
We always need good volunteers to help run the Chapter and meetings. Serving as a volunteer can help you in many ways, including:
- Improve your team work skills
- Increase your management and leadership skills
- Increase your network of professional colleagues
- Improve your knowledge about IEEE, the Computer Society, and all the valuable member benefits
Both IEEE MGA and the IEEE Computer Society have training material for volunteers.
We collaborate on activities planning by using the IEEE Online Community. If you are an IEEE Member, join the Community to see our planning.
For a list of upcoming events, see our meetings page. To volunteer, contact the Chapter Chair.
The items below are just suggestions. You are welcome to suggest how you might contribute in other ways.
Job | Description of Responsibilities |
On-Site Registration | You will check-in attendees when they arrive and register those that have not yet registered. You need to arrive early to the meetings. Work as a team with the Event Coordinator, Greeters, Facility Liaison, and Speaker Host. Work any events you choose. We need several volunteers for each seminar. |
Greeters | You will help make attendees feel comfortable and welcome at the meetings and workshops. Greet attendees as they enter. Answer their questions about the facilities, the agenda, and the Chapter in general. Work as a team with the Event Coordinator, Registration, Facility Liaison, and Speaker Host. You need to arrive early to the events. Work any events you choose. We need several volunteers for each seminar. |
Speaker Hosts | You will help make the speaker(s) feel comfortable and welcome at the meetings and workshops. Introduce yourself as the speaker host to the speaker(s) through email weeks prior to the meeting. If the speaker is traveling, help with suggestions for local accomidations. If the speaker is traveling, arrange to meet the speaker at the airport. Make sure the speaker has transportation to/from the event. Greet the speaker at the event and answer any of his/her/their questions. Help them setup their presentation on the facility computer. Work as a team with the Event Coordinator, Registration, Greeters, Facility Liaison, and chapter officers. Work any events you choose. |
Web Content Providers | You will own the content for an area of our chapter web pages. You will provide new information, and update existing information. We have many other areas to publish that are not currently listed on the menu. Ask us about these areas. |
Technical Portfolio Contributors | OK, I admit this is a fancy title just for submitting seminar topics, but our technical content is utmost important. We welcome ideas for seminar topics from engineering managers, engineers, technical professionals, and engineering students. You will contribute directly to successful seminars by suggesting topics. You may also want to finding speakers for those topics and make arrangements for a particular seminar date. |
Student Volunteers | As a student member, you will participate in any of the above positions. Take your pick! |
Speakers | We always welcome speakers to talk on a variety of engineering and management topics. See the information for speakers on our meetings FAQ page. |
Vice Chair of Professional Activities and Member Benefits | You will help the chapter members get more out of their IEEE membership benefits. IEEE has many, many benefits. So many, in fact, that members need constant reminders and updated information about member services and benefits. Learn about all of the member benefits available to IEEE members. Interface with the IEEE organization, the IEEE staff, and the IEEE Engineering Management Society to obtain benefit information. Distribute benefit information to chapter members through email and at seminars, including items such as membership grades, technical publications, and conferences in other IEEE technical societies. Help suggest and plan PACE activities to enhance member soft-skills. Elected yearly. |
Vice Chair of Technical Society Activities (TAB) and Meetings | You will help the chapter members get more out of their membership in the IEEE Computer Society. Learn about all of the technical activities offered by the Society. Interface with the IEEE staff, the IEEE Computer Society, and Society officers and volunteers in other Sections and Regions. Obtain information on activities and share it with chapter members through emails and at seminars, including items such as technical publications and conferences offered by the Society. Help suggest and plan the technical meetings. Elected yearly. |
Vice Chair of Geographic Activities (MGA, formerly RAB) and Student Activies | You will help the chapter members get the most out of their membership in the local Southeastern Michigan area. Interface with the IEEE Section officers and volunteers. Obtain information on activities in the Section and Region and share it with chapter members through emails and at seminars, including items such as local seminars and conferences. Provide information about Chapter's upcoming activities to IEEE Members in the area who are not Computer Chapter members. Represent Chapter 5 at the Section Executive Committee (ExCom) monthly officer meetings or teleconferences. (Other officers can also represent the chapter.) Help involve local university students in local Chapter activites. Elected yearly. |
Secretary | Send email notices of officer meetings to the officers. Take and publish meeting minutes. Send email notices of seminars to members. Elected yearly. |
Treasurer | Write and approve requests for reimbursements. Elected yearly. |
Chair | Lead the other officers. Publish the agenda for the officer meetings. Be representative to the Computer Society. Elected yearly. |