Events for March 22 - February 25 › Meetings of Interest

LMAG Tulsa ExCom September 7 2023

Bldg: Mom's Family Diner, 4101 S Mingo Rd, Southeast corner of E 41st St & S Mingo Rd, Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States, 74146

Tulsa Section Life Member Affinty Group Executive Committee Meeting All members welcome to attend and discuss IEEE issues and activities Primary objective is planning LMAG meetings and activities for 2023 and election of officers. Agenda: Lunch from menu, $5/person, remainder covered by LMAG Welcome any members that choose to join the meeting Review Minutes, discuss ...

illumina Tour

524 Genomic Dr, Madison, Wisconsin, United States, 53705

Please come join us for an informational session at the Illumina Enzyme Manufacturing facility. An overview of the Illumina technology and how it is being used in applications throughout the world will be provided. We will then follow up the presentation with a tour of the enzyme manufacturing facility and the unit operations used in ...

Looking Back: Personal Perspectives on the Space Race

Room: Private Dinning Room, Abuelo's, 850 Airport Freeway, Hurst, Texas, United States, 76054

A overview of the space race Speaker(s): Klaus Agenda: Meet @ 11:45 Order lunch around 12:00 Begin talk around 12:15 Adjourn 1:30 Room: Private Dinning Room, Abuelo's, 850 Airport Freeway, Hurst, Texas, United States, 76054

Looking Back: Personal Perspectives on the Space Race

Room: Private Dinning Room, Abuelo's, 850 Airport Freeway, Hurst, Texas, United States, 76054

A overview of the space race Speaker(s): Klaus Agenda: Meet @ 11:45 Order lunch around 12:00 Begin talk around 12:15 Adjourn 1:30 Room: Private Dinning Room, Abuelo's, 850 Airport Freeway, Hurst, Texas, United States, 76054

Mississippi LMAG and Section Joint Meeting

Room: 104, Bldg: Simrall , 406 Hardy Road, Room 233, Mississippi State, Mississippi, United States, 39762, Virtual:

Mississippi LMAG and Section Joint Meeting This is a joint Mississippi LMAG and Section officers meeting 4:30 - 6:30 PM, September 8, 2023 104 Simrall Hall, 406 Hardy Road, Mississippi State, MS, 39762 Once your register, parking instructions and directions will be sent We highly encourage all officers to join in person. However, if you ...

Mississippi LMAG and Section Joint Meeting

Room: 104, Bldg: Simrall , 406 Hardy Road, Room 233, Mississippi State, Mississippi, United States, 39762, Virtual:

Mississippi LMAG and Section Joint Meeting This is a joint Mississippi LMAG and Section officers meeting 4:30 - 6:30 PM, September 8, 2023 104 Simrall Hall, 406 Hardy Road, Mississippi State, MS, 39762 Once your register, parking instructions and directions will be sent We highly encourage all officers to join in person. However, if you ...

FarmBot – Open Source Agricultural Robotics


FarmBot is a US start-up agricultural robotics manufacturer using 100% open-source hardware, software, and data platform to design a Cartesian robot for small to medium-scale automated precision food production for gardening. Marc from FarmBot will be presenting the FarmBot Genesis system and show the latest technology from FarmBot. Speaker(s): , Marc Roland Virtual:

The Life and Work of Gordon Moore: Stories of Tradition and Revolution


This presentation will survey the life and work of Gordon E. Moore, cofounder of Fairchild Semiconductor and Intel, and the author of a fundamental analysis of the dynamics of semiconductor manufacturing technology that has come to be known as “Moore’s Law.” In particular, the presentation will examine two contrasting themes that ran throughout Moore’s experience: ...

How AI Affects Innovation

3 Park Plaza Suite 1600, Irvine, CA 92614, Irvine, California, United States

Join us as our 4 panelists from industry discuss "How AI Affects Innovation" Co-sponsored by: WoMENAIT OC 3 Park Plaza Suite 1600, Irvine, CA 92614, Irvine, California, United States

Vancouver TALK 18: History of the TRIUMF Cyclotron Construction


Speaker: Dr Ewart Blackmore, Former Head of the Accelerator Technology Division, TRIUMF Registration is optional, but we want to know who to expect. 10:00 AM P.D.T. You can log in at 9:45 AM (12:45 PM Montreal) to check connection and say hello.All IEEE members are welcome, especially those Life Members that don't have a local ...

IEEE Peterborough Joint Section & LMAG Administrative Committee Meeting


IEEE Peterborough Joint Section & LMAG Tuesday, May 24, 2022, 6:00 pm Berc's Steakhouse 186 Lansdowne St E, Peterborough, ON K9J 7N9 Agenda: - - - Administrative 1.1 Call to Order (Helder) at ______________pm 1.2 Attendance: Kevin Kirley, Sean Dunne, Luc Matteau, Carlos Teani, Helder Pinheiro, Harold Briggs Guest: New student member 1.3 Motion to ...

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