From Wed Jan 26 06:13:21 2000
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2000 16:32:30 EST
Subject: Report- Sections Congress Coordinator

25 JAN 2000                                            2:45 PM EST

TO:       Region 3 Executive Committee

FROM:   Daniel W. Jackson, Sections Congress Coordinator


                     Sections Congress Coordinator
                              25 January 2000

Sections Congress Coordinator - Daniel W. Jackson
                           CO-Coordinator - Butch Shadwell

Report on SC'99:  A total of 55 members of Region 3 attended Sections 
Congress '99 in Minneapolis.  Of these, 30 were primary delegates.  Ten 
individuals were fully funded from entities external to Region 3.  Fourteen 
individuals were invited speakers.  Four sections funded a second section 
delegate.  The total expenses of those submitting expense reports to Region 3 
were $35,539.12.  Of this amount, Region 3 paid $23,990.91 from the Sections 
Congress reserve (total available $34,318.57) and the sections paid 
$7,154.45.  The remainder was paid from other Region 3 accounts, e.g., 
Student Activities, Corporate Relations Project, by other IEEE entities, or 
by employers.  The average airfare was $298.10; original estimates were based 
on an average airfare of $370.  Average ground expenses were $585.87; average 
total expenses $883.97.

Sections Congress 2002, Washington, DC: 
Goal: Have all active Sections in Region 3 send at least one delegate to SC'02
Objective: Submit preliminary Region 3 funding plan to the Excom at the 
spring 2000 meeting.      
Encourage all sections to establish a SC'02 reserve for funding one or more 
delegates to SC'02.
Communicate regularly through electronic and printed media to all Sections 
about SC'02 and its value to the section and the delegate.

At this time no information has been distributed to the Sections about SC'02.

Daniel W. Jackson