Events for February 4 - January 15 › Meetings of Interest

From Constraints to Capabilities: Achieving Optimal Compute Schedules in Heterogeneous Cyber-Physical Systems


Abstract: Cyber-physical systems (CPS), such as robots and self-driving cars, demand rigorous scheduling to prevent failure, where every millisecond of processing time can be critical. These systems often rely on heterogeneous computing environments, which include CPUs, GPUs, and specialized accelerators, to meet their computational needs efficiently. However, leveraging these diverse processing units to fulfill strict ...

IEEE Volunteer Day for Science Thursday at the Bullock Museum

Bullock Museum, 1800 N. Congress Avenue, Austin, TX, Texas, United States

On Science Thursdays, students from around Texas drop in and explore the Bullock Museum, see demonstrations, and participate in hands-on activities with STEM experts from ( On May 2, 2024, IEEE Central Texas Section will provide the experts. The CTS STEM Committee is putting together hands-on demonstrations of electrical phenomena for the students -- Jacob's ...

Seoul Section LMAG Annual Meeting 1

Bldg: Faculty Club, Seoul National University , Seoul, Seoul, South Korea

The 1st Annual Meeting of the IEEE Seoul Section LAMG will be held on 2 May 2024 at the Faculty Club, Seoul National University. All Life Members in Korea are invited to the meeting to communicate with each other. Agenda: - Registration and Greetings - Luncheon - Opening and Welcome Addresses - LMAG Seoul 2023 ...

Visit to Septentrio – GNSS positioning you can count on

Bldg: 15i, Interleuvenlaan, Leuven, Vlaams Brabant, Belgium, 3001

Join the IEEE Benelux Section Life Members Affinity Group on a visit to Septentrio in Heverlee, Belgium. Septentrio is a leading designer and manufacturer of high-precision GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) receivers and smart-antennas. Their cutting-edge technology caters to a wide range of demanding industrial applications, ensuring accurate and reliable positioning in challenging environments. After ...

Preparation for IEEE Traveling Exhibit at SAMSAT

Bldg: Education Center, San Antonio Museum of Science and Technology, 5035 SW 36th Street, San Antonio, Texas, United States, 78226

Provide technical support to the San Antonio Museum of Science and Technology Several tasks are needed to prepare for the IEEE Armstrong Traveling Exhibit that will open in July. All Life Members are invited to participate in a work session with tasks including: 1) Remove plastic panels from exhibit room walls 2) Replace electrical cover ...

Preparation for IEEE Traveling Exhibit at SAMSAT

Bldg: Education Center, San Antonio Museum of Science and Technology, 5035 SW 36th Street, San Antonio, Texas, United States, 78226

Provide technical support to the San Antonio Museum of Science and Technology Several tasks are needed to prepare for the IEEE Armstrong Traveling Exhibit that will open in July. All Life Members are invited to participate in a work session with tasks including: 1) Remove plastic panels from exhibit room walls 2) Replace electrical cover ...

SA LMAG Officers Planning Meeting – May

Bldg: Blanco BBQ, San Antonio, Texas, United States

Officers Planning Meeting Agenda: Meet: 11:30 Lunch Meeting: 12:00 End: 1:30 Bldg: Blanco BBQ, San Antonio, Texas, United States

IEEE Israel – 2024 General Assembly, 7.5.2024


חבר/ת IEEE ישראל יקר/ה, אני מתכבד להזמין אותך לאסיפה הכללית לשנת 2024 של הארגון, אשר תתקיים באופן מקוון באמצעות ZOOM ביום שלישי, 7.5.2024. האסיפה תפתח להצטרפות החל משעה 16:30, ותתקיים בכל מספר נוכחים החל משעה 17:00. האסיפה הכללית היא המוסד העליון של העמותה והיא מתכנסת לפחות אחת לשנה. האספה תדון בנושאים שעל סדר היום. ניתן ...

Shaping a Sustainable Future: The Role of Standards and Policy in Ethical AI Dev


Join us on an exploration of the pivotal role of standards and policy in guiding AI and human-machine teaming toward a sustainable and dignified future. Our esteemed speakers will shed light on how adherence to these frameworks mitigates technology misuse, safeguarding human rights, and nurturing compassion. Gain invaluable insights into how AI can drive positive ...

Leveling Up Society: The Transformative Power of Games


Film and music are driving forces in shaping perception and galvanizing action for social change. The gaming industry today eclipses film and music combined. The immersive and interactive nature of games transcends mere entertainment. transforming virtual achievements into tangible outcomes that uplift communities and pave the way for a more equitable, sustainable world. In this ...

Tulsa LMAG 5/8/2024 IEEE-USA Webinar "ChatGPT in the Workplace"


Livestream webinar "ChatGPT in the Workplace" provided by IEEE-USA and co-hosted by the US Regions 1-6. Presented by Elizabeth Lions and directed to career development for the younger generations, your Tulsa LMAG feels you may find this emergence of new technology enlightening and entertaining. Discover How ChatGPT Can Transform Your Job Search! In 2024, leveraging ...

Tulsa LMAG 5/8/2024 IEEE-USA Webinar "ChatGPT in the Workplace"


Livestream webinar "ChatGPT in the Workplace" provided by IEEE-USA and co-hosted by the US Regions 1-6. Presented by Elizabeth Lions and directed to career development for the younger generations, your Tulsa LMAG feels you may find this emergence of new technology enlightening and entertaining. Discover How ChatGPT Can Transform Your Job Search! In 2024, leveraging ...

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