Events for March 24 - March 10

IEEE-DAY: " Energy Impacts of Autonomous Vehicles and the Future Trends", VTS WEEK, WEBINAR #2 of 3


Autonomous driving takes serious computational power, which results in increased fuel consumption in internal combustion engine-based vehicles leading to additional pollution or reducing the energy available for propulsion in electric vehicles. The energy impacts of autonomous vehicles may vary significantly along two pathways: the extent to which the partial or full automation of the autonomous ...

Visit to LIMNI KU Leuven Institute for Micro- and Nanoscale Integration, home to curiosity; invention; knowledge and integration / "Optics + Electronics" Seminar

Room: Curie - 492-31.00.118, Bldg: Celestijnenlaan 200F, KU Leuven - Campus Heverlee , Celestijnenlaan 200F, Heverlee / Leuven, Unknown, Belgium, 3001

LIMNI is an interdisciplinary institute for micro- and nanoscale integration. The four focus points and pillars of the research at the LIMNI institute are nanomaterial and material characterization, bio-nanosystems, nanoelectronics and physical Micro- and nanosystems. Its mission is integration and cross-fertilization between these clusters to address tomorrow’s challenges in the fields of Telecommunications & Connectivity, ...

IEEE-DAY: "The Automotive Technological Revolution and the Future of Personal Mobility"; GBS VTS WEEK, WEBINAR #3 of 3


In an ever-growing populous world, the automotive industry is faced with opportunities and challenges, which have been driving fundamental and revolutionary changes to the automotive DNA. In the coming years, advances in vehicle electrification, connectivity, and autonomous driving capability will combine to make our cars and trucks much different and much safer than those on ...



With the proliferation of surveillance cameras, society needs means to identify people from the images these cameras provide. Crime-solving websites are replete with imagery of criminals who are often disguised and/or at low resolution; terrorist attacks yield more imagery. We noticed this many years ago and were the first to develop systems that aimed to ...

IEEE-DAY, " Handwriting Recognition: A Perspective on Two Decades of Innovations", GBS BIOMETRIC AND SYSTEMS WEEK, WEBINAR #2 of 4


We present an overview of two decades of innovation in handwriting recognition at the Govindaraju lab at the University at Buffalo and offer a perspective on the evolution of research in this area and the future of the field. We highlight our seminal work in handwriting recognition that was at the core of the first ...

George Eastman Museum – Private Guided Tour Of The Technology Collection "Vault"

900 East Ave., Rochester, New York, United States, 14607

Todd Gustavson, Curator of the George Eastman Museum’s Technology Collection will host and conduct a tour of the museum's technology collection. Among other artifacts, the collection contains many items representing camera design innovation and milestones. He will discuss their importance to the practice of photography, the engineering and scientific achievements required to produce them, and ...

IEEE-DAY,"Advanced Nano-Sensors for Health Care Applications "; GBS BIOMETRIC AND SYSTEMS WEEK, WEBINAR #3 of 4


With the rapid progress in the field of sensors and instrumentation systems, day by day, there is good technological development in the industry, engineering, medicine, and other scientific fields. However, more sophisticated sensor systems are still required to be developed for fast measurements in an intelligent manner. In the present talk, the development of new ...

IEEE-DAY,When Quality Matters – Systems Approach to Safety Risk Management of Medical Devices; GBS BIOMETRIC AND SYSTEMS WEEK, WEBINAR #4 of 4


When medical devices are created for use on patients, there are robust systems engineering principles that must be applied to ensure that the devices are as safe as reasonably possible. Safety risk management is a parallel and complementary process to the product development process. This talk will provide a comprehensive overview of the relationship between ...

The Future of Nuclear Energy: Have we entered a new era?


Please join us on October 13, 2022, for a virtual fireside chat with Dr. Jacopo Buongiorno, Professor of Nuclear Science and Engineering at MIT Cost: $5.00 plus Eventbrite fee (with IEEE2022 promotion code). RSVP: ( Hint: Enter the code in the “promotion code” entry and be sure to click “apply” before paying. Event Details: ...

The Future of Nuclear Energy: Have we entered a new era?


Please join us on October 13, 2022, for a virtual fireside chat with Dr. Jacopo Buongiorno, Professor of Nuclear Science and Engineering at MIT Cost: $5.00 plus Eventbrite fee (with IEEE2022 promotion code). RSVP: ( Hint: Enter the code in the “promotion code” entry and be sure to click “apply” before paying. Event Details: ...

Vancouver TALK 10: Automatic Outdoor Garden Watering System


Speaker's experiences in attempting to put together an automatic watering system for his garden using wireless sensors. Registration is optional, but we want to know who to expect. 9:00 AM P.D.T. You can log in at 8:45 AM (12:45 Halifax) to check connection and say hello.All IEEE members are welcome, especially those Life Members that ...

Vancouver TALK 10: Automatic Outdoor Garden Watering System


Speaker's experiences in attempting to put together an automatic watering system for his garden using wireless sensors. Registration is optional, but we want to know who to expect. 9:00 AM P.D.T. You can log in at 8:45 AM (12:45 Halifax) to check connection and say hello.All IEEE members are welcome, especially those Life Members that ...

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