Events for February 21 - February 24 › Meetings of Interest


1 Ray Street, North Grafton, Massachusetts, United States, 01536

The 2024 Awards banquet will be held this year on May 8th at The Post Office Pub, 1 Ray St, North Grafton, MA 01536. There will be a social hour at 6:30 PM and a sitdown Dinner at 7:00 PM. Please bring your IEEE membership card to receive your member service pin. This year we ...

Enhancing STEM Education through AI-Assisted Tutoring


AI-Assisted Tutoring represents a transformative approach to education in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields. This innovative educational model integrates artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to create personalized learning experiences, addressing the unique needs and learning styles of each student. The core of AI-assisted tutoring lies in its ability to analyze vast amounts of data, ...

IEEE -Quantum Technologies: Threat and Security.


Quantum Computing is often presented as one of the most promising technologies of the 21st century, a total disruption, a revolution. Governments, technologists, marketers, investors, and analysts project that Quantum Computing will solve today's impossible problems with classical computers. However, the wonders of this emerging technology of computation also give rise to a new threat ...

SEM Life Members Affinity Group – Admin Meetings – 2024


The SEM Life Member (LM) Affinity Group 2024 series of planning meetings take place at 12:00 (Noon) on the 2nd Monday of each month. The Administrative Committee (Admin) invites interested Life Members to join us and help plan and conduct the year's activities. Agenda: Call to order / Approve Agenda / Approve last mtgs minutes ...

Factory One Tour

Bldg: Factory One, 303 W Water St, Flint, Michigan, United States, 48503, Virtual:

A General Motors Heritage Site Tour An automotive archive, research center and event space in the heart of Flint’s historic Carriage Town neighborhood. The birthplace of General Motors, Durant-Dort Factory One is where bold, innovative visionaries William “Billy” Crapo Durant and Josiah Dallas Dort helped put the world on wheels and the city of Flint ...

Invited Lecture: DNA self-assembly and DNA nanotechnology

University Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, Rudzer Boshkovikj 16, Skopje, Macedonia, Macedonia, 1000

Bottom-up self-assembly of DNA nanostructures have been proposed for variety of biotech uses ranging from information storage, to targeted drug delivery or scaffolding for new materials. Engineering predefined building blocks at nano level with various chiralities that assemble in large 3D crystallographic structures is an essential step for both 3D algorithmic assemblies as well as ...

Cybersecurity Demystified: Unveiling the Science Behind Online Safety

Bldg: Rambling House TaleSpinner Brewery, 57 Factory St, Nashua, New Hampshire, United States, 03060

In today's digital age, the importance of online safety has never been more important. As our lives increasingly intertwine with the virtual world, it is crucial to understand the technology that underpin the measures designed to protect us. Join us as we bring together a panel of experts from the realms of high-tech and law ...

Utility Scale Solar Generation at Colorado Springs Utilities

Room: Mesa Conference Room, Bldg: Please park in the back (east side) of the building and enter through the doors labelled “Mesa Conference Room, Colorado Springs Utilities Conservation & Environmental Center, 2855 Mesa Rd., Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States, Virtual:

Pike Solar is the largest solar facility in the Coloado Springs Utilities electric system, consisting of 400,000 photovoltaic panels. Through our Power Purchase Agreement with Juwi, we are able to use the 175-megawatts generated by the solar plant to power approximately 46,300 homes a year. Steve Schaarschmidt, PE. Transmission Operations engineer with Colorado Spring Utilities, ...

Utility Scale Solar Generation at Colorado Springs Utilities

Room: Mesa Conference Room, Bldg: Please park in the back (east side) of the building and enter through the doors labelled “Mesa Conference Room, Colorado Springs Utilities Conservation & Environmental Center, 2855 Mesa Rd., Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States, Virtual:

Pike Solar is the largest solar facility in the Coloado Springs Utilities electric system, consisting of 400,000 photovoltaic panels. Through our Power Purchase Agreement with Juwi, we are able to use the 175-megawatts generated by the solar plant to power approximately 46,300 homes a year. Steve Schaarschmidt, PE. Transmission Operations engineer with Colorado Spring Utilities, ...

"Understanding Life via Computational Bioinformatics" IEEE OCCS & OC ACM Mtg

2040 Main St , Ste 14, Irvine, California, United States

Event Details Dr. Shawn X. Wang will provide an insightful exploration of computational bioinformatics, a field dedicated to extracting, organizing, and interpreting biological data to uncover new insights. Divided into two parts, the presentation will first highlight the transformative impact of computational bioinformatics research on enhancing quality of life and deepening our understanding of biology. ...

Charleston Air Force Base C17 Tour

Joint Base Charleston, North Charleston, South Carolina, United States, 29404

Static tour of a C17 plane at Charleston Air Force Base! The C17 Globemaster is a strategic aircraft that delivers cargo and troops to and from bases throughout the world. The Charleston Air Force base requires valid identification, such as a Real ID, Passport, or other recognized government-issued identification document. Please plan to arrive by ...

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