Communities & Member Resources

Online Communities & Networks
Region 4 IEEE has created a LinkedIn group at
LinkedIn IEEE Region 4 Volunteers where volunteers share in dicussions, collaborate, network.
IEEE provides members with Online Communities where members can participate in dicussion groups, collaborate, network, and share information and files. It's social media for members. Members need to join each community individually. Here is a list of communities that might be of interest to you as a local chapter member.
Computer Society
maintains it's own
Comuter Society Online Community, where information society members share informatino about publications, conferences, and all things Computer Society.
Visit The Community
Embedded Systems Forum is a "... world-wide discussion and collaboration community for embedded systems engineers and others of like interests."
Visit The Community
Firmware Forum
connects "... a dispersed Firmware community for purposes of collaboration and professional networking."
Visit The Community
Services Computing Community.
"Services Computing has become a cross-discipline that covers the science and technology of bridging the gap between Business Services and IT Services. The underneath breaking technology suite includes Web services and service-oriented architecture (SOA), cloud computing, business consulting methodology and utilities, business process modeling, transformation and integration."
Visit The Community
This non-technical
Computer Society Chapters Community
"... is used to share information to and among CS chapters worldwide."
Visit The Community
IEEE-USA Employment & Career Strategies Forum
, run by IEEE-USA Employment and Careers Committee, has over 800 members who
discuss "... employment and career strategies as well as post jobs that you hear about or see at your own company."
Visit The Community
Southeastern Michigan Section
maintains a non-technical
for local members and volunteers to share information and plan meetings.
Visit The Community
Note: If you are having problems viewing any of the IEEE Online Communities, please ask your IT department to unblock the following servers:
Jobs and Career Resources
IEEE provides members with many resources for jobs and careers. See these links for job postings and career information from IEEE, IEEE-USA, and Spectrum.
- Computer Society Job Board
- IEEE Spectrum webcasts
IEEE Resources
- Careers
- IEEE Career and Employment Resources the homepage for IEEE career page
- IEEE Job Site job site for members
IEEE-USA Resources (for U.S.A. members)
- IEEE-USA Career Navigator the homepage for IEEE-USA Careers
- IEEE-USA Business and Consulting consulting resources
- IEEE-USA Entry Level Employment Assistance entry level resources
- IEEE-USA Employment & Career Strategies Forum One of several dozen Online Communities for members
- IEEE-USA Member Salary Survey Salary information for members
- IEEE-USA Student Services Student Resources Page
- Engineer's Guide to Lifelong Employability book for any stage of your career
- Help Wanted Ads Double On IEEE Job Site
- IEEE Spectrum: Dream Jobs 2007
- professional networking site
Member Benefits
IEEE and the IEEE Computer Society provide members with many benefits. A few are listed here for convenience.
Computer Society Benefits
- Computer Society publications
- Computer Society conferences
- Computer Society e-learning online courses, books, and exam prep
- Software Engineering Radio is now part of IEEE Software. Congratulations se-radio!
IEEE Benefits
- Member Global Benefits Finder
- myIEEE
- Expert Now online courses presents the best material from conferences and workshops around the world
- IEEE Financial Advantage Program
- Member-Get-A-Member Program
IEEE-USA Benefits
Other Resources
Computer Society members will be interested in these other computer-related resources.
ACM is the Association for Computing Machinery.
CSDP Advance your career with the IEEE Computer Society's "Certified Computer Development Professional" exam
Ann Arbor Java Users Group
Automation Alley Consortium
Crain's Detroit Business
GL-SPIN is the Great Lakes Software Process Improvement Network.
Greater Lansing Users Group
Metro Detroit Linux Users Group
Michigan!/usr/group MUG UNIX group
South East Michigan Sun Users Group
SE Michigan Ruby Users Group
Washtenaw Linux Users Group
Professional Development - How 2
Risks Digest
Try Computing
Try Engineering