Events for March 22 - February 25 › Meetings of Interest

IEEE Benelux LMAG ExCom meeting


ExCom meeting to plan and finalize the program for 2024 Virtual:

Life Member Affinity Group Phoenix Section

Bldg Livermore, CA, United States

Membership meeting, Technical presentation: Arizona Railway Museum: Turning a Static Display into an Audio Video Exhibit Abstract: In addition to its collection of locomotives, passenger cars, freight cars and cabooses, the Arizona Railway Museum has an indoor display area. A central fixture is the console of a Centralized Traffic Control system which controlled Southern Pacific’s ...

IEEE Life Member lunch – Charlotte

Bldg: Flying Saucer Draft Emporium, 9605 N Tryon St, Charlotte, North Carolina, United States, 28262

This is a end-of-year social opportunity for IEEE Life Members in the Charlotte area to meet and reengage with each other. The IEEE Charlotte Section will cover your lunch and one beverage. An RSVP is required. Held at the Flying Saucer Draft Emporium, 9605 N Tryon St A, Charlotte, NC 28262 (free parking). Bldg: Flying ...

Life Member Affinity Group Phoenix Section

Bldg Livermore, CA, United States

Membership meeting, nomination for officers, election of officers, other matters as needed Speaker(s): Robert, Agenda: Meeting Agenda: WebEx setup 12:50 Business/Election Meeting 1PM end Bldg: Big Horn Room, 1 East Continental Drive, Tempe, Arizona, United States

Life Member Meeting

Panera Bread, Nicholasville Road , Lexington , Kentucky, United States

Meet for lunch at Panera Bread on Nicholasville Road please note the change in location Panera Bread, Nicholasville Road , Lexington , Kentucky, United States

Meeting of the Croatian LMAG


Meeting of the LMAG Croatia Co-sponsored by: IEEE Hrvatska sekcija, Odjel za robotiku i automatizaciju Agenda: - Report about election results of the new leaders of the Croatian LMAG - report will be given by election committee. - Report about realized activities in 2023. - Discussion about planned activities for 2024. - Any other business. ...

Organizational Christmas and New Year Meeting of the IEEE LM80033 Section Members


Organizational Meeting of the IEEE LM80033 Section Members Gospodarzem spotkania jest prof. dr hab. inż. Adam Dąbrowski, założyciel i 1-y przewodniczący naszej Sekcji oraz obecnie przewodniczący Zarządu Polskiej Sekcji IEEE. Spotkanie odbędzie się wirtualnie. Dostęp pod podanym linkiem. Uczestnictwo na podstawie adresu e-mail oraz danych osobowych. Speaker(s): prof. A. Dąbrowski, prof. T. Szmuc, dr M.S. ...

Organizational Christmas and New Year Meeting of the IEEE LM80033 Section Members – 2nd term


Organizational Meeting of the IEEE LM80033 Section Members Gospodarzem spotkania jest prof. dr hab. inż. Adam Dąbrowski, założyciel i 1-y przewodniczący naszej Sekcji oraz obecnie przewodniczący Zarządu Polskiej Sekcji IEEE LMAG a w zastępstwie przewodniczącego dr inż. Mirosław S. Zmyślony, sekretarz / skarbnik Zarządu Polskiej Sekcji LMAG Spotkanie odbędzie się wirtualnie. Dostęp pod podanym linkiem. ...

Meeting with WiE to discuss a possible mentorship activity with a life member

Room: Meeting Room 23, Level 8, Bldg: Innovis Building, Fusionopolis 2, Singapore, Singapore, Singapore, 138634

Meeting with WiE committee members to discuss a possible mentorship activity with a life member over a dinner. Co-sponsored by: Dr Shilpa Manandhar, WiE IEEE Singapore Room: Meeting Room 23, Level 8, Bldg: Innovis Building, Fusionopolis 2, Singapore, Singapore, Singapore, 138634

Advances in Healthcare, Image Processing and Internet Of Medical Things


For the last few decades, the developments in treatment methods and surgeries are increasing in healthcare, with the advancement of imaging systems, image processing, artificial intelligence techniques, robotics, high speed computing systems, large capacity storage devices, wide spread high speed internet and Wi-Fi facilities, lasers etc., Image processing has been playing a major role in ...

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