Children make up a third of internet users worldwide. They can benefit immensely from digital connectivity through access to information, online education, and social connections with friends and family.
However, children are particularly vulnerable to threats to their privacy, safety, and security, which can lead to negative impacts on their mental and physical well-being. At its core, the problem is multi-faceted, including business models, engineering, and social and policy questions, and in recent years the UK Age Appropriate Design Code came into effect, followed by similar laws and regulations elsewhere.
Given the technical foundation of digital environments, engineers have an important role to play and IEEE has published IEEE 2089-2021 – IEEE Standard for Age Appropriate Digital Services Framework – Based on the 5Rights Principles for Children is a key process standard.
This standard sets out processes through the life cycle of development, delivery, and distribution that will help organizations ask the right relevant questions of their services, identify risks and opportunities by which to make their services age-appropriate, and take steps to mitigate risk and embed beneficial systems that support increased age-appropriate engagement.
Participants will hear about practical aspects of making the digital world age-appropriate and how thoughtful technical approaches that leverage standardized processes and Open Source tools can enhance trustworthy online/offline experiences for children.
Speakers will discuss the background around age appropriate design, the role of the standard, and also the role that Open Source solutions can play in providing concrete tools for implementing the standard.
Katina Michael
Arizona State University
Leanda Barrington-Leach
Director of Advocacy
5Rights Foundation
Sarah Wormer
Open Source Intelligence Practitioner
Senior Analyst with Plessas Network Inc.
Moira Patterson
Global Market Affairs
Standards Partnerships Director
Training & Development
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