Events for October 17, 2024 - October 20, 2024

Insieme per guardare al passato e al futuro della energia elettrica

Brugg Windisch Zurich, Switzerland, Switzerland

Nella scia dell'IEEE History Week 2024, che da quest'anno IEEE promuove per favorire la conoscenza e la consapevolezza della storia delle nostre tecnologie, il LMAG della Sezione italiana aderisce fattivamente alla realizzazione di un evento internazionale, promosso dall'analogo Gruppo della Sezione svizzera, che intende discutere il tema della produzione trasmissione dell'energia elettrica nella Regione alpina ...

Fighting Misinformation: Digital Literacy (#6)

Bldg Livermore, CA, United States

Lecture 6 of 6 (75 minutes each) on the topic of Fighting MisInformation: Digital Literacy, that is given at the North East Independent School District Community Education Center. A second topic is "Introduction to Formal Logic" 2 sessions, 75 minutes each). Video lectures with supplemental Information, also co-sponsored by the Academy of Learning in Retirement. ...

SEM Life Members Affinity Group – Admin Meetings – 2024


The SEM Life Member (LM) Affinity Group 2024 series of planning meetings take place at 12:00 (Noon) on the 2nd Monday of each month. The Administrative Committee (Admin) invites interested Life Members to join us and help plan and conduct the year's activities. Agenda: Call to order / Approve Agenda / Approve last mtgs minutes ...

IEEE ENCS TOUR of Cary HS Academy of Technology and Advanced Manufacturing, MONDAY, OCT 14, 1-2 PM

Room: 2106, Cary Senior High School, 638 Walnut Street, Cary , North Carolina, United States, 27511

On MONDAY, October 14, 1-2 PM, please join fellow IEEE ENCS Members for a Tour of Academy of Technology and Advanced Manufacturing, 1-2:00 PM and to share cookies and apple cider. We look forward to seeing you in person for a fun afternoon of lab tours, cookies and apple cider. Meet and socialize with us ...

Automotive System Design

Room: 1201, Bldg: PSDC, 1 Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah, Bayan Lepas, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia, 11900, Virtual:

Abstract The automotive industry is in the midst of a significant transformation. “CASE: Connected, Autonomous, Shared & Service, Electric” has been advocated as a trend. Along with this trend, automotive E/E (Electrical/Electronic) architecture will evolve from the current distributed architecture to a domain architecture and then to the future zone architecture in the autonomous driving ...

IEEE Distinguished Lecture — Acceleration of Encryption Algorithms, Elliptic Curve, Pairing, Post Quantum Cryptoalgorithm (PQC)

Room: 1201, Bldg: PSDC, 1 Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah, Bayan Lepas, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia, 11900, Virtual:

Abstract This lecture will cover basics of public-key encryption, and example design optimization of elliptic-curve based encryption algorithm, including pairing operations, and its security measures. Then extend design optimization on lattice-based encryption algorithms including post quantum crypto-algorithm, CRISTALS-Kyber (FIPS 203 MLB-KEM)/Dilithium (FIPS204 MLB-DSS), hash based (FIPS 205 SHB-DSS), isogeny based encryption algorithms. Co-sponsored by: Technological ...

Broward LMAG First Event – Re-scheduled

Deerfield Beach Historical Society Cultural Center, 84 SE 4th Ave, Deerfield Beach, Florida, United States, 33441

The first event for the Broward Life Member Affinity Group (LMAG) has been rescheduled for the evening of October 15, 2024, at the Deerfield Beach Historical Society Cultural Center and Mid Century Modern Museum. As this is the first event, it will be purely social, with the goal of getting people together to brainstorm ideas ...

Hamilton-KW Life Member fall lunch and meeting

Room: Molson Room, Southcote 53 Tap and Grill, 534 Garner Road E, Ancaster, ON, Ontario, Canada, L9G 3K9

This semi-annual LMAG lunch will have as a theme a discussion of power-system reliability. Twice north-eastern North America has undergone nearly identical major power failures, with more than 30 million people simultaneously in the dark for hours. This session will include a video and discussion of the first such failure in 1964. An almost identical ...

RESCHEDULED: ENCS ExCom Meeting Wednesday, October 16, 2024, 7 PM


Please note that, this month, the date is the 3rd Wednesday and the time is 7:00 p.m.: - 2025 Elections Election Committee members need to attend. Updates and announcements from local Leaders welcome. Everyone is welcome to come help us to continue building a new leadership team. IEEE EXCOM Committee, All section officers, and the ...

Presentation on Estate Planning

Room 101 Calhoun Dr, Clemson, SC, United States

Serving Individuals and Families in the San Antonio, Texas Area FUNDAMENTALS OF ESTATE PLANNING IN SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS Establishing an estate plan is one of the most important steps you can take to protect yourself and your loves ones in the event of your incapacity or upon your death. Proper estate planning is one of ...

IEEE LSS EMB & LMAG on Estate Planning

Room: Private Room, Bldg: La Fonda, 8633 Crownhill Blvd, San Antonio, Texas, United States, 78209

IEEE Lone Star Section EMBS Chapter and the Life Members Affinity Group will host Attorney at Law, James N. Voeller, ESQ for an informative presentation on Estate Planning. The cost of lunch is $15.00, cash or check (no credit cards). Please bring exact amount, however, we will make change if needed. Agenda: 11:00 am Set ...

Re-Powering the Milner Generating Station – Conversion from Coal to Natural Gas


This is a joint meeting of Canadian Society of Senior Engineers and IEEE Life Members Affinity Groups. This series of presentations has been occurring for more than 20 years and is now being also advertised to the IEEE Northern Canada Section (NCS) Life Members Affinity Group (LMAG) through vTools and other IEEE LMAG's and IEEE ...

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