Past events from the Season (September 2009 to June 2010)
Link to older events: (Prior season's events)

23 September 2009 (Wednesday), 6:30pm-9:00pm
(presentation begins at 7:00pm)
"Mass-Market Electric Vehicles - Is the Third Time the Charm?"
There are major challenges that remain to be addressed before EV’s become
common sights on our roads.
Gene Glaudell looks at Tesla Motors’ engineering solutions to these challenges, what obstacles remain to creating a
mass-market EV, and what the future may hold.
(Further details)
JOINT MEETING with IEEE Chicago EMC Society, Fox Valley Subsection and SAE
at Elite Electronics Engineering, Downers Grove, IL
20 October 2009 (Tuesday), 6:00pm-9:00pm
Reservations required - presentation begins at 7:00pm
"Oktoberfest" and keynote topic: Vehicle Telematics Technology
In his keynote presentation, “Current Commercial Telematics Technology”, Emad Isaac will explore the concepts, benefits, technology and innovation behind real-time monitoring of commercial vehicles and assets through advanced electronics, GPS systems, and wireless communications.
RSVP: Use the
online reservation form on the
Elite webpage or phone Kathy Barri at 630-495-9770 x 0
(no cost)
Location: Elite Electronic Engineering, Inc,
1516 Centre Circle, Downers Grove IL 60515
( Further details)
28 and 29 October 2009 (Wednesday-Thursday)
IIT 5th Annual VoIP Conference and Expo
Two days devoted to VoIP, including security and services. Special IEEE Rate is $100 !!
70+ speakers / 30+ sponsors / 3 tracks / 200+ attendees / 2-3 day *October 27 - SIP Tutorial option – An additional $50 with the VoIP Conference registration - $75 by itself – Taught by two VoIP Technology leaders, Henry Sinnreich and Alan Johnston.
Register now! IEEE members can get a discounted rate of $100. Here’s how: Browse to Click on the “Register now” button at the top of the page. Select the registration type of "Society" to get your discount. Add the SIP Tutorial for an extra $50.
( Click here for all the details )
28 October 2009 (Wednesday), 6:30pm-9:00pm
No Meeting this month
In place of the Fox Valley Subsection October meeting, members are encouraged to attend the Joint EMC Society "Oktoberfest" social hour and meeting at Elite Electronic Engineering October 20.
18 November 2009 (Wednesday), 6:30pm-9:00pm
(presentation begins at 7:00pm)
"Materials for new computers: smaller bits and faster memory"
The rapid increase in information storage density, and in memory density and speed, have
been brought about in part by the development of new materials. Amanda Petford-Long discusses the way in which
we can use advanced microscopy techniques to understand not only the structure and
composition of these complex materials, but also their magnetic and electrical behavior.
(Further details)
27 January 2010 (Wednesday), 6:30pm-9:00pm
(presentation begins at 7:00pm)
"Operating System Virtualization"
In this presentation Louis Giokas will briefly cover some of the history and the use of OS Virtualization in PC’s and servers and then move to the primary purpose of the talk, covering the use of OS Virtualization at the handheld device level.
(Further details)
Download presentation
24 February 2010 (Wednesday), 6:30pm-9:00pm
(presentation begins at 7:00pm)
"United States Patent Office Accelerated Examination Program"
Patent application backlog at the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) increased to almost 1,300,000 in 2008. Average pendency of a patent application is approaching three years. In response to some of these problems, the USPTO established procedures under which the examination of a patent application may be accelerated. Ron Andermann's presentation introduces the accelerated examination program and its requirements in an effort to make engineers and inventors aware of this option.
(Further details)
NetSecure10: IT Security and Forensics Conference and Expo
4 March 2010 (Thursday), 7:30am-6:00pm
Illinois Institute of Technology's Rice Campus
Wheaton, Illinois
The IEEE is co-sponsoring NetSecure, the 8th Annual IT Security and Forensics Conference and Expo. This multi-track technical conference is expected to attract 200+ IT professionals and will promote the open exchange of IT security, forensics, ethical hacking, steganography, policy and compliance, privacy, security of wireless and cloud computing, identity theft, and much more!
IEEE members get a discounted rate of $75 (normal price is $100) by using this link to register:
As you register, please use the registration type of "Society" to get your discount.
Questions: Contact - Scott Pfeiffer, 630.682.6001 or
Student Attendee rate is $35 - see Fees tab at the above website
(Further details)
Directions to IIT Rice Campus
VoIP Roundtable Discussion
"Building Cloud Telephony Applications"
18 March 2010 (Thursday), 6:30pm-9:00pm
Sponsored By IIT School of Applied Technology and IEEE Fox Valley Subsection
Please RSVP to
Illinois Institute of Technology's Rice Campus
Wheaton, Illinois
At the VoIP Roundtable Discussion on "Building Cloud
Telephony Applications" our speakers will be Irv Shapiro, CEO and CTO of Ifbyphone and José de Francisco López, Senior Manager Next Generation and
Emerging Wireless Technologies at Alcatel-Lucent.
Irv will explain the overall cloud telephony ecosystem, focusing
particularly on the recently acquired CloudVox infrastructure, and the
integration of its open API into the Ifbyphone platform. José will focus his
talk on leveraging the cloud to implement the vision of developers focused
on enhancing the end-users' experience at the intersection between mobile
broadband communications and cloud computing.
(Further details)
Download Irv Shapiro presentation
Download José de Francisco López presentation
28 April 2010 (Wednesday), 6:30pm-9:00pm
(presentation begins at 7:00pm)
"Nuclear Power in the Energy Picture"
Speaker George S. Stanford Ph.D., is a physicist, retired after a career in the
reactor-development program at Argonne National Laboratory
As both global population and energy demand per person continue to grow, energy from uranium will be increasingly important. The
direction the technology takes will have implications in a number of areas -- waste management, public safety, weapons proliferation, national security,
international stability and more. Some of the trends, possibilities, and
interactions will be discussed.
(Further details)
26 May 2010 (Wednesday), 6:30pm-9:00pm
(presentation begins at 7:00pm)
Speaker Bill Lidinsky, Director of Security and Forensics Laboratory, IIT School of Applied Technology.
In this talk Bill Lidinsky will investigate several digital
steganography schemes. These schemes will be demonstrated for all to see and hear. The talk will also discuss some approaches to steganalysis that have met with limited success.
(Further details)
VoIP Roundtable 5 Discussion
3 June 2010 (Thursday), 6:30pm-9:00pm
(presentation begins at 7:00pm)
"Providing GSM Coverage on Ships using Satellites, IP and VoIP"
Sponsored By IIT School of Applied Technology, IEEE Communications Society
Chicago Chapter and IEEE Fox Valley Subsection
Please RSVP to
The speaker will be John Nix, Founder and CEO of Go2Call Software. Coffee and cookies will be served from 6:30 PM to 7:00 PM. John will describe on-going work with the IIT VoIP Research Lab for developing, testing, and integrating of GSM 2G "picocell" base stations targeted at the commercial shipping industry. The GSM 2G base stations leverage an entirely VoIP network architecture, eliminating the need for a base station controller, mobile switching center, etc. and replacing the call-control functionality with a VoIP server and protocols. For more information about the topic please visit the “Upcoming Events” page of the VoIP Lab website at htp:// This meeting is free and open to the public. Please RSVP to CEUs are available on request at the time of the meeting.
(Further details)
23 June 2010 (Wednesday), 6:30pm-9:00pm
(presentation begins at 7:00pm)
"My Other Computer is a Data Center – An Introduction to Cloud Computing"
In this presentation Robert Grossman introduces cloud computing and discusses some of the different types of clouds. His presentation gives an overview of the cloud computing industry and also discusses what is new technically and what is simply better marketing.
(Further details)
Download presentation