Events for October 1, 2024 - September 26, 2024

October Joint Pikes Peak Section, Life Member Affinity Group, Computer Society In-Person Meeting

Bldg: Old Chicago, 4110 North Academy Blvd, Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States, 80918

Come to Old Chicago to Network with IEEE Section, Life Members, and Computer Society Members during lunch (Included). Afterward we will watch as video: My Trip to Space Dr. George C. Nield, President, Commercial Space Technologies, LLC This Video presentation was delivered by the Galveston Bay LMAG during Aerospace Week (August 19). Dr. Nield describes ...

Towards the 100% clean energy future – How can IEEE Help? Life Member Award In-Person Luncheon

Room: Parking is free and more than adequate., Bldg: Greek Taverna, 292 Broomfield Avenue, Montclair, New Jersey, United States, 07042

This In-Person Life Grade Luncheon is scheduled for October 27. The topic of this year’s meeting is: Towards the 100% Clean Energy Future - Opportunities and challenges related to the 100 % clean energy system - Distributed energy resources (DERs) widespread - Role of smart inverters and fast electronics to regulate the voltage - Mother ...

October 27, 2022, Life Member Affinity Group Meeting

Bldg: Morton's Seafood Restaurant & Bar, 702 Water Street, Madisonville, Louisiana, United States, 70447

Monthly New Orleans IEEE Section Life Member Affinity Group Social and Administrative Meeting Co-sponsored by: Richard Miller, Co Chair Agenda: 12:00pm - 1200hr cst Social meeting & Lunch order 12:45pm - 1245hr cst Open Formal meeting cover old topics - STEM - Sponsoring a Section Life Member Technical Meeting Richard Miller presents upcoming section events ...

Stammtisch – Artificial photosynthesis for Solar Hydrogen production and its industrialization

Room: MED 0 1418, Bldg: MED Building, EPFL, EPFL, Ecublens, Switzerland, Switzerland, 1015

Solar energy is intermittent by nature, and converting it into chemical energy via photo-electrochemical (PEC) processes is one viable route for renewable fuel processing and energy storage. However, practical viability requires such an approach to be efficient, robust, economically competitive and sustainable at the same time. PEC devices operating with optical and current concentrations can ...

Stammtisch – Artificial photosynthesis for Solar Hydrogen production and its industrialization

Room: MED 0 1418, Bldg: MED Building, EPFL, EPFL, Ecublens, Switzerland, Switzerland, 1015

Solar energy is intermittent by nature, and converting it into chemical energy via photo-electrochemical (PEC) processes is one viable route for renewable fuel processing and energy storage. However, practical viability requires such an approach to be efficient, robust, economically competitive and sustainable at the same time. PEC devices operating with optical and current concentrations can ...

Lecture Meeting (Dr. K. J. Ray Liu: #11 event) (2022)

Room: 3階 33A (電気系会議室1), Bldg: 東京大学 本郷キャンパス, 本郷7-3-1, 工学部2号館, 文京区, Tokyo, Japan

Lecture Meeting hosted by TPC, Tokyo Section and LMAG, Tokyo Section Lecturer: Dr. K. J. Ray Liu (President, IEEE) ■Title: Wireless AI:A New Sixth Sense to Deciphering our World ■開催日時: 2022年11月1日(火曜日) 15:00~17:30 Co-sponsored by: IEEE Japan Council Agenda: Lecturer: Dr. K. J. Ray Liu (President, IEEE) ■Title: Wireless AI:A New Sixth Sense to Deciphering our World ■開催日時: ...

Miscibility Gap Alloy (MGA) Thermal Energy Storage


Australia is at the forefront of a global transition towards renewable and intermittent power supply. South Australia in particular has the world’s largest uptake of rooftop solar, which requires rapid adaptation of our grid to maintain energy security. A key part of the required solution is energy storage over a 4 to 24 hour duration, ...

Miscibility Gap Alloy (MGA) Thermal Energy Storage


Australia is at the forefront of a global transition towards renewable and intermittent power supply. South Australia in particular has the world’s largest uptake of rooftop solar, which requires rapid adaptation of our grid to maintain energy security. A key part of the required solution is energy storage over a 4 to 24 hour duration, ...

SA Section LMAG Annual General Meeting


Annual General Meeting - in association with the SA Retired Engineers Group Co-sponsored by: IET Retired Engineers Group Speaker(s): Keith Kikkert, Don Sinnott Virtual:

SA Section LMAG Annual General Meeting


Annual General Meeting - in association with the SA Retired Engineers Group Co-sponsored by: IET Retired Engineers Group Speaker(s): Keith Kikkert, Don Sinnott Virtual:

Lecture Meeting (#12 event) (2022)


Lecture Meeting hosted by TPC, Tokyo Section and LMAG, Tokyo Section Lecturer: 高村誠之 氏 Dr. Seishi Takamura (法政大学 教授) 2016年IEEE Fellow受賞 ■講演タイトル:映像符号化の研究開発に携わって (Involved in research and development of video coding) ■開催日時: 2022年11月2日(金) 15:00~17:30 (開始5分前からZoomにお入り頂けます) Agenda: Lecturer:  高村 誠之 氏 (法政大学情報科学部教授・NTTコンピュータ&データサイエンス研究所客員上席特別研究員) ■講演タイトル: 「映像符号化の研究開発に携わって」 (Involved in research and development of video coding) 概要 企業において映像符号化の研究開発とその標準化および学会活動に携わり、かかわりがあった国際規格には 世の中で使われるものもあったことがIEEEフェロー称号をいただくきっかけとなった。受賞までの映像符号化 技術とのかかわりを振り返り、今後の展望にも触れてみたい。 Virtual:

UMaine AI Webinar: Technology Predictions: Art, Science and Fashion


Join us for the University of Maine AI live Zoom webinar, "(" on Thursday, November 3, 2022. This will take place from 12:00 - 1:00 PM Eastern Time. Speaker: Dejan Milojicic, Distinguished Technologist, Hewlett Packard Labs He is an IEEE Fellow (2010), ACM Distinguished Engineer (2008), and HKN and USENIX member. He received the IEEE ...

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