Events for December 21, 2024 - December 18, 2024

IEEE East TN Section Meeting – Life as a KUB Engineer

XUL Brewing Company, 10677 Hardin Valley Rd, Knoxville, Tennessee, United States, 37932

Join us November 12, at 5:30 PM at XUL Brewing Company 10677 Hardin Valley Rd, Knoxville, TN 37932 for an IEEE East Tennessee Section meeting. Our speakers will be Thomas "Tom" Karnowski, the current East Tennessee Section Chair, and Bruce Webb, Senior Engineer at KUB. Tom will introduce himself and invite us all to help ...

IEEE Central Texas Section Life Member Affinity Group Annual Luncheon

5712 Menchaca Road, Austin, Texas, United States, 78745

Life Members []It's that time of year again! Have lunch on us at Cherry Creek Catfish Restaurant. Renew old friendships and acquaintances, and make new ones. Agenda: Enjoy a meal on us. Talk about "old times" and make new friends among your Life Member colleagues in the Central Texas Section. This event is by invitation ...

Leveraging Artificial Intelligence Tools for Development and Deployment of Autonomous Vehicles in Rural and Suburban Environments


Speaker: (, PhD, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, North Carolina A&T State University Host: Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL This talk will present cutting-edge AI techniques for the development of autonomous vehicles (AVs), with a focus on their deployment in rural and suburban areas. It ...

Technology Megatrends


[]Predictions have always attracted interest, because seeing the future could be useful, powerful, and fun. Those who can predict are ahead of others — they have a strategic advantage. Predictions are essential in business, technology, and science. With COVID and recent wars, predictions became critical to humankind’s survival. However, predictions are also very hard because ...

IEEE WNC section Social Gathering, Thursday November 14, 2024

Burning Blush Brewery, 4891 Boylston Hwy, Mills River, North Carolina, United States, 28759

IEEE WNC section Social Gathering, Thursday November 14, 2024 Burning Blush Brewery, Mills River, NC. Come and meet with your WNC section fellow Engineers and spouses over a craft brew of your liking. We all have been through some serious unfortunate challenges and chaos recently. Some much more so than others. Come and share our ...

IEEE RRVS: November 2024 Meeting # 1

Room: 1322, Bldg: Woodward Technology Center (WTC), 3301 N Mulford Rd,, Rockford, Illinois, United States, 61114

Join us the IEEE RRVS CCS & IAS, WIE, YP, Life members chapter Meeting at 6pm. TITLE: Navigating Cybersecurity and Systemic Risk in a Rapidly Advancing Technological Landscape Program: In our globally interconnected world, the rapid advancement and intersection of technologies present both unprecedented opportunities and significant risks. This presentation will explore the ethical misuse, ...

Central GA IEEE Meeting: Bulk Transmission Planning with Georgia Transmission Corp.

Room: 201, Bldg: Science and Engineering Building (SEB), 1501 Mercer University Dr, Macon, Georgia, United States, 31207

Please make time to join the Central GA IEEE section on November 14th 2024 at 6:30PM ET in room 201 of the Science and Engineering Building at Mercer University for a meeting regarding bulk transmission planning. Our speaker will be Thomas Leslie with Georgia Transmission Corporation (GTC). A group will likely be meeting for a ...

Life Member Luncheon – Artificial Intelligence

Bldg: Restaurant - 1st level, Casa Bella, 300 US-46, Denville, New Jersey, United States, 07834

Friday, November 15, 2024, Life Member Luncheon at Casa Bella, 300 US-46, Denville, NJ 07834 with Presentation on Artificial Intelligence: What is AI, How does it work, Can it replace us, AI and the Arts, Industry, Music, and the future. AI in the wrong hands, etc. Fill out registration, send a check of $10 per ...

The 15th IEEE Career Development Workshop – Group Mentoring Pilot –

Room: 6D-4, Bldg: Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan , 3-5-8, Shiba Koen, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 105-0011

The 15th IEEE Career Development Workshop - Group Mentoring Pilot- The IEEE Tokyo Section has been organizing Career Development Workshops to support students and young engineers. This year marks the 15th workshop. It invites active and former researchers and engineers from industry, research, and education as facilitators (mentors). Participants will engage in group discussions on ...

IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu – Student Leadership Conference Awards Banquet

Room: Ballroom, 5400 John Q. Hammons Drive Nw, Embassy Suites, Concord, North Carolina, United States, 28027

The IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu Awards Banquet celebrate the achievements of IEEE-HKN Chapters and closes the Student Leadership Conference. IEEE-HKN Alumni and IEEE Life Members are welcome to attend the event for the cost of the meal ($125). Room: Ballroom, 5400 John Q. Hammons Drive Nw, Embassy Suites, Concord, North Carolina, United States, 28027

Poland Section Activities: EUROCON and new IEEE milestone ceremonies


Professor Marek Jasinski who is a Chairman of the IEEE Poland Section will report on new Poland Section inititives: EUROCON and new IEEE milestones accepted, prepared and planned to be prepared. Virtual:

End of Year Luncheon – Sydney Rowing Club – Tuesday 19 November

Sydney Rowing Club, 813 Great north Rd, Abbotsford, New South Wales, Australia

Take the opportunity to get out, network and enjoy the vista of Parramatta River. We each pay for our own meal. Please register, so that the tables can be booked. The venue can be reached by ferry from the city or Parramatta or by bus (438) to the door. Travel directions can found at ...

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