Events for March 20 - March 1

Snowy 2.0 Progress Update


Snowy 2.0 is the next chapter in the Snowy Scheme’s history. It is a nation-building renewable energy project that will provide on-demand energy and large-scale storage for many generations to come. Snowy 2.0 will provide an additional 2,000 megawatts of dispatchable, on-demand generating capacity to the National Electricity Market. This presentation will go into some ...

SA Section LMAG Committee meeting


Regular two-monthly meeting of the LMAG in cooperation with the IET Retired Engineers Group Committee Co-sponsored by: IET Retired Engineers Group Speaker(s): Phil Cheeseman, Don Sinnott Virtual:

The 10th IEEE and TAU Underwater Acoustics Symposium

Room: Samueli Auditorium, Bldg: Broadcom Building, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv District, Israel

Dear Colleagues You are cordially invited to attend The 10th Tel Aviv University Underwater Acoustics Symposium on August 4, 2022. Preliminary Program of the conference is attached. Participation is free of charge, but registration is required at: . Please spread this message. Best regards, Amir Boag =============================================================== Prof. Amir Boag Department of Physical Electronics, ...

Technical Visit to Mandai MRT Depot – Maintenance and Control Centre of Thomson-East Coast Line (TEL)

Bldg: Gathering Venue: Khatib MRT Station (NS14) , 201 Yishun Avenue 2, Singapore, Singapore, Singapore, 769092

Mandai MRT Depot is an integrated ( depot located in (, ( that serves as the maintenance and control centre of the ( (TEL). The MRT depot is located between ( station and ( station on the Thomson-East Coast Line (TEL). To support the TEL operations and maintenance, the MRT depot includes (1) Rail Administration ...

Looking at Linking Numbers


Abstract: We shall show that often one can see the linking numbers between branch curves of covering spaces of knots. Speaker(s): Kenneth Perko, Virtual:

Multigeneration Congress – September 23-25 – Planning Meeting 7_2022-08-09

Oakville, Ontario, Canada, Virtual:

MGC Planning meeting with SAC, WIE, YP, LM Speaker(s): Terry Branch, Agenda: VTOOLS - Sat Sep 25 2022 Agenda; Plenums Outline; Groups websites for Sunday Agenda; Registration Questions - Review ( See Agenda 2022-August 09, 6:00 P.M. ET Important: - MGC Planning update - T. Branch - Groups update - Advertising, V-Tools Agenda/Outline, Websites, Speakers, ...

IEEE Worcester County August Excom Mtg

Post Office Pub, Grafton, Massachusetts, United States

Monthly executive committee meeting Post Office Pub, Grafton, Massachusetts, United States

Fabrication of Q-carbon by Ultrafast Laser Processing for Electron Field Emission

Room: 2101, Bldg: Ingram Engineering Building, Texas State University, 310 W. Woods St, San Marcos, Texas, United States, 78666, Virtual:

There will be a short overview for interested parties on activities and plans of the Central Texas Section of the IEEE and the local chapter of the Electron Devices Society. This will be followed by the technical presentation by Professor Haque and questions and answers. Speaker(s): Ariful Haque, Agenda: 5:00 CTS and EDS Overview 5:15 ...

Fusion Energy Prospects


Zander Keith - Moderator Zander is a research intern in the HSX (Helically Symmetric eXperiment) Lab at UW-Madison. His work involves developing data analysis codes to calculate plasma densities and temperatures using Thomson scattering. Zander graduated from UW-Madison with degrees in Computer Engineering and Computer Science in 2021. As moderator, Zander will lead discussion to ...

IEEE Northern Canada Section Summer BBQ August 13

11904 Emily Murphy Park Rd NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Join us Saturday, August 13 for the annual IEEE Northern Canada Section Barbeque at Emily Murphy Park Site 1 (First site on the left as you enter - 11904 Emily Murphy Park Rd NW - just down the hill from the University of Alberta) in Edmonton from 4:00 to 8:00 pm. This event is 'free' ...

SusTech Talk: Resilient Nuclear-Renewable Hybrid Energy Systems


This talk will present integration of nuclear-renewable to support energy infrastrutures. Different coupling mechanisms will be presented to support different installtions and user requirements. Design and operation strategies and different technologies will be illsutrated to deploy nuclear-renewable hybrid energy systems and their use for different applications in city, urban, and remote communities. Performance measures are ...

Officer Meeting #4 (2022)


Officer Meeting #4 DIscussion on 2023-2024 Officers Candidates Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary Agenda: 2023-2024 Officers Nomination 2022-23 Activity Plan and Future Strategy ◆ Technical Visits ・ KDDA八俣送信所 - JAXA(相模原)   9/29 - - ANA航空機整備工場 開催日時は、10/26(水) 15:00-17:00 に決定。 - JR東日本(研究開発センターと鉄道博物館他) 11月頃(11/14 or 11/21の週)辺りに開催予定。参加者は20人程度。 鉄道博物館で残って見学をしたい参加者がある場合を考えて、開発センター⇒鉄道博物館の順にして、現地解散後、見学できるかの希望を先方と相談する。 ◆  LMAG-Tokyo Strategic Planning Meeting (Extended Officer Meeting) 引き継ぎ会を兼ねた拡大役員会について ・ 新旧役員と歴代役員を招いて意見交換会を兼ねた会合を計画することとなった(11-12月開催予定)。 Virtual:

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