Events for February 20 - January 31

IEEE Buffalo Section Recognition Night

Room: Adam Room, Classics V Banquets, 2425 Niagara Falls Boulevard, Amherst , New York, United States, 14228

Buffalo Section Recognition Dinner Meeting Joint with the Power Energy/Industrial Applications, Computer, Microwave Theory & Techniques/Antennas & Propagation, Communications, Control Systems, Engineering Management, Electron Devices, Photonics, Nana Technology, and Young Professionals Societies, Life Member Affinity Group, Women in Engineering, and the IEEE WNY Consultants Network. Wednesday April 19, 2023 at 6 p.m. Recognition Night Please ...

Measurements and Modeling of the Hemodynamic Response in the Human Brain


presented by Dr David Ress, Baylor College of Medicine where he is the Technical Director of the Center for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Abstract: The human brain exhibits a close relationship between neuronal electrical activity and blood flow. The phenomena, functional hyperemia, is the basis for functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). In particular, a brief (~2 ...

A Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Approach for Intelligent Spectrum Optimization for Future Aeronautical Communications

Bldg: University Club – Univ. of Louisville Campus, 200 E Brandeis Ave, Louisville, Kentucky, United States, 40208

The emergence of new aerial vehicles into the airspace and the continued growth of aviation operations will cause increasing demands for wireless communications throughout the National Airspace System (NAS). In particular, the emerging concepts of Urban Air Mobility (UAM) and Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) open a new paradigm for urban air transportation. By partnering with ...

Life Member Affinity Group Senior Engineer’s Meeting

Jericho Public Library, 1 Merry Lane,, Jericho, New York, United States, 11753, Virtual:

The IEEE Long Island Section Life Member Affinity Group is holding a meeting and inviting retired and senior engineers as well as all interested parties. The topic is Having it All: It is practical to live a middle class, even a comfortable lifestyle in the US with a near zero carbon footprint. Speaker(s): Marty Hoffert, ...

IEEE New Orleans Section – South Lake Life Member Affinity Group Luncheon Meeting

4141 Ct Charles Ave., New Orleans, Louisiana, United States, 70115

Life Member Meeting - all IEEE Members Invited Co-sponsored by: Richard Miller, Chair - Thomas E. Slack, Jr Agenda: 12:00 pm - 1200 hr. cst Social and Meal Order 12:15 pm - 1215 hr. cst Social over meal 12:45 pm - 1245 hr. cst Meeting starts with current business 1:30 pm - 1330 hr. cst ...

IEEE CTS CTCN and LM April 20,2023 meeting: A Normative Model for Decision Making


Most decisions have two requirements: They should be “good”, and secondly when others are involved, they should be agreed to. The normative decision model provides a decision tree with 8 critical factors that determine, not what a decision should be, but how the decision should be made. This talk use a common, relevant scenario – ...

Wild Weasel – The Suicide Mission

Bldg: Hub101 - Cal Lutheran Center for Entrepreneurship, 31416 Agoura Road, Westlake Village, California, United States, 91361, Virtual:

During the early stages of the Vietnam war the North Vietnam army, with the assistance of their allies, became quite sophisticated with anti-aircraft missiles. The missile shootdown of US fighter aircraft demanded urgent action to address this threat. The military solution was the creation of the “Wild Weasel” program. The objective of the Wild Weasel ...

IEEE Baltimore Robot Challenge – virtual component


We have moved the on line component of the competition to Wednesday, April 26 to allow an additional 7 teams to compete. There will be 3 teams in the 09:50 event and 4 in the 12:30 event. You may judge either or both, but you must participate in the 09:10 session for instruction on how ...

Debunking the Myths of Nuclear Fission


Nuclear has been in the news even more than usual over the past few years. There are over 70 advanced nuclear projects in North America, covering 10 different new designs and types. China is committed to massive nuclear expansion (150 GW in 15 years). Diablo Canyon just received $1.1B in credits from the DOE to ...

Site safari: The Oosterweel connection (Antwerp – Belgium)

Antwerp, Antwerpen, Belgium

The Oosterweel connection is part of 'The Great Connection'. 'The Great Connection' is the project for the future with which the Flemish government is building a city and region where it is good to live, work, do business and visit. By building the Oosterweel, the Antwerp ring road, the R1, will be made closed completely ...

Life Member South Lake Affinity Group – First Meeting of 2023

Bldg: Mortan Bar and Seafood Restaurant, 702 Water St., , Madisonville, Louisiana, United States, 70447

Monthly IEEE New Orleans Section Life Member Affinity Group Meeting Co-sponsored by: LM50051 - New Orleans Section Affinity Group,LM-A Agenda: 12:00 pm CST – 1200 hr CST – Meeting Commences with introduction of attendees. 12:10 pm CST – 1210 hr CST – Social meeting and order individual lunchCS 12:45 pm CST – 1245 hr CST ...

April 30, 2023, Life Member Meeting

702 Water Street, Madisonville, Louisiana, United States

IEEE New Orleans - Life Member Meeting - all IEEE members invited Co-sponsored by: Thomas E Slack, North Lake Life Member Affinity Group Chair Agenda: 12:00 pm - 1200 hr. cst Social and lunch selection 12:15 pm - 1215 hr. cst Lunch 12:45 pm - 1245 hr. cst Open meeting with old business New Business ...

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