Events for March 19 - January 29

IEEE NY Joint ComSoc & VTS Technology Forum : Technological advances of Security Cameras for the Vehicular and Mass Transit Industry

One Penn Plaza, 4th Floor, New York, New York, United States, 10119, Virtual:

In this talk, we will discuss technology and modern day application of security cameras in today’s Metro society. We will focus on examples of Hanwha’s eco system of products such as single and multi-sensor security cameras. We will also discuss edge based second generation Artificial Intelligence used to reduce false alarms, enhance detection while increasing ...

IEEE NY Joint ComSoc & VTS Technology Forum : Technological advances of Security Cameras for the Vehicular and Mass Transit Industry

One Penn Plaza, 4th Floor, New York, New York, United States, 10119, Virtual:

In this talk, we will discuss technology and modern day application of security cameras in today’s Metro society. We will focus on examples of Hanwha’s eco system of products such as single and multi-sensor security cameras. We will also discuss edge based second generation Artificial Intelligence used to reduce false alarms, enhance detection while increasing ...

IEEE WNC section Social Gathering

Burning Blush Brewery, 4891 Boylston Hwy , Mills River, North Carolina, United States, 28759

IEEE WNC section Social gathering. Thursday May 16, 5-8 PM. Burning Blush Brewery. Mills River. Come and meet with your WNC section fellow Engineers over a craft brew of your liking. Share some war stories with engineers with experiences in the trenches like yourself. Life Members, Consultants and new member please join us. Spouses are ...

IEEE CTS LMAG and CTCN 5.16.2024 meeting- Fusion Energy: Clean and Inexhaustible

Room: 8, Bldg: Asian American Resource Center, 8401 Cameron Rd., Austin, Texas, United States, 78754, Virtual:

Energy is the core of civilization. The search for a clean, sustainable, unlimited source of energy has led to the development of fusion technology, an attempt to create on earth the conditions that power our sun. A power plant capable of producing more output than input power is ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor), and is ...

Work session at SAMSAT

Bldg: Education Center, San Antonio Museum of Science and Technology, 5035 SW 36th Street, San Antonio, Texas, United States, 78226

All IEEE members are invited to a work session in support of the San Antonio Museum of Science and Technology SAMSAT is opening new meeting and exhibit space that will include a display of the IEEE Armstrong Traveling Exhibit that will open in July. Assistance is needed to help prepare the facilities for the opening. ...

IEEE Denver Picnic Party – Celebrating 109 Years

Bldg: Picnic Site 1, Bear Creek Park 1, Denver, Colorado, United States, 80227

Did you know that this May 18th, IEEE has been in Denver for 109 years? To celebrate it, we are hosting a picnic party for IEEE members, family, and friends! We will be providing food, drinks, desserts (read: cake), games, and prizes - Come meet other engineers in the area! Time: Saturday, May 18, 2024 ...

IEEE SusTech Talk May 2024 – Harnessing AI for Product Lifecycle Intelligence


Unfortunately, the speaker is not available on this date so we have stopped registration and if we cannot find alternate this webinar will be cancelled SusTech is hosting talks on Sustainability topics. “Harnessing AI for Product Lifecycle Intelligence” with Neil D’Souza, CEO and founder of Makersite, Stuttgart, Germany Date/Time: May 21, 2024 Discover the transformative ...

Luncheon – The Ranch – North Ryde

108 Herring Rd, North Ryde, New South Wales, Australia, 2113

[] Hi All, Come and join us for lunch. It is being hosted by Life Members Affinity Group but everyone is welcome. It is at The Ranch near Macquarie University. Easy walk from Macquarie University Metro Station. Buses go past the door. The menu can be found at These are casual and informal events. ...

Life Member Meeting

Bldg: Ramsey's Diner, 151 W Zandale Drive, Lexington, Kentucky, United States, 40503

Meet new friends and old friends Bldg: Ramsey's Diner, 151 W Zandale Drive, Lexington, Kentucky, United States, 40503

Life Member Meeting

Bldg: Ramsey's Diner, 151 W Zandale Drive, Lexington, Kentucky, United States, 40503

Meet new friends and old friends Bldg: Ramsey's Diner, 151 W Zandale Drive, Lexington, Kentucky, United States, 40503

Presentación del Grupo Español de IEEE Life Members – Electrónica de potencia basada en dispositivos semiconductores: evolución, presente y futuro


Presentación del Grupo Español de IEEE Life Members - Electrónica de potencia basada en dispositivos semiconductores: evolución, presente y futuro Registro obligatorio para recibir el enlace de videoconferencia (webex). Speaker(s): Javier Sebastián, Agenda: Presentación del Grupo Español de IEEE Life Members - Electrónica de potencia basada en dispositivos semiconductores: evolución, presente y futuro 19:00 Reunión ...

SC FIRST Presentation

Room: SC 132, Bldg: Howell Memorial Science Building Room, 1700 Wade Hampton Boulevard, Greenville, South Carolina, United States, 29614

FIRST Robotics (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) is a robotics competition for pre-college students. Their robotics competition is similar to IEEE Student Robotics Competition. The teams are given a a challenge for a robot and a part of kits. They design and test their robots. There are competitions at multiple levels. Chris ...

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