Events for February 25 - February 24 › Meetings of Interest

CT Life Member Affinity Group Initial Meeting


This is the initial (virtual) meeting of the newly-formed Life Member Affinity Group (LMAG) in the IEEE Connecticut Section. We will be planning activities for 2025 and discuss process for filling CT LMAG Officer positions. Any Connecticut Life Member is welcome to participate. Agenda: 1. Introductions 2. What is an LMAG? 3. Discussion of 2025 ...

SusTech Talk October 2024 – Net-Zero Procurement: Procuring a fix to climate change


“Net-Zero Procurement: Procuring a fix to climate change” with Bob Willard, Founder and Chief Sustainability Champion, Sustainability Advantage Date/Time: Tuesday October 29th, 6:00 – 7:00 pm PDT Abstract: We have a climate crisis. Governments’ pledges to reduce their countries’ GHG emissions are insufficient and unfulfilled. Most businesses are sitting on the sidelines waiting for governments ...

Grupo Español de IEEE Life Members – Comunicaciones electrónicas estratosféricas: pasado, presente y futuro


Reunión del Grupo Español de IEEE Life Members y presentación por el Catedrático Emérito de la Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, José Antonio Delgado-Penin, "Comunicaciones electrónicas estratosféricas: pasado, presente y futuro". Registro obligatorio para recibir el enlace de videoconferencia (webex). Speaker(s): José Antonio Delgado-Panín, Agenda: Presentación del Grupo Español de IEEE Life Members - Electrónica de ...

Careers in Technology Fall Series 2024 – Khandakar Nusrat Islam, PhD 29 October 8pm EST / 7 pm CST


Khandakar Nusrat Islam will conduct a deep dive on her experience as an RF/Microwave Solutions Engineer at Keysight Technologies, where she excels in both engineering and project management. Specializing in RF solutions architecture and project oversight, Nusrat is instrumental in developing custom global solution delivery next-generation solutions at Keysight Technologies. Dr. Islam's career in technology ...

Science Kits for Public Libraries (SKPL), How IEEE Life Members Can Make a Difference


With all the budget cuts in our education system, a lot of “extras” have been taken out of our schools. The SKPL program puts those premium learning experiences back into the communities, making them free and accessible to the public. IEEE- Region 4 believes all children – regardless of race, gender, financial condition, or home ...

Resume Workshop at FIT

Room: 103, Bldg: Skurla, Florida Institute of Technology , 150 W. University Blvd. , Melbourne , Florida, United States, 32901

NOTICE DATE CHANGE DUE TO APPROACHING STORM ON ORIGINAL DATE Calling all professional volunteers - you are needed as reviewers to review the FIT student’s resumes and to provide constructive feedback. This has proven to be a very popular workshop with the students do the more professional volunteers we have the better. Please register if ...

LMAG — Columbia Section Life Member Affinity Group of the IEEE is seeking candidates


I hope this message finds you well. The last few years have brought about many difficulties for all, and the IEEE Columbia Section Life Member Affinity Group (LMAG) is no exception. With a focus on the future the Section would like to build up participation and interest among the local community. With this in mind ...

Opportunities for Innovation and Diversity in Engineering

Room: 120, Bldg: A, 2000 Levy Ave. , Tallahassee, Florida, United States, 32310

IEEE Tallahassee Section, PES, LMAG Joint Technical Seminar Title: Opportunities for Innovation and Diversity in Engineering Speaker: Nathan R. Brooks, Ph.D., Executive Engineer & Senior Technical Fellow for EM and Antenna Systems at Boeing Date: Friday, November 1, 2024, 14:00 – 15:00 Location: CAPS Seminar Room 120 (2000 Levy Avenue, Building A, Tallahassee, FL 32310) ...

Fly-In Breakfast and Aircraft Tour (Kickoff event for the new Canaveral AESS/COMSOC Chapter)

550 Airport Rd , Titusville, Florida, United States, 32796

Join the IEEE Canaveral Section celebration of our new AESS/COMSOC technical chapter! We will join the EAA Chapter 866 breakfast at Arthur Dunn Airport in Titusville. Upon arrival, we will enjoy a robust breakfast while we watch various Experimental Aircraft Association aircraft fly in to the airport. After breakfast, we will tour the airport and ...

Time and Life Management


We will look at some practical steps to take to: - Determine how important different life goals are for you. - Find out how much time is absorbed by everyday life activities - Learning how to prioritize your life's goals - Organize the 'I have to do this' life requirements - Find 'Free' time to ...

Building Resilience of the Electrical Grid to EMP and GMD


The IEEE Alabama Section eagerly anticipates an illuminating presentation by Dr. Plamen Doynov, CTO, EMP Shield, Inc. on "Building Resilience of the Electrical Grid to EMP and GMD". It is essential to build resilience of the electrical power grid and all interdependent critical infrastructure segments to large scale natural events, such as coronal mass ejection ...

80th Anniversary Celebration of the IEEE Cedar Rapids Section

475 Northland Avenue NE, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, United States, 52402

Dinner with friends is the best way I could imagine celebrating the 80th Anniversary celebration of the IEEE Cedar Rapids Section so we are inviting you to a social and dinner November 4th, 2024. As celebrations go, it’s planned Iowa low key, a reception hosted by the WIE Affinity Group from 5-6:00pm with time to ...

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