Events for May 5 - March 25

IEEE New Orleans Section, South Lake Life Member Meeting

Bldg: Hamburger and Seafood Restaurant, 4141 St. Charles Ave , New Orleans, Louisiana, United States, 70115

IEEE New Orleans Section, South Lake Life Member monthly meeting at 4141 Louisiana Hamburger and Seafood Restaurant Co-sponsored by: Thomas E. Slack, Jr., Chair North Lake Life Member Affinity Group Agenda: February 20, 2025 12:00PM Social meeting and lunch ordering 12:30PM Luncheon social 1:00PM Meeting opens with introduction of attendees 1:10PM Old Business: Richard Miller ...

Spinal Micro-implant for restoring the ability to walk after spinal cord injury


This is a joint meeting of Canadian Society of Senior Engineers and IEEE Life Members Affinity Groups. This series of presentations has been occurring for more than 20 years and is now being also advertised to the IEEE Northern Canada Section (NCS) Life Members Affinity Group (LMAG) through vTools and other IEEE LMAG's and IEEE ...

IEEE CTS LMAG-CTCN 02.20.25 meeting: Potential Effects of Economic Policy in 2025


The talk will first present baseline trends for key indicators on the current economy, including budget and financial conditions. It will then discuss potential economic effects of possible policies of the new Trump administration. Speaker(s): Lee Price, Agenda: 6:00 to 6:05 PM - Open for participants to enter and network. 6:05 to 6:10 PM - ...

Simulator-based Clinical Skills Training for Improved Clinical Outcomes

Room 101 Calhoun Dr, Clemson, SC, United States

Dr. Joseph Ravi Singapogu is presenting on Simulator-Bases Clinical Skills Training for Improved Clinical Outcomes The skill of a clinician is critical to positive patient outcomes. Several recent studies have demonstrated that clinicians’ skill ratings were significantly correlated with clinical outcomes after treatment. It is imperative, therefore, that our clinical workforce be effectively and efficiently ...

Journey on Research and Mentoring – Dr. Mohamed Osman

Room: 120N, Bldg: Student Union Building (SUB), 2710 Crimson Way, Richland, Washington, United States, 99354

Dr. Mohamed Osman, Emeritus Electric Engineering Professor will share his journey in research, and mentoring - Organized with Black Student Union - WSU, Tri-Cities Free Food Agenda: [] Room: 120N, Bldg: Student Union Building (SUB), 2710 Crimson Way, Richland, Washington, United States, 99354

CCTS Engineer's Week Banquet

Beachside Hotel and Suites, 3901 N Atlantic Ave, Cocoa Beach, Florida, United States, 32931

[] The Canaveral Council of Technical Societies (CCTS) invites you to a social event to celebrate Engineers Week. Celebrate how engineers make a difference in our world! Engage industry, technologist, engineers, academia, students in engineering! IEEE Canaveral Section will offer seats at our tables on a first come, first served basis. Members attend free, but ...

Enigma Day at ENTER

ENTER Technikwelt, Gewerbestrasse 4, Derendingen, Switzerland, Switzerland, 4552

Dive into the world of cryptography: Enigma Day takes you on a journey through the fascinating history of encryption technologies! Link (in German): ( Free entry for IEEE Members presenting their membership card at the entrance. Value CHF 42.- Note: If you missed the successful Zuse presentations last year, an event about this pioneer will ...

Join us for a Region-Wide Senior Membership Asynchronous Event in Region 3


The Region 3 Senior Membership Team invites eligible Region 3 IEEE members to attend our orientation session on Saturday, February 22, 2025, at 1 PM EST. This event will address any questions about the senior member elevation process and provide guidance on completing your Senior Member nomination package. Candidates will be interviewed asynchronously following this ...

IEEE ENCS Engineering Week Social Saturday February 22, 2025

Room: In the back of the restaurant, Mez Contemporary Mexican Restaurant, 5410 Page Road, Durham, North Carolina, United States, 27703

[] 2025 IEEE ENCS Engineers Week Social Event Saturday, Feb 22 All Eastern North Carolina members and their guests are invited to attend. Advance registration is preferred. Sooner is better for planning food and seating. PLEASE COME JOIN US AND LET'S CELEBRATE E-WEEK! WE LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU!!!! Dinner Schedule: 6:00 PM Seating (large ...

February Coastal South Carolina ExCom


February ExCom Agenda: 0500 Meeting opens, Roll call 0505 Old Business 0530 New Business 0600 Adjourn Virtual:

A Digital Processor of RISC Variety Suitable for Architecture Exploration

Room: BSIC 203, Bldg: Blank Sheppard Innovation Center (BSIC), which is behind Richter Math-Engineering Center (#22) in the map, One Camino Santa Maria, St. Mary's University, San Antonio, Texas, United States, 78228

Abstract: It is computer architecture of my design, of the RISC variety. It is an effort to achieve high code density, deterministic execution and a uniform base for diversity. The 16-bit instructions are now running on a FPGA board, with specifications for the 24 & 32-bit instructions written. The basic template is written and it ...

" Indian Aerospace Paradigm"

HIMALAYAN TAJ RESTAURANT, Location:1425 NASA Parkway (next to Space Center Houston), Houston, Texas, United States, 77058, Virtual:

Tuesday, February 25th, 2025, 12:00 NOON US-Central TOPIC: " Indian Aerospace Paradigm" THIS IS A HYBRID EVENT SPEAKER: Dr Surendra Pal, Life-FIEEE, FNAE, FNASc, Former Vice Chancellor- Defence Institute of Advanced Technology- Pune(India), DRDO Dr. D.S Kothari Chair DG ECS Office Bangalore, Prof. Satish Dhawan Professor, Senior Adviser- Satellite Navigation(ISRO), Distinguished Scientist, Associate Director, Chairman ...

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