Events for December 14, 2024 - December 12, 2024



Professional meeting Virtual:



Professional meeting Virtual:

"The History of Visual Magic in Computers" Virtual OCCS & CITSS Mtg


Virtual Event Full Title: "The History of Visual Magic in Computers: How Beautiful Images are Made in CAD, 3D, VR and AR" If you have ever looked at a fantastic adventure or science fiction movie, or an amazingly complex and rich computer game, or a TV commercial where cars or gas pumps or biscuits behaved ...

CIT Summer Series – Jon Peddie – The History of Visual Magic in Computers: How Beautiful Images are Made in CAD, 3D, VR and AR


This is a weekly session of the CIT Summer Series, with Jon Peddle presenting The History of Visual Magic in Computers: How Beautiful Images are Made in CAD, 3D, VR and AR : If you have ever looked at a fantastic adventure or science fiction movie, or an amazingly complex and rich computer game, or ...

Lunch – The Fiddler, Rouse Hill – Tuesday 5 September-

The Fiddler, cnr Commercial and Windsor Rds, Rouse Hill, New South Wales, Australia, 2155

You are invited to join other members for lunch at The Fiddler at Rouse Hill at 1230hrs on Tuesday 5 September. For those interested, the menu can be found at ( These are casual and informal events. An opportunity to discuss engineering and unrelated topics. Take it as an opportunity to get out, enjoy the ...

Lunch – The Fiddler, Rouse Hill – Tuesday 5 September-

The Fiddler, cnr Commercial and Windsor Rds, Rouse Hill, New South Wales, Australia, 2155

You are invited to join other members for lunch at The Fiddler at Rouse Hill at 1230hrs on Tuesday 5 September. For those interested, the menu can be found at ( These are casual and informal events. An opportunity to discuss engineering and unrelated topics. Take it as an opportunity to get out, enjoy the ...

IEEE R9 LMAG – Webinar "Geniuses at WAR: Code breaking in Bletchley Park" – David Bondurant (05/SEP/2023)


Los Grupos de Afinidad de Socios Vitalicios del IEEE (LMAG) de Argentina, Monterrey, Panamá, Perú, Puerto Rico y Uruguay extienden una cordial invitación para asistir al webinario que se realizará el próximo martes 5 de septiembre de 2023, de 18:00 a 19:30 hora de Buenos Aires, Argentina (UTC-3:00), en el que David Bondurant disertará sobre ...

IEEE R9 LMAG – Webinar "Geniuses at WAR: Code breaking in Bletchley Park" – David Bondurant (05/SEP/2023)


Los Grupos de Afinidad de Socios Vitalicios del IEEE (LMAG) de Argentina, Monterrey, Panamá, Perú, Puerto Rico y Uruguay extienden una cordial invitación para asistir al webinario que se realizará el próximo martes 5 de septiembre de 2023, de 18:00 a 19:30 hora de Buenos Aires, Argentina (UTC-3:00), en el que David Bondurant disertará sobre ...

ACT Branch Milestone

Bldg: 32, Adfa Unsw Building 32, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia

Celebrating ACT branch Creation. Inaugural founder Lal Gadal recognition. Bldg: 32, Adfa Unsw Building 32, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia

ACT Branch Milestone

Bldg: 32, Adfa Unsw Building 32, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia

Celebrating ACT branch Creation. Inaugural founder Lal Gadal recognition. Bldg: 32, Adfa Unsw Building 32, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia

I Life Members italiani di IEEE salutano il ritorno di HISTELCON in Italia

Bldg: Aula A, Università di Firenze Via La Pira 4, Firenze, Toscana, Italy

IEEE Italy Section Life Members Affinity Group I Life Members salutano il ritorno di HISTELCON in Italia I Life Members di IEEE sono testimoni di una vita professionale in una settore tecnologico che ha avuto negli anni una straordinari a evoluzione e, nel contempo, sono espressione di appartenenza ad una associazione che nel mondo rappresenta ...

" How to Conduct Electrical Safety Program Audit?"


Auditing or evaluation of commercial and industrial organizations has been an NFPA 70E requirement since 2009 and is required every three years. Auditing provides the means to understand performance versus established standards and to identify areas for continued improvement. To have an effective electrical safety program (ESP), an auditing process must be an integral element ...

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