Events for January 16 - January 15 › Meetings of Interest

Distinguished Lecturer

Room: 110, Bldg: Bioengineering, 68 President Street, Charleston, South Carolina, United States, 29425, Virtual:

Join IEEE Coastal South Carolina Section and MUSC/Clemson Bioengineering for our 2024 Distinguished Lecturer presentation! Co-sponsored by: MUSC/Clemson Bioengineering Speaker(s): Michael Snyder, PhD Agenda: 1330 Admissions at MUSC Bioengineering, Rm 110 1400 Presentation by Dr. Snyder 1500 Reception 1530 Adjourn Room: 110, Bldg: Bioengineering, 68 President Street, Charleston, South Carolina, United States, 29425, Virtual:

New Zealand Central Section IEEE Day 2024

Room: LT301, Bldg: Kirk Building, Wellington, North Island, New Zealand, 6012

The IEEE Day organised by the New Zealand Central Section will be a combination of the Life Members, Young Professional, and Women in Engineering Affinity Group events. All are welcome! Date & Time: 4:00-7:30pm, 2 October Venue: LT301, Kirk Building, Victoria University of Wellington, Kelburn 6012 Zoom link: Details: - The New Zealand Joint ...

IEEE Joint New Zealand Life Members Affinity Group (LMAG) seminar on What is Resilience and Why is it so elusive in New Zealand?

Room: LT301, Bldg: Kirk Building, Victoria University of Wellington, Kelburn 6012, Wellington, North Island, New Zealand, 6012, Virtual:

What is Resilience and Why is it so elusive in New Zealand? Abstract The negative impacts of recent weather events have led to many questions being raised about the resilience of the critical infrastructure and services upon which we all rely. Subsequent speakers will consider the resilience of electrical power supplies, communication systems and the ...

High Power Density Dual Rotor Permanent Magnet Motor with Integrated Cooling and Drive for Aircraft Propulsion

Room: Rm 120, Bldg: Building A, 2000 Levy Ave., Tallahassee, Florida, United States, 32310

Joint Technical Seminar of Tallahassee IEEE PES Chapter, Tallahassee Life Member Affinity Group, FAMU-FSU College of Engineering, Integrated Zero Emission Aviation, and The Center for Advanced Power Systems =============== =================== Title: High Power Density Dual Rotor Permanent Magnet Motor with Integrated Cooling and Drive for Aircraft Propulsion Speaker: Dr. Philippe Masson, Chief Technology Officer, Advanced ...

Disruptive Innovation in Medical Devices


[] Medical devices that provide a strong clinical benefit are often in high demand, and with that comes effort to simplify, to lower cost - to disrupt. What does a good disruptive technology in medical devices look like and how do they develop? How do you think about the potential to take on a well ...

Science and Engineering Models – I


Science and Engineering Models - I Speaker(s): , Michael Mayor, MSE, PE Agenda: 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm - Presentation 7:00 pm - 7:30 pm - Questions Virtual:

Thomas Edison's Plan to Illuminate America in the Late Nineteenth Century

Room: Meeting Room, Bldg: Oakton Library, 10304 Lynnhaven Pl, Oakton, Virginia, United States, Virtual:

In October 1880, Thomas A. Edison published “The Success of the Electric Light,” in The North American Review,” to explain that the adoption of his electric light for domestic use has been delayed “due to the enormous mass of details which have to be mastered before the system can go into operation on a large ...

IEEE FWCS Robotics and Automation Tour at Florida Polytechnic College; October 4, 2024 at 2:30pm

Room: TBD, Bldg: IST Building, 4700 Research Way, Lakeland, Florida, United States, 33805

I spoke with several people at Florida Poly and it looks like we can set it to be October 4th after 2:30pm (depends on when everyone will be free after work). We can meet in front of the IST (the main classes building, near the drive-by loop and theres several chairs inside which we can ...

IEEE R3/Area3 Florida Space Coast Cyber Security Conference 2024

Bldg: VIERA ELK'S LODGE, ROCKLEDGE, FLORIDA, 5820 US-1 South, Rockledge, Florida, United States, 32922

The IEEE R3/Area3 Florida Space Coast Cyber Security Conference 2024 is currently planned for Saturday, October 5th, 2024. This conference will be a joint effort by all Region3/Area3 IEEE Sections as well as corresponding Life Member Societies of each section and the Canaveral Council of Technical Societies (CCTS). We will feature 7 technical cyber security ...

Lens & Tapered Fibers Technology & Applications for Engineers and Scientists


Topic: Lensed & Tapered Fibers Technology & Applications for Engineers and Scientists Samuel Kassey, Ph.D. Buffalo Section Senior Member, Photonics Society Chair More than 25 years of hands-on experience in research and development on fiber optics system design in various fields like, semiconductor high power Lasers, Fiber coupling with different schemes, Fiber splicing, Lensed Fiber ...

IEEE Day Picnic at Ashley Pond

Ashley Pond, Los Alamos, New Mexico, United States, 87544

Join us to celebrate IEEE day with a picnic at Ashley Pond. Pizza and drinks and lawn games will be provided. Ashley Pond, Los Alamos, New Mexico, United States, 87544

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