Events for February 22 - January 29

October 20, 2022, Life Member Affinity Group Meeting

Bldg: New Orleans Hamburger and Seafood Restaurant, 4141 St. Charles Ave., New Orleans, Louisiana, United States, 70115

Monthly New Orleans IEEE Section Life Member Affinity Group Social and Administrative Meeting vote on 2023 Chair. Co-sponsored by: Richard Miller, Co Chair Agenda: 12:00pm - 1200hr cst social meeting & Lunch order 12:45pm - 1245hr cst Open Formal meeting cover old topics Select 2023 IEEE New Orleans Section South Lake Chair. Richard Miller was ...



When you eventually retire, do you want to age independently in your own home and neighborhood? Staying home and aging in place is most people's preference, but most American housing and communities are not adapted to the needs of older people. And with the fastest population growth among people over 65, finding solutions for successful ...

IEEE Rock River Valley Power Electronics Society Chapter Meeting

Room: EB 221, Bldg: Engineering Building, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois, United States, Virtual:

IEEE RRVS PELS Presentation. Speaker(s): Keyue Smedley, Ph.D., Agenda: 6:30 pm - Social & Dinner 7:15 pm - Announcement and Presentation Room: EB 221, Bldg: Engineering Building, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois, United States, Virtual:

Annual Life Members Appreciation Dinner Meeting

Barn Door Restaurant, 8400 North New Braunfels ave., San Antonio, Texas, United States, 78209

Because of our tremendous success in a multitude of areas, we are capable of hosting a special appreciation dinner. We are inviting all Life Members of the Lone Star Section. Please join us with your chosen guest on 17 November, 2022, at the Barn Door Restaurant, 8400 N. New Braunfels Ave. San Antonio, TX 78209. ...

Life Members Affinity Group – General Interest Talk and Life Members Discussion

Room: S12-01, Bldg: S-block, QUT Gardens Point Campus, BRISBANE, Queensland, Australia

We are sharing a guest speaker, Dr Nishad Mendis, with the QUT PECT group. The topic is one that should be of interest to all EE professionals, irrespective of field of interest. Our speaker will joint us, virtually, from Sydney. Following the talk your convenor would like to have a brief discussion about future general-interest ...

Vancouver TALK 11: 40 Years at SPAR


Speaker Lorne Keyes 9:00 AM P.D.T. You can log in at 8:45 AM (12:45 Halifax) to check connection and say hello.All IEEE members are welcome, especially those Life Members that don't have a local Affinity Group. Speaker(s): Lorne Keyes, Virtual:

Vancouver TALK 11: To Be Advised


Speaker Lorne Keyes 9:00 AM P.D.T. You can log in at 8:45 AM (12:45 Halifax) to check connection and say hello.All IEEE members are welcome, especially those Life Members that don't have a local Affinity Group. Speaker(s): Lorne Keyes, Virtual:

IEEE AR LMAG – Disertación "La computación cuántica y su sensible impacto en la seguridad informática" (24/NOV/2022)


El próximo jueves 24 de noviembre de 2022 tendremos la séptima reunión virtual del año del Grupo de Afinidad de Socios Vitalicios de Argentina (LMAG). En esta oportunidad el Dr. Pedro Hecht disertará sobre "La computación cuántica y su sensible impacto en la seguridad informática". La reunión virtual comenzará a las 17:45 AR, dedicando unos ...

LMAG Tea Appreciation Event

Room: 0101, Bldg: Shop House, 52 Joo Chiat Place Singapore 427776, Joo Chiat, Singapore, Singapore, Singapore, 427776

IEEE LMAG Tea Appreciation Event Date: 26th November Time: 2.30 pm Venue: 52 Joo Chiat Place Singapore 427776 Phoenix Hill Tea Merchant At Phoenix Hill Tea Merchant, we believe in delivering only the very best Chinese tea to our customers. This is why we take the tea-making process every step of the way, from growing ...

LMAG Tea Appreciation Event

Room: 0101, Bldg: Shop House, 52 Joo Chiat Place Singapore 427776, Joo Chiat, Singapore, Singapore, Singapore, 427776

IEEE LMAG Tea Appreciation Event Date: 26th November Time: 2.30 pm Venue: 52 Joo Chiat Place Singapore 427776 Phoenix Hill Tea Merchant At Phoenix Hill Tea Merchant, we believe in delivering only the very best Chinese tea to our customers. This is why we take the tea-making process every step of the way, from growing ...

November Stammtisch – Investigating animal locomotion using biorobots and neuromechanical simulations

Room: MED 0 1418, Bldg: MED Adrien Palaz auditorium, EPFL, EPFL, Ecublens, Switzerland, Switzerland, 1015

The EPFL IEEE Student Branch and the IEEE Life Member Activity Group kindly invites you to participate to November Stammtisch. We are very pleased to have Prof. Auke Ijspeert, IEEE Fellow, as a speaker. The following is a brief abstract of the event. The ability to efficiently move in complex environments is a fundamental property ...

Software defined RADAR


Presentation Prof. Werner Wiesbeck Speaker(s): Prof. Werner Wiesbeck , Virtual:

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