunisian Dinar (TND) in the form of bank transfer or order Form (all costs at transmitter’s charge).
For the Author presenting more than one paper in the first position (Principal Author), the registration fee for the second paper is limited to 325 TND.
After you make payment by bank transfer, please send a copy of the bank receipt to: mrdssrst@yahoo.fr
Bank details
Account Name: « ASET » Association des Spécialistes Électriciens de Tunisie
Bank Name: Amen Banque Mourouj 1
Bank Address: Avenue des Martyrs Mourouj 1,
Postal Code: 2074 Bank City: Ben Arous Bank Country: Tunisia
RIB: 0 7 0 1 8 0 0 8 6 1 0 5 5 0 7 2 9 9 4 4
IBAN : TN 59 0 7 0 1 8 0 0 8 6 1 0 5 5 0 7 2 9 9 4 4
Code BIC (Swift) : CFCTTNTT
ASET Address : ASET, BP. 153, El Menzah 9, 1013 Tunis Tunisia
ASET Tax Identification Number: 1438312 Z/P/N/000
Please clearly indicate the following information in the transaction remark:
IC_ASET’2022, NAME of attendee and ID of the paper.
For example: IC_ASET’2019, Abdessattar Ben Amor, paper39
· Abdessattar BEN AMOR, abdessattar.benamor@yahoo.fr, GSM : +216 98626369.
· Salwa ELLOUMI, salwa.elloumi@gmail.com, GSM : +216 98 510 281
· Habib DALLAGI, habib.dallagi@ept.rnu.tn, GSM : +216 98 537492