Events for February 4 - February 21

Lecture Meeting (#13 event) (2022) Prof. Takanishi


Lecture Meeting hosted by TPC, Tokyo Section and LMAG, Tokyo Section Lecturer: 高西 淳夫 氏 Dr. Atsuo Takanishi (Waseda University, Professor) Abstract: 1960年代後期,早稲田大学の加藤一郎教授らが始めたヒューマノイドロボット研究 の歴史を振り返りながら,応用研究への展開も含めた,現在までの流れを演者の 視点から総括を試みる。 2016年IEEE Fellow受賞 ■講演タイトル: 「ヒューマノイドロボット研究とその応用」 (Humanoid Robotics and Its Applications) ■開催日時: 2022年12月13日(火曜日) 15:00~16:30 (開始5分前からZoomにお入り頂けます) Speaker(s): ■講演者: 高西 淳夫 氏 (早稲田大学理工学術院教授), Agenda: ■講演者: 高西 淳夫 氏 (早稲田大学理工学術院教授) 2020年 IEEE Fellow受賞 ■講演タイトル:「ヒューマノイドロボット研究とその応用」 (Humanoid Robotics and Its Applications) Virtual:

Dec. 13 Susquehanna Section LM Dinner/Presentation: PA STARNet P25 Public Safety Radio Network

Room: W107, Bldg: Olmstead Building , Penn State University Harrisburg campus, Middletown, Pennsylvania, United States

You and your friends are invited to the Susquehanna Section/Life Member Affinity Group's first in person dinner/presentation, since the start of COVID. This event is also open to all students. Robert Barnham, Director Statewide Radio Network Division, Pennsylvania State Police, will present details on the Pennsylvania's state of the art Digital public safety radio network. ...

2022 Hamilton Section Annual General Meeting

Room: 1812 Room, Ancaster Mill, 548 Old Dundas Road, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, L9G 3J4

You are cordially invited to attend the 2022 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Hamilton Section taking place at the Ancaster Mill on Tuesday, December 13, 2022 starting at 6:00 PM. Cost: $10 for IEEE members, $20 for guests, and $5 for student members. Registration deadline is December 6, 2022. Registration fees inclusive of deluxe ...

Technical Tour: The Railway Museum & JR-East R&D Center (#13 event)

大宮区大成町3丁目47番 , 埼玉県さいたま市, Saitama, Japan, 〒330-0852 

●開催日:2022年12月14日(水)13:00~17:30 ●開催場所:鉄道博物館、JR東日本研究開発センター ・場所:  (1) 鉄道博物館  〒330-0852 埼玉県さいたま市大宮区大成町3丁目47番  ( JR大宮駅よりニューシャトル「鉄道博物館(大成)駅」下車、徒歩1分 (2)JR東日本研究開発センター 〒331-8513 さいたま市北区日進町2丁目479番地 (  鉄道博物館より徒歩移動予定 ・日時:2022年12月14日(水)13:00~17:30 (予定) ・参加費:無料 ・定員:20名 ・申込み期限:2022年11月22日(火) 参加ご希望の方は、下記の申し込みサイトから、フォームを送信ください。 なお、申込み多数の場合は、抽選とさせていただきます。 ( ( 〒144-0041 東京都大田区羽田空港3-5-4(東京モノレール 新整備場駅より 徒歩15分) Agenda: ■見学会集合場所と時間 鉄道博物館集合 ・日時:2022年12月14日(水)13:00~17:30 (予定)13:00 大宮区大成町3丁目47番 , 埼玉県さいたま市, Saitama, Japan, 〒330-0852 

5G: Looking Behind the Curtain: Part 2 Modulation Constellations and Orthogonal Multiplexing


The Long-Term Evolution (LTE) of Signal Transmission & Reception Techniques used by cell phones have drastically changed with the introduction of 4G and evolved further with the implementation of 5G. The focus of this lecture is to understand the implementation of more efficient modulation techniques, spectrum optimization, complex packet transmission and multiple antenna technologies. These ...

Role of IEEE in the Climate Change Debate


This presentation will cover the work of the IEEE Ad Hoc Committee to Coordinate IEEE’s Response to Climate Change (CCIRCC), which has made significant strides in placing the IEEE a prime mover in enhancing the role of Engineers, worldwide, to mitigate and adapt to Climate change. Working with leading engineering organisations the IEEE took a ...

George Eastman Museum Gingerbread House and Tabletop Tree Display

900 East Ave., Rochester, New York, United States, 14607

The Rochester Section invites you to view the seasonal display of Gingerbread Houses and Tabletop Trees at a discounted admission price to the George Eastman Museum. Co-sponsored by: Mark Schrader Agenda: Friday, December 16, 2022 2:00 pm: Meet in the lobby for admission to the museum. We will go in shortly thereafter. We can then ...

Present and future of the IEEE Milestones Program


The Milestones Program, a flagship program of IEEE, is becoming more and more popular. Nevertheless, it is nstill necessary to promote it, inviting new Milestones proposal. Antonio Savini, current chair of the History Committee, will introduce the subject with special reference to the Italy Section and then will lead the discussion. Virtual:

Life Member Affinity Group Phoenix Section

Bldg: Big Horn Room, 1 East Continental Drive, Tempe, Arizona, United States

12:50Business Meeting Accept nominations for officers’ positions Conduct election of officers 12:55 PM Administrative Meeting briefly 1:00 PM Adjourn Agenda: 12:50Business Meeting Accept nominations for officers’ positions Conduct election of officers 12:55 PM Administrative Meeting briefly 1:00 PM Adjourn Bldg: Big Horn Room, 1 East Continental Drive, Tempe, Arizona, United States

Life Member Meeting

151 West Zandale, Lexington, Kentucky, United States, 40503

Life Member Meeting 151 West Zandale, Lexington, Kentucky, United States, 40503

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