Copa Airlines - Official Airline of CONCAPAN XXVII

Copa Airlines is the official air line of CONCAPAN XXVII. As so, it offers to the participants:
- 20% of discount to the participants of the conference who travel to Panama from the routes in Central America, North America, South America and the Caribbean.
- The discount does not apply in combined reservations with other airlines.
The conditions that will prevail are the following ones:
1- Discount valid in rates reserved in regular economic class available in the system at the time of making its reservations. The penalties by changes of date must be governed according to the regulations of the rate.
2- The discount does not apply in published promotional rates, executive class, rates by Internet, nor travel packages; besides the class upgrades are not permited.
3- The travel must be with the intention to attend the conference and in the dates of the convention, (november 25th to december 5th).
4- The tickets must be buy directly in the offices of Copa Airlines in the city of origin of the conference attendants. The discount is only for direct sale, (offices of Copa Airlines) does not apply for ticket purchase in Travel Agencies.
We recommend to the participants of the convention to make his reservations with time, since the availability of spaces in each route is not guaranteed.
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